since the maximum number of argument pass to wd_start in the whole code base is 2 and change CONFIG_MAX_WDOGPARMS in some defconfig from 1 to 2 oherwise pthread_condclockwait will fail Signed-off-by: Xiang Xiao <> Change-Id: Ib6cb28b8c0722058849e7be916e164513431d21c
There's not much here: EXT1 - P3 0:7 are used for LEDs. UEXT pin 3/4 -TXD2/RXD2- is UART2. The board I have has the revision '-' of LPC2378 even though I got the board more than 2 years after the chip revision was released :-( . I can't get Nuttx to work if I fully enabled the MAM. I used FTDI ft232 usb-serial with nsh piping as seen on the screenshot.