bf6cbbca5d net/tcp: fix devif callback list corruption on tcp_close()
devif_conn_event() will be called recursively in the psock_send_eventhandler(),
if the tcp event tcp_close_eventhandler() is marked as "next" in first devif_conn_event()
and released from sencond recursive call, the "next" event in the first devif_conn_event()
will become a wild pointer.

479 uint16_t devif_conn_event(FAR struct net_driver_s *dev, uint16_t flags,
480                           FAR struct devif_callback_s *list)
481 {
482   FAR struct devif_callback_s *next;
488   net_lock();
489   while (list && flags)
490     {
496       next = list->nxtconn;  <------------------  event tcp_close_eventhandler() on next
500       if (list->event != NULL && devif_event_trigger(flags, list->flags))
501         {
507           flags = list->event(dev, list->priv, flags);  <---------------- perform  psock_send_eventhandler(), event tcp_close_eventhandler() will be remove from tcp_lost_connection()
508         }
512       list = next;  <---------------- event tcp_close_eventhandler() has been released, wild pointer
513     }
515   net_unlock();
516   return flags;
517 }

The callstack as below:

Breakpoint 1, tcp_close_eventhandler (dev=0x56607d80 <g_sim_dev>, pvpriv=0x566084a0 <g_tcp_connections>, flags=65) at tcp/tcp_close.c:83
(gdb) bt
| #0  tcp_close_eventhandler (dev=0x56607d80 <g_sim_dev>, pvpriv=0x566084a0 <g_tcp_connections>, flags=65) at tcp/tcp_close.c:83
| #1  0x5658bb57 in devif_conn_event (dev=0x56607d80 <g_sim_dev>, flags=65, list=0x56609498 <g_cbprealloc+312>) at devif/devif_callback.c:507
                    ----------------> devif_conn_event() recursively
| #2  0x56589f8c in tcp_callback (dev=0x56607d80 <g_sim_dev>, conn=0x566084a0 <g_tcp_connections>, flags=65) at tcp/tcp_callback.c:169
| #3  0x565c55e4 in tcp_shutdown_monitor (conn=0x566084a0 <g_tcp_connections>, flags=65) at tcp/tcp_monitor.c:211
| #4  0x565c584b in tcp_lost_connection (conn=0x566084a0 <g_tcp_connections>, cb=0x566094b0 <g_cbprealloc+336>, flags=65) at tcp/tcp_monitor.c:391
| #5  0x565c028a in psock_send_eventhandler (dev=0x56607d80 <g_sim_dev>, pvpriv=0x566084a0 <g_tcp_connections>, flags=65) at tcp/tcp_send_buffered.c:544
                    ----------------> call psock_send_eventhandler() before tcp_close_eventhandler()
| #6  0x5658bb57 in devif_conn_event (dev=0x56607d80 <g_sim_dev>, flags=65, list=0x566094b0 <g_cbprealloc+336>) at devif/devif_callback.c:507
| #7  0x56589f8c in tcp_callback (dev=0x56607d80 <g_sim_dev>, conn=0x566084a0 <g_tcp_connections>, flags=65) at tcp/tcp_callback.c:169
| #8  0x5658e8cc in tcp_input (dev=0x56607d80 <g_sim_dev>, domain=2 '\002', iplen=20) at tcp/tcp_input.c:1059
| #9  0x5658ed77 in tcp_ipv4_input (dev=0x56607d80 <g_sim_dev>) at tcp/tcp_input.c:1355
| #10 0x5658c0a2 in ipv4_input (dev=0x56607d80 <g_sim_dev>) at devif/ipv4_input.c:358
| #11 0x56577017 in netdriver_recv_work (arg=0x56607d80 <g_sim_dev>) at sim/up_netdriver.c:182
| #12 0x5655999e in work_thread (argc=2, argv=0xf3db5dd0) at wqueue/kwork_thread.c:178
| #13 0x5655983f in nxtask_start () at task/task_start.c:129
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 1, tcp_close_eventhandler (dev=0x56607d80 <g_sim_dev>, pvpriv=0x566084a0 <g_tcp_connections>, flags=65) at tcp/tcp_close.c:83
(gdb) bt
| #0  tcp_close_eventhandler (dev=0x56607d80 <g_sim_dev>, pvpriv=0x566084a0 <g_tcp_connections>, flags=65) at tcp/tcp_close.c:83
      ----------------------> "next" corrupted, invaild call tcp_close_eventhandler()
| #1  0x5658bb57 in devif_conn_event (dev=0x56607d80 <g_sim_dev>, flags=65, list=0x56609498 <g_cbprealloc+312>) at devif/devif_callback.c:507
| #2  0x56589f8c in tcp_callback (dev=0x56607d80 <g_sim_dev>, conn=0x566084a0 <g_tcp_connections>, flags=65) at tcp/tcp_callback.c:169
| #3  0x5658e8cc in tcp_input (dev=0x56607d80 <g_sim_dev>, domain=2 '\002', iplen=20) at tcp/tcp_input.c:1059
| #4  0x5658ed77 in tcp_ipv4_input (dev=0x56607d80 <g_sim_dev>) at tcp/tcp_input.c:1355
| #5  0x5658c0a2 in ipv4_input (dev=0x56607d80 <g_sim_dev>) at devif/ipv4_input.c:358
| #6  0x56577017 in netdriver_recv_work (arg=0x56607d80 <g_sim_dev>) at sim/up_netdriver.c:182
| #7  0x5655999e in work_thread (argc=2, argv=0xf3db5dd0) at wqueue/kwork_thread.c:178
| #8  0x5655983f in nxtask_start () at task/task_start.c:129
(gdb) c
[    2.680000] up_assert: Assertion failed at file:devif/devif_callback.c line: 85 task: lpwork

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2022-08-30 19:41:18 +08:00