Xiang Xiao 8bcdefafc9 board: Remove -fno-strength-reduce
Signed-off-by: Xiang Xiao <xiaoxiang@xiaomi.com>
2022-01-19 00:14:03 +01:00
2021-09-15 12:05:45 +08:00


This directory holds the port to the NXP S32K146EVB-Q144 development board.


  o Status
  o Serial Console
  o LEDs and Buttons
  o OpenSDA Notes
  o Thread-Aware Debugging with Eclipse
  o Configurations


  2019-08-18:  Configuration created but entirely untested.

  2019-08-20:  For initial testing, I ran out of SRAM to avoid the
    brickage problems I had with the S32K118EVB (i.e., with
    CONFIG_BOOT_RUNFROMISRAM=y). In this mode, the NSH configuration
    appears to work correctly.

  2019-08-21:  Writing a relocated version of that same functional binary
    into FLASH, however, did not work and, in fact, bricked my S32K146EVB.
    That is because the first version of the FLASH image that I used
    clobbered the FLASH Configuration bytes at address 0x0400 (I
    didn't even know about these!).  I have since modified the linker script
    to skip this address in FLASH.  There is some fragmentary discussion
    for recovery from this condition at the NXP Community Forums, but none of
    those options are working for me:
    Given the success running from SRAM and the success of the same fixes
    on the S32K118, I believe that the NSH configuration should now run out
    of FLASH.  Unfortunately, I cannot demonstrate that.

  2019-10-19: The NXP Mobile Robotics team has demonstrated that the basic
    NSH configuration runs out of FLASH without issues.  The aforementioned
    fixes for the FLASH issues were converted into a set of FLASH
    configuration options, with a proven default state.

  2019-11-07:  A s32k146.cfg configuration file (for OpenOCD) was added to
    the scripts/ folder. 

  2020-06-15:  Added FlexCAN driver with SocketCAN support to the S32K1XX
    arch.  Should work also on the S32K146EVB board, but remains untested.

  2020-06-16:  Added Emulated EEPROM driver and initialization.

  TODO:  Need to calibrate the delay loop.  The current value of
  CONFIG_BOARD_LOOPSPERMSEC is a bogus value retained from a copy-paste
  (see apps/examples/calib_udelay).

Serial Console

  By default, the serial console will be provided on the OpenSDA VCOM port:


  USB drivers for the PEmicro CDC Serial Port are available here:

LEDs and Buttons

  The S32K146EVB has one RGB LED:

    RedLED    PTD15  (FTM0 CH0)
    GreenLED  PTD16  (FTM0 CH1)
    BlueLED   PTD0   (FTM0 CH2)

  An output of '1' illuminates the LED.

  If CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS is not defined, then the user can control the LEDs in
  any way.  The following definitions are used to access individual RGB
  components (see s32k146evb.h):


  The RGB components could, alternatively, be controlled through PWM using
  the common RGB LED driver.

  If CONFIG_ARCH_LEDs is defined, then NuttX will control the LEDs on board
  the S32K146EVB.  The following definitions describe how NuttX controls the

                                                 RED     GREEN     BLUE

    LED_STARTED      NuttX has been started      OFF      OFF      OFF
    LED_HEAPALLOCATE Heap has been allocated     OFF      OFF      ON
    LED_IRQSENABLED  Interrupts enabled          OFF      OFF      ON
    LED_STACKCREATED Idle stack created          OFF      ON       OFF
    LED_INIRQ        In an interrupt                   (no change)
    LED_SIGNAL       In a signal handler               (no change)
    LED_ASSERTION    An assertion failed               (no change)
    LED_PANIC        The system has crashed      FLASH    OFF      OFF
    LED_IDLE         S32K146 in sleep mode             (no change)

  The S32K146EVB supports two buttons:

    SW2  PTC12
    SW3  PTC13

OpenSDA Notes

  - USB drivers for the PEmicro CDC Serial Port are available here:

  - The drag'n'drog interface expects files in .srec format.

  - Using Segger J-Link:  Easy... but remember to use the SWD connector J14
    in the center of the board and not the OpenSDA connector closer to the
    OpenSDA USB connector J7.

Thread-Aware Debugging with Eclipse

  Thread-aware debugging is possible with openocd-nuttx
  ( https://github.com/sony/openocd-nuttx ) and was tested together with the
  Eclipse-based S32 Design Studio for Arm:  

  NOTE: This method was last tested with NuttX 8.2 and S32DS for Arm 2018.R1.
  It may not work anymore with recent releases of NuttX and/or S32DS.

  1. NuttX should be build with debug symbols enabled.

  2. Build OpenOCD as described here (using the same parameters as well):

  3. A s32k146.cfg file is available in the scripts/ folder.  Start OpenOCD
     with the following command (adapt the path info):
     /usr/local/bin/openocd -f /usr/share/openocd/scripts/interface/jlink.cfg \
     -f boards/s32k1xx/s32k146evb/scripts/s32k146.cfg -c init -c "reset halt"

  4. Setup a GDB debug session in Eclipse.  The resulting debug window shows
     the NuttX threads.  The full stack details can be viewed.


  Common Information
  Each S32K146EVB configuration is maintained in a sub-directory and can be
  selected as follows:

    tools/configure.sh s32k146evb:<subdir>

  Where <subdir> is one of the sub-directories listed in the next paragraph.

    NOTES (common for all configurations):

    1. This configuration uses the mconf-based configuration tool.  To change
       this configuration using that tool, you should:

       a. Build and install the kconfig-mconf tool.  See nuttx/README.txt.
          Also see additional README.txt files in the NuttX tools repository.

       b. Execute 'make menuconfig' in nuttx/ in order to start the
          reconfiguration process.

    2. Unless otherwise stated, the serial console used is LPUART1 at
       115,200 8N1.  This corresponds to the OpenSDA VCOM port.

  Configuration Sub-directories

      Configures the NuttShell (nsh) located at apps/examples/nsh.  Support
      for builtin applications is enabled, but in the base configuration the
      only application selected is the "Hello, World!" example.