arm/armv8-m: indicating no low-overhead-loop predication by default
Fix usage fault on clang version 13.0.0 (-Ofast):
| arm_hardfault: Hard Fault escalation:
| arm_usagefault: PANIC!!! Usage Fault:
| arm_usagefault: IRQ: 3 regs: 0x3c58c510
| arm_usagefault: BASEPRI: 00000080 PRIMASK: 00000000 IPSR: 00000003 CONTROL: 00000004
| arm_usagefault: CFSR: 00020000 HFSR: 40000000 DFSR: 00000000 BFAR: 01608050 AFSR: 00000000
| arm_usagefault: Usage Fault Reason:
| arm_usagefault: Invalid state
| up_assert: Assertion failed at file:armv8-m/arm_usagefault.c line: 113 task: lpwork
| backtrace:
| [ 2] [<0x2c58124a>] up_backtrace+0xa/0x2e2
| [ 2] [<0x2c56f7cc>] sched_dumpstack+0x28/0x66
| [ 2] [<0x2c580cd0>] up_assert+0x62/0x254
| [ 2] [<0x2c56ab8a>] _assert+0/0xa
| [ 2] [<0x2c55575a>] nxsched_add_prioritized+0x38/0xa2
| [ 2] [<0x2c555894>] nxsched_add_blocked+0x2e/0x44
| [ 2] [<0x2c580748>] up_block_task+0x2a/0x96
| [ 2] [<0x2c5569ea>] nxsem_wait+0x64/0xb4
| [ 2] [<0x2c556a40>] nxsem_wait_uninterruptible+0x6/0x10
| [ 2] [<0x2c559b9a>] work_thread+0x1c/0x48
usage fault on 0x2c55575a:
|2c555722 <nxsched_add_prioritized>:
|; {
|2c555722: 80 b5 push {r7, lr}
|2c55575a: 2f f0 17 c0 le 0x2c555732 <nxsched_add_prioritized+0x10> @ imm = #-44
Arm v8-M Architecture Reference Manual:
C2.4.103 LE, LETP
B3.28 Low overhead loops:
An INVSTATE UsageFault is raised if a LE instruction is executed and FPSCR.LTPSIZE does not read as four.
When a new floating-point context is created and FPCCR.ASPEN is set to zero it is the responsibility of software
to correctly initialize FPSCR.LTPSIZE.
Signed-off-by: <>
2022-04-13 09:39:22 +08:00
2022-03-22 21:22:32 +08:00
2022-04-13 09:39:22 +08:00
2022-03-28 08:51:24 +03:00