README ===== This README file describes the port of NuttX to the SAMA5D3x-EK development boards. These boards feature the Atmel SAMA5D3 microprocessors. Four different SAMA5D3x-EK kits are available - SAMA5D31-EK with the ATSAMA5D31 ( - SAMA5D33-EK with the ATSAMA5D33 ( - SAMA5D34-EK with the ATSAMA5D34 ( - SAMA5D35-EK with the ATSAMA5D35 ( The each consist of an identical base board with different plug-in modules for each CPU. I also have a 7 inch LCD for my SAMA5D3x-EK, but this is not yet generally available.. SAMA5D3 Family ATSAMA5D31 ATSAMA5D33 ATSAMA5D34 ATSAMA5D35 ------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- Pin Count 324 324 324 324 Max. Operating Frequency 536 536 536 536 CPU Cortex-A5 Cortex-A5 Cortex-A5 Cortex-A5 Max I/O Pins 160 160 160 160 Ext Interrupts 160 160 160 160 USB Transceiver 3 3 3 3 USB Speed Hi-Speed Hi-Speed Hi-Speed Hi-Speed USB Interface Host, Device Host, Device Host, Device Host, Device SPI 6 6 6 6 TWI (I2C) 3 3 3 3 UART 7 5 5 7 CAN - - 2 2 LIN 4 4 4 4 SSC 2 2 2 2 Ethernet 1 1 1 2 SD / eMMC 3 2 3 3 Graphic LCD Yes Yes Yes - Camera Interface Yes Yes Yes Yes ADC channels 12 12 12 12 ADC Resolution (bits) 12 12 12 12 ADC Speed (ksps) 440 440 440 440 Resistive Touch Screen Yes Yes Yes Yes Crypto Engine AES/DES/ AES/DES/ AES/DES/ AES/DES/ SHA/TRNG SHA/TRNG SHA/TRNG SHA/TRNG SRAM (Kbytes) 128 128 128 128 External Bus Interface 1 1 1 1 DRAM Memory DDR2/LPDDR, DDR2/LPDDR, DDR2/LPDDR, DDR2/LPDDR, SDRAM/LPSDR SDRAM/LPSDR DDR2/LPDDR, DDR2/LPDDR, NAND Interface Yes Yes Yes Yes Temp. Range (deg C) -40 to 85 -40 to 85 -40 to 85 -40 to 85 I/O Supply Class 1.8/3.3 1.8/3.3 1.8/3.3 1.8/3.3 Operating Voltage (Vcc) 1.08 to 1.32 1.08 to 1.32 1.08 to 1.32 1.08 to 1.32 FPU Yes Yes Yes Yes MPU / MMU No/Yes No/Yes No/Yes No/Yes Timers 5 5 5 6 Output Compare channels 6 6 6 6 Input Capture Channels 6 6 6 6 PWM Channels 4 4 4 4 32kHz RTC Yes Yes Yes Yes Packages LFBGA324_A LFBGA324_A LFBGA324_A LFBGA324_A Contents ======== - Development Environment - GNU Toolchain Options - IDEs - NuttX EABI "buildroot" Toolchain - NuttX OABI "buildroot" Toolchain - NXFLAT Toolchain - Loading Code into SRAM with J-Link - Writing to FLASH using SAM-BA - Creating and Using NORBOOT - Buttons and LEDs - Serial Consoles - Serial FLASH - HSMCI Card Slots - USB Ports - SAMA5D3x-EK Configuration Options - Configurations Development Environment ======================= Several possibile development enviorments may be use: - Linux or OSX native - Cygwin unders Windows - MinGW + MSYS under Windows - Windows native (with GNUMake from GNUWin32). All testing has been performed using Cygwin under Windows. The source has been built only using the GNU toolchain (see below). Other toolchains will likely cause problems. GNU Toolchain Options ===================== The NuttX make system will support the several different toolchain options. All testing has been conducted using the CodeSourcery GCC toolchain. To use a different toolchain, you simply need to add change to one of the following configuration options to your .config (or defconfig) file: CONFIG_ARMV7A_TOOLCHAIN_CODESOURCERYW=y : CodeSourcery under Windows CONFIG_ARMV7A_TOOLCHAIN_CODESOURCERYL=y : CodeSourcery under Linux CONFIG_ARMV7A_TOOLCHAIN_ATOLLIC=y : Atollic toolchain for Windos CONFIG_ARMV7A_TOOLCHAIN_DEVKITARM=y : devkitARM under Windows CONFIG_ARMV7A_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT=y : NuttX buildroot under Linux or Cygwin (default) CONFIG_ARMV7A_TOOLCHAIN_GNU_EABIL=y : Generic GCC ARM EABI toolchain for Linux CONFIG_ARMV7A_TOOLCHAIN_GNU_EABIW=y : Generic GCC ARM EABI toolchain for Windows The CodeSourcery GCC toolchain is selected with CONFIG_ARMV7A_TOOLCHAIN_GNU_EABIW=y and setting the PATH variable appropriately. If you are not using AtmelStudio GCC toolchain, then you may also have to modify the PATH in the setenv.h file if your make cannot find the tools. NOTE about Windows native toolchains ------------------------------------ There are several limitations to using a Windows based toolchain in a Cygwin environment. The three biggest are: 1. The Windows toolchain cannot follow Cygwin paths. Path conversions are performed automatically in the Cygwin makefiles using the 'cygpath' utility but you might easily find some new path problems. If so, check out 'cygpath -w' 2. Windows toolchains cannot follow Cygwin symbolic links. Many symbolic links are used in Nuttx (e.g., include/arch). The make system works around these problems for the Windows tools by copying directories instead of linking them. But this can also cause some confusion for you: For example, you may edit a file in a "linked" directory and find that your changes had no effect. That is because you are building the copy of the file in the "fake" symbolic directory. If you use a\ Windows toolchain, you should get in the habit of making like this: make clean_context all An alias in your .bashrc file might make that less painful. 3. Dependencies are not made when using Windows versions of the GCC. This is because the dependencies are generated using Windows pathes which do not work with the Cygwin make. MKDEP = $(TOPDIR)/tools/ NOTE 1: Older CodeSourcery toolchains (2009q1) do not work with default optimization level of -Os (See Make.defs). It will work with -O0, -O1, or -O2, but not with -Os. NOTE 2: The devkitARM toolchain includes a version of MSYS make. Make sure that the paths to Cygwin's /bin and /usr/bin directories appear BEFORE the devkitARM path or will get the wrong version of make. IDEs ==== NuttX is built using command-line make. It can be used with an IDE, but some effort will be required to create the project (There is a simple RIDE project in the RIDE subdirectory). Makefile Build -------------- Under Eclipse, it is pretty easy to set up an "empty makefile project" and simply use the NuttX makefile to build the system. That is almost for free under Linux. Under Windows, you will need to set up the "Cygwin GCC" empty makefile project in order to work with Windows (Google for "Eclipse Cygwin" - there is a lot of help on the internet). Native Build ------------ Here are a few tips before you start that effort: 1) Select the toolchain that you will be using in your .config file 2) Start the NuttX build at least one time from the Cygwin command line before trying to create your project. This is necessary to create certain auto-generated files and directories that will be needed. 3) Set up include pathes: You will need include/, arch/arm/src/sam34, arch/arm/src/common, arch/arm/src/armv7-m, and sched/. 4) All assembly files need to have the definition option -D __ASSEMBLY__ on the command line. Startup files will probably cause you some headaches. The NuttX startup file is arch/arm/src/sam34/sam_vectors.S. You may need to build NuttX one time from the Cygwin command line in order to obtain the pre-built startup object needed by RIDE. NuttX EABI "buildroot" Toolchain ================================ A GNU GCC-based toolchain is assumed. The files */ should be modified to point to the correct path to the Cortex-M3 GCC toolchain (if different from the default in your PATH variable). If you have no Cortex-M3 toolchain, one can be downloaded from the NuttX SourceForge download site ( This GNU toolchain builds and executes in the Linux or Cygwin environment. 1. You must have already configured Nuttx in <some-dir>/nuttx. cd tools ./ sama5d3x-ek/<sub-dir> 2. Download the latest buildroot package into <some-dir> 3. unpack the buildroot tarball. The resulting directory may have versioning information on it like buildroot-x.y.z. If so, rename <some-dir>/buildroot-x.y.z to <some-dir>/buildroot. 4. cd <some-dir>/buildroot 5. cp configs/cortexm3-eabi-defconfig-4.6.3 .config 6. make oldconfig 7. make 8. Edit setenv.h, if necessary, so that the PATH variable includes the path to the newly built binaries. See the file configs/README.txt in the buildroot source tree. That has more details PLUS some special instructions that you will need to follow if you are building a Cortex-M3 toolchain for Cygwin under Windows. NOTE: Unfortunately, the 4.6.3 EABI toolchain is not compatible with the the NXFLAT tools. See the top-level TODO file (under "Binary loaders") for more information about this problem. If you plan to use NXFLAT, please do not use the GCC 4.6.3 EABI toochain; instead use the GCC 4.3.3 OABI toolchain. See instructions below. NuttX OABI "buildroot" Toolchain ================================ The older, OABI buildroot toolchain is also available. To use the OABI toolchain, use the build instructtions above, but (1) modify the cortexm3-eabi-defconfig-4.6.3 configuration to use OABI (using 'make menuconfig'), or (2) use an exising OABI configuration such as cortexm3-defconfig-4.3.3 NXFLAT Toolchain ================ If you are *not* using the NuttX buildroot toolchain and you want to use the NXFLAT tools, then you will still have to build a portion of the buildroot tools -- just the NXFLAT tools. The buildroot with the NXFLAT tools can be downloaded from the NuttX SourceForge download site ( This GNU toolchain builds and executes in the Linux or Cygwin environment. 1. You must have already configured Nuttx in <some-dir>/nuttx. cd tools ./ sama5d3x-ek/<sub-dir> 2. Download the latest buildroot package into <some-dir> 3. unpack the buildroot tarball. The resulting directory may have versioning information on it like buildroot-x.y.z. If so, rename <some-dir>/buildroot-x.y.z to <some-dir>/buildroot. 4. cd <some-dir>/buildroot 5. cp configs/cortexm3-defconfig-nxflat .config 6. make oldconfig 7. make 8. Edit setenv.h, if necessary, so that the PATH variable includes the path to the newly built NXFLAT binaries. Loading Code into SRAM with J-Link ================================== Loading code with the Segger tools and GDB ------------------------------------------ 1) Change directories into the directory where you built NuttX. 2) Start the GDB server and wait until it is ready to accept GDB connections. 3) Then run GDB like this: $ arm-none-eabi-gdb (gdb) target remote localhost:2331 (gdb) mon reset (gdb) load nuttx (gdb) ... start debugging ... Loading code using J-Link Commander ---------------------------------- J-Link> r J-Link> loadbin <file> <address> J-Link> setpc <address of __start> J-Link> ... start debugging ... Writing to FLASH using SAM-BA ============================= Assumed starting configuration: 1. You have installed the J-Lnk CDC USB driver (Windows only, there is no need to install a driver on any regular Linux distribution), 2. You have the USB connected to DBGU poort (J14) 3. Terminal configuration: 115200 8N1 Using SAM-BA to write to FLASH: 1. Exit the terminal emulation program and remove the USB cable from the DBGU port (J14) 2. Connect the USB cable to the device USB port (J20) 3. JP9 must open (BMS == 1) to boot from on-chip Boot ROM. 4. Press and maintain PB4 CS_BOOT button and power up the board. PB4 CS_BOOT button prevents booting from Nand or serial Flash by disabling Flash Chip Selects after having powered the board, you can release the PB4 BS_BOOT button. 5. On Windows you may need to wait for a device driver to be installed. 6. Start the SAM-BA application, selecting (1) the correct USB serial port, and (2) board = at91sama5d3x-ek. 7. The SAM-BA menu should appear. 8. Select the FLASH bank that you want to use and the address to write to and "Execute" 9. When you are finished writing to FLASH, remove the USB cable from J20 and re-connect the serial link on USB CDC / DBGU connector (J14) and re-open the terminal emulator program. 10. If you loaded code in NOR flash (CS0), then you will need to close JP9 (BMS == 0) to force booting out of NOR flash (see NOTE). 11. Power cycle the board. NOTES: By closing JP9 (BMS == 0), you can force the board to boot directly to NOR FLASH. Executing from other memories will require that you provide a special code header so that you code can be recognized as a boot-able image by the ROM bootloader. Creating and Using NORBOOT ========================== In order to have more control of debugging code that runs out of NOR FLASH, I created the sama5d3x-ek/norboot configuration. That configuration is described below under "Configurations." Here are some general instructions on how to build an use norboot: Building: 1. Remove any old configurations (if applicable). cd <nuttx> make distclean 2. Install and build the norboot configuration: cd tools ./ sama5d3x-ek/<subdir> cd - . ./ Before sourcing the file above, you should examine it and perform edits as necessary so that TOOLCHAIN_BIN is the correct path to the directory than holds your toolchain binaries. 3. Rename the binaries. Since you will need two versions of NuttX: this norboot version that runs in internal SRAM and another under test in NOR FLASH, I rename the resulting binary files so that they can be distinguished: mv nuttx norboot mv nuttx.hex norboot.hex mv nuttx.bin norboot.bin 4. Build your NOR configuration and write this into NOR FLASH. Here, for example, is how you would create the NSH NOR configuration: cd <nuttx> make distclean # Remove the norboot configuration cd tools ./ sama5d3x-ek/nsh # Establish the NSH configuration cd - make # Build the NSH configuration Then use SAM-BA to write the nuttx.bin binary into NOR FLASH. This will involve holding the CS_BOOT button and power cycling to start the ROM loader. The SAM-BA serial connection will be on the device USB port, not the debug USB port. Follow the SAM-BA instruction to write the nuttx.bin binary to NOR FLASH. 5. Restart the system without holding CS_BOOT to get back to the normal debug setup. 6. Then start the J-Link GDB server and GDB. In GDB, I do the following: (gdb) mon reset # Reset and halt the CPU (gdb) load norboot # Load norboot into internal SRAM (gdb) mon go # Start norboot (gdb) mon halt # Break in (gdb) mon reg pc = 0x10000040 # Set the PC to NOR flash entry point (gdb) mon go # And jump into NOR flash The norboot program can also be configured to jump directly into NOR FLASH without requiring the final halt and go, but since I have been debugging the early boot sequence, the above sequence has been most convenient for me. STATUS: 2013-7-30: I have been unable to execute this configuration from NOR FLASH by closing the BMS jumper (J9). As far as I can tell, this jumper does nothing on my board??? So I have been using the norboot configuration exclusively to start the program-under-test in NOR FLASH. Buttons and LEDs ================ Buttons ------- There are five push button switches on the SAMA5D3X-EK base board: 1. One Reset, board reset (BP1) 2. One Wake up, push button to bring the processor out of low power mode (BP2) 3. One User momentary Push Button 4. One Disable CS Push Button Only the momentary push button is controllable by software (labeled "PB_USER1" on the board): - PE27. Pressing the switch connect PE27 to grounded. Therefore, PE27 must be pulled high internally. When the button is pressed the SAMA5 will sense "0" is on PE27. LEDs ---- There are two LEDs on the SAMA5D3 series-CM board that can be controlled by software. A blue LED is controlled via PIO pins. A red LED normally provides an indication that power is supplied to the board but can also be controlled via software. PE25. This blue LED is pulled high and is illuminated by pulling PE25 low. PE24. The red LED is also pulled high but is driven by a transistor so that it is illuminated when power is applied even if PE24 is not configured as an output. If PE24 is configured as an output, then the LCD is illuminated by a high output. These LEDs are not used by the board port unless CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS is defined. In that case, the usage by the board port is defined in include/board.h and src/sam_leds.c. The LEDs are used to encode OS-related events as follows: SYMBOL Meaning LED state Blue Red ------------------- ----------------------- -------- -------- LED_STARTED NuttX has been started OFF OFF LED_HEAPALLOCATE Heap has been allocated OFF OFF LED_IRQSENABLED Interrupts enabled OFF OFF LED_STACKCREATED Idle stack created ON OFF LED_INIRQ In an interrupt No change LED_SIGNAL In a signal handler No change LED_ASSERTION An assertion failed No change LED_PANIC The system has crashed OFF Blinking LED_IDLE MCU is is sleep mode Not used Thus if the blue LED is statically on, NuttX has successfully booted and is, apparently, running normmally. If the red is flashing at approximately 2Hz, then a fatal error has been detected and the system has halted. Serial Consoles =============== USART1 ------ By default USART1 is used as the NuttX serial console in all configurations (unless otherwise noted). USART1 is buffered with an RS-232 Transceiver (Analog Devices ADM3312EARU) and connected to the DB-9 male socket (J8). USART1 Connector J8 ------------------------------- SAMA5 FUNCTION NUTTX PIO PIO NAME CONFIGURATION ---- ---------- --------------- PB27 RTS1 PIO_USART1_RTS PB29 TXD1 PIO_USART1_TXD PB28 RXD1 PIO_USART1_RXD PB26 CTS1 PIO_USART1_CTS NOTE: Debug TX and RX pins also go to the ADM3312EARU, but I am uncertain of the functionality. ------------------------------- SAMA5 FUNCTION NUTTX PIO PIO NAME CONFIGURATION ---- ---------- --------------- PB31 DTXD PIO_DBGU_DTXD PB30 DRXD PIO_DBGU_DRXD Hardware UART via CDC --------------------- "J-Link-OB-ATSAM3U4C comes with an additional hardware UART that is accessible from a host via CDC which allows terminal communication with the target device. This feature is enabled only if a certain port (CDC disabled, PA25, pin 24 on J-Link-OB-ATSAM3U4C) is NOT connected to ground (open). - Jumper JP16 not fitted: CDC is enabled - Jumper JP16 fitted : CDC is disabled" Serial FLASH ============ Both the Ronetix and Embest versions of the SAMAD3x CPU modules include an Atmel AT25DF321A, 32-megabit, 2.7-volt SPI serial flash. The SPI connection is as follows: AT25DF321A SAMA5 --------------- ----------------------------------------------- SI PD11 SPI0_MOSI SO PD10 SPI0_MIS0 SCK PD12 SPI0_SPCK /CS PD13 via NL17SZ126 if JP1 is closed (See below) JP1 and JP2 seem to related to /CS on the Ronetix board, but the usage is less clear. For the Embest module, JP1 must be closed to connect /CS to PD13; on the Ronetix schematic, JP11 seems only to bypass a resistor (may not be populated?). I think closing JP1 is correct in either case. HSMCI Card Slots ================ The SAMA5D3x-EK provides a two SD memory card slots: (1) a full size SD card slot (J7 labeled MCI0), and (2) a microSD memory card slot (J6 labeled MCI1). The full size SD card slot connects via HSMCI0. The card detect discrete is available on PB17 (pulled high). The write protect descrete is tied to ground (via PP6) and not available to software. The slot supports 8-bit wide transfer mode, but the NuttX driver currently uses only the 4-bit wide transfer mode PD17 MCI0_CD PD1 MCI0_DA0 PD2 MCI0_DA1 PD3 MCI0_DA2 PD4 MCI0_DA3 PD5 MCI0_DA4 PD6 MCI0_DA5 PD7 MCI0_DA6 PD8 MCI0_DA7 PD9 MCI0_CK PD0 MCI0_CDA The microSD connects vi HSMCI1. The card detect discrete is available on PB18 (pulled high): PD18 MCI1_CD PB20 MCI1_DA0 PB21 MCI1_DA1 PB22 MCI1_DA2 PB23 MCI1_DA3 PB24 MCI1_CK PB19 MCI1_CDA USB Ports ========= The SAMA5D3 series-MB features three USB communication ports: * Port A Host High Speed (EHCI) and Full Speed (OHCI) multiplexed with USB Device High Speed Micro AB connector, J20 * Port B Host High Speed (EHCI) and Full Speed (OHCI) standard type A connector, J19 upper port * Port C Host Full Speed (OHCI) only standard type A connector, J19 lower port All three USB host ports are equipped with 500 mA high-side power switch for self-powered and buspowered applications. The USB device port feature VBUS inserts detection function. Port A ------ PIO Signal Name Function ---- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------- PD29 VBUS_SENSE VBus detection PD25 EN5V_USBA VBus power enable (via MN15 AIC1526 Dual USB High-Side Power Switch. The other channel of the switch is for the LCD) Port B ------ PIO Signal Name Function ---- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------- PD26 EN5V_USBB VBus power enable (via MN14 AIC1526 Dual USB High-Side Power Switch). To the A1 pin of J19 Dual USB A connector Port C ------ PIO Signal Name Function ---- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------- PD27 EN5V_USBC VBus power enable (via MN14 AIC1526 Dual USB High-Side Power Switch). To the B1 pin of J19 Dual USB A connector Both Ports B and C ------------------ PIO Signal Name Function ---- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------- PD28 OVCUR_USB Combined overrcurrent indication from port A and B SAMA5D3x-EK Configuration Options ================================= CONFIG_ARCH - Identifies the arch/ subdirectory. This should be set to: CONFIG_ARCH="arm" CONFIG_ARCH_family - For use in C code: CONFIG_ARCH_ARM=y CONFIG_ARCH_architecture - For use in C code: CONFIG_ARCH_CORTEXA5=y CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP - Identifies the arch/*/chip subdirectory CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP="sama5" CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_name - For use in C code to identify the exact chip: CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_SAMA5=y and one of: CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_ATSAMA5D31=y CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_ATSAMA5D33=y CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_ATSAMA5D34=y CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_ATSAMA5D35=y CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD - Identifies the configs subdirectory and hence, the board that supports the particular chip or SoC. CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD="sama5d3x-ek" (for the SAMA5D3x-EK development board) CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_name - For use in C code CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_SAMA5D3X_EK=y CONFIG_ARCH_LOOPSPERMSEC - Must be calibrated for correct operation of delay loops CONFIG_ENDIAN_BIG - define if big endian (default is little endian) CONFIG_RAM_SIZE - Describes the installed DRAM (SRAM in this case): CONFIG_RAM_SIZE=0x0002000 (128Kb) CONFIG_RAM_START - The physical start address of installed DRAM CONFIG_RAM_START=0x20000000 CONFIG_RAM_VSTART - The virutal start address of installed DRAM CONFIG_RAM_VSTART=0x20000000 CONFIG_ARCH_IRQPRIO - The SAM3UF103Z supports interrupt prioritization CONFIG_ARCH_IRQPRIO=y CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS - Use LEDs to show state. Unique to boards that have LEDs CONFIG_ARCH_INTERRUPTSTACK - This architecture supports an interrupt stack. If defined, this symbol is the size of the interrupt stack in bytes. If not defined, the user task stacks will be used during interrupt handling. CONFIG_ARCH_STACKDUMP - Do stack dumps after assertions CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS - Use LEDs to show state. Unique to board architecture. CONFIG_ARCH_CALIBRATION - Enables some build in instrumentation that cause a 100 second delay during boot-up. This 100 second delay serves no purpose other than it allows you to calibratre CONFIG_ARCH_LOOPSPERMSEC. You simply use a stop watch to measure the 100 second delay then adjust CONFIG_ARCH_LOOPSPERMSEC until the delay actually is 100 seconds. Individual subsystems can be enabled: CONFIG_SAMA5_DBGU - Debug Unit Interrupt CONFIG_SAMA5_PIT - Periodic Interval Timer Interrupt CONFIG_SAMA5_WDT - Watchdog timer Interrupt CONFIG_SAMA5_HSMC - Multi-bit ECC Interrupt CONFIG_SAMA5_SMD - SMD Soft Modem CONFIG_SAMA5_USART0 - USART 0 CONFIG_SAMA5_USART1 - USART 1 CONFIG_SAMA5_USART2 - USART 2 CONFIG_SAMA5_USART3 - USART 3 CONFIG_SAMA5_UART0 - UART 0 CONFIG_SAMA5_UART1 - UART 1 CONFIG_SAMA5_TWI0 - Two-Wire Interface 0 CONFIG_SAMA5_TWI1 - Two-Wire Interface 1 CONFIG_SAMA5_TWI2 - Two-Wire Interface 2 CONFIG_SAMA5_HSMCI0 - High Speed Multimedia Card Interface 0 CONFIG_SAMA5_HSMCI1 - High Speed Multimedia Card Interface 1 CONFIG_SAMA5_HSMCI2 - High Speed Multimedia Card Interface 2 CONFIG_SAMA5_SPI0 - Serial Peripheral Interface 0 CONFIG_SAMA5_SPI1 - Serial Peripheral Interface 1 CONFIG_SAMA5_TC0 - Timer Counter 0 (ch. 0, 1, 2) CONFIG_SAMA5_TC1 - Timer Counter 1 (ch. 3, 4, 5) CONFIG_SAMA5_PWM - Pulse Width Modulation Controller CONFIG_SAMA5_ADC - Touch Screen ADC Controller CONFIG_SAMA5_DMAC0 - DMA Controller 0 CONFIG_SAMA5_DMAC1 - DMA Controller 1 CONFIG_SAMA5_UHPHS - USB Host High Speed CONFIG_SAMA5_UDPHS - USB Device High Speed CONFIG_SAMA5_GMAC - Gigabit Ethernet MAC CONFIG_SAMA5_EMAC - Ethernet MAC CONFIG_SAMA5_LCDC - LCD Controller CONFIG_SAMA5_ISI - Image Sensor Interface CONFIG_SAMA5_SSC0 - Synchronous Serial Controller 0 CONFIG_SAMA5_SSC1 - Synchronous Serial Controller 1 CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN0 - CAN controller 0 CONFIG_SAMA5_CAN1 - CAN controller 1 CONFIG_SAMA5_SHA - Secure Hash Algorithm CONFIG_SAMA5_AES - Advanced Encryption Standard CONFIG_SAMA5_TDES - Triple Data Encryption Standard CONFIG_SAMA5_TRNG - True Random Number Generator CONFIG_SAMA5_ARM - Performance Monitor Unit CONFIG_SAMA5_FUSE - Fuse Controller CONFIG_SAMA5_MPDDRC - MPDDR controller Some subsystems can be configured to operate in different ways. The drivers need to know how to configure the subsystem. CONFIG_SAMA5_PIOA_IRQ - Support PIOA interrupts CONFIG_SAMA5_PIOB_IRQ - Support PIOB interrupts CONFIG_SAMA5_PIOC_IRQ - Support PIOD interrupts CONFIG_SAMA5_PIOD_IRQ - Support PIOD interrupts CONFIG_SAMA5_PIOE_IRQ - Support PIOE interrupts CONFIG_USART0_ISUART - USART0 is configured as a UART CONFIG_USART1_ISUART - USART1 is configured as a UART CONFIG_USART2_ISUART - USART2 is configured as a UART CONFIG_USART3_ISUART - USART3 is configured as a UART ST91SAMA5 specific device driver settings CONFIG_U[S]ARTn_SERIAL_CONSOLE - selects the USARTn (n=0,1,2,3) or UART m (m=4,5) for the console and ttys0 (default is the USART1). CONFIG_U[S]ARTn_RXBUFSIZE - Characters are buffered as received. This specific the size of the receive buffer CONFIG_U[S]ARTn_TXBUFSIZE - Characters are buffered before being sent. This specific the size of the transmit buffer CONFIG_U[S]ARTn_BAUD - The configure BAUD of the UART. Must be CONFIG_U[S]ARTn_BITS - The number of bits. Must be either 7 or 8. CONFIG_U[S]ARTn_PARTIY - 0=no parity, 1=odd parity, 2=even parity CONFIG_U[S]ARTn_2STOP - Two stop bits AT91SAMA5 USB Host Configuration Pre-requisites CONFIG_USBDEV - Enable USB device support CONFIG_USBHOST - Enable USB host support CONFIG_SAMA5_UHPHS - Needed CONFIG_SAMA5_OHCI - Enable the STM32 USB OTG FS block CONFIG_SCHED_WORKQUEUE - Worker thread support is required Options: CONFIG_SAMA5_OHCI_NEDS Number of endpoint descriptors CONFIG_SAMA5_OHCI_NTDS Number of transfer descriptors CONFIG_SAMA5_OHCI_TDBUFFERS Number of transfer descriptor buffers CONFIG_SAMA5_OHCI_TDBUFSIZE Size of one transfer descriptor buffer CONFIG_USBHOST_INT_DISABLE Disable interrupt endpoint support CONFIG_USBHOST_ISOC_DISABLE Disable isochronous endpoint support CONFIG_USBHOST_BULK_DISABLE Disable bulk endpoint support config SAMA5_OHCI_REGDEBUG Configurations ============== Information Common to All Configurations ---------------------------------------- Each SAM3U-EK configuration is maintained in a sub-directory and can be selected as follow: cd tools ./ sama5d3x-ek/<subdir> cd - . ./ Before sourcing the file above, you should examine it and perform edits as necessary so that TOOLCHAIN_BIN is the correct path to the directory than holds your toolchain binaries. And then build NuttX by simply typing the following. At the conclusion of the make, the nuttx binary will reside in an ELF file called, simply, nuttx. make The <subdir> that is provided above as an argument to the tools/ must be is one of the following. NOTES: 1. These configurations use the mconf-based configuration tool. To change any of these configurations using that tool, you should: a. Build and install the kconfig-mconf tool. See nuttx/README.txt and misc/tools/ b. Execute 'make menuconfig' in nuttx/ in order to start the reconfiguration process. 2. Unless stated otherwise, all configurations generate console output on UART0 (J3). 3. Unless otherwise stated, the configurations are setup for Linux (or any other POSIX environment like Cygwin under Windows): Build Setup: CONFIG_HOST_LINUX=y : Linux or other POSIX environment 4. All of these configurations use the Code Sourcery for Windows toolchain (unless stated otherwise in the description of the configuration). That toolchain selection can easily be reconfigured using 'make menuconfig'. Here are the relevant current settings: Build Setup: CONFIG_HOST_WINDOS=y : Microsoft Windows CONFIG_WINDOWS_CYGWIN=y : Using Cygwin or other POSIX environment System Type -> Toolchain: CONFIG_ARMV7A_TOOLCHAIN_GNU_EABIW=y : GNU EABI toolchain for windows That same configuration will work with Atmel GCC toolchain. The only change required to use the Atmel GCC toolchain is to change the PATH variable so that those tools are selected instead of the CodeSourcery tools. Try 'which arm-none-eabi-gcc' to make sure that you are selecting the right tool. The file is available for you to use to set the PATH variable. The path in the that file may not, however, be correct for your installation. See also the "NOTE about Windows native toolchains" in the section call "GNU Toolchain Options" above. Configuration sub-directories ----------------------------- hello: This configuration directory, performs the (almost) simplest of all possible examples: examples/hello. This just comes up, says hello on the serial console and terminates. This configuration is of value during bring-up because it is small and can run entirely out of internal SRAM. NOTES: 1. This configuration uses the default USART1 serial console. That is easily changed by reconfiguring to (1) enable a different serial peripheral, and (2) selecting that serial peripheral as the console device. 2. By default, this configuration is set up to build on Windows under either a Cygwin or MSYS environment using a recent, Windows- native, generic ARM EABI GCC toolchain (such as the CodeSourcery toolchain). Both the build environment and the toolchain selection can easily be changed by reconfiguring: CONFIG_HOST_WINDOWS=y : Windows operating system CONFIG_WINDOWS_CYGWIN=y : POSIX environment under windows CONFIG_ARMV7A_TOOLCHAIN_CODESOURCERYW=y : CodeSourcery for Windows 3. This configuration executes out of internal SRAM and can only be loaded via JTAG. CONFIG_SAMA5_BOOT_ISRAM=y : Boot into internal SRAM CONFIG_BOOT_RUNFROMISRAM=y : Run from internal SRAM STATUS: 2013-7-19: This configuration (as do the others) run at 396MHz. The SAMA5D3 can run at 536MHz. I still need to figure out the PLL settings to get that speed. 2013-7-28: This configuration was verified functional. 2013-7-31: Delay loop calibrated. norboot: This is a little program to help debug of code in NOR flash. It does the following: - It enables and configures NOR FLASH, then - Waits for you to break in with GDB. At that point, you can set the PC and begin executing from NOR FLASH under debug control. NOTES: 1. This program derives from the hello configuration. All of the notes there apply to this configuration as well. STATUS: 2013-7-19: This configuration (as do the others) run at 396MHz. The SAMA5D3 can run at 536MHz. I still need to figure out the PLL settings to get that speed. 2013-7-31: Delay loop calibrated. nsh: This configuration directory provide the NuttShell (NSH). NOTES: 1. This configuration uses the default USART1 serial console. That is easily changed by reconfiguring to (1) enable a different serial peripheral, and (2) selecting that serial peripheral as the console device. 2. By default, this configuration is set up to build on Windows under either a Cygwin or MSYS environment using a recent, Windows- native, generic ARM EABI GCC toolchain (such as the CodeSourcery toolchain). Both the build environment and the toolchain selection can easily be changed by reconfiguring: CONFIG_HOST_WINDOWS=y : Windows operating system CONFIG_WINDOWS_CYGWIN=y : POSIX environment under windows CONFIG_ARMV7A_TOOLCHAIN_CODESOURCERYW=y : CodeSourcery for Windows 3. This configuration executes out of CS0 NOR flash and can only be loaded via SAM-BA. These are the relevant configuration options the define the NOR FLASH configuration: CONFIG_SAMA5_BOOT_CS0FLASH=y : Boot from FLASH on CS0 CONFIG_BOOT_RUNFROMFLASH=y : Run in place on FLASH (vs copying to RAM) CONFIG_SAMA5_EBICS0=y : Enable CS0 external memory CONFIG_SAMA5_EBICS0_SIZE=134217728 : Memory size is 128KB CONFIG_SAMA5_EBICS0_NOR=y : Memory type is NOR FLASH CONFIG_FLASH_START=0x10000000 : Physical FLASH start address CONFIG_FLASH_VSTART=0x10000000 : Virtual FLASH start address CONFIG_FLASH_SIZE=134217728 : FLASH size (again) CONFIG_RAM_START=0x00300400 : Data stored after page table CONFIG_RAM_VSTART=0x00300400 CONFIG_RAM_SIZE=114688 : Available size of 128KB - 16KB for page table NOTE: In order to boot in this configuration, you need to close the BMS jumper. 4. This configuration has support for NSH built-in applications enabled. However, no built-in applications are selected in the base configuration. 5. This configuration has support for the FAT file system built in. However, by default, there are no block drivers intialized. The FAT file system can still be used to create RAM disks. 6. SDRAM support can be enabled by adding the following to your NuttX configuration file: System Type->ATSAMA5 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAMA5_MPDDRC=y : Enable the DDR controller System Type->External Memory Configuration CONFIG_SAMA5_DDRCS=y : Tell the system that DRAM is at the DDR CS CONFIG_SAMA5_DDRCS_SIZE=268435456 : 2Gb DRAM -> 256GB CONFIG_SAMA5_DDRCS_LPDDR2=y : Its DDR2 CONFIG_SAMA5_MT47H128M16RT=y : This is the type of DDR2 Now that you have SDRAM enabled, what are you going to do with it? One thing you can is add it to the heap System Type->Heap Configuration CONFIG_SAMA5_DDRCS_HEAP=y : Add the SDRAM to the heap Memory Management CONFIG_MM_REGIONS=2 : Two memory regions: ISRAM and SDRAM Another thing you could do is to enable the RAM test built-in application: 7. You can enable the NuttX RAM test that may be used to verify the external SDAM. To do this, keep the SDRAM out of the heap so that it can be tested without crashing programs using the memory: System Type->Heap Configuration CONFIG_SAMA5_DDRCS_HEAP=n : Don't add the SDRAM to the heap Memory Management CONFIG_MM_REGIONS=1 : One memory regions: ISRAM Then enable the RAM test built-in application: Application Configuration->System NSH Add-Ons->Ram Test CONFIG_SYSTEM_RAMTEST=y In this configuration, the SDRAM is not added to heap and so is not excessible to the applications. So the RAM test can be freely executed against the SRAM memory beginning at address 0x2000:0000 (DDR CS): nsh> ramtest -h Usage: <noname> [-w|h|b] <hex-address> <decimal-size> Where: <hex-address> starting address of the test. <decimal-size> number of memory locations (in bytes). -w Sets the width of a memory location to 32-bits. -h Sets the width of a memory location to 16-bits (default). -b Sets the width of a memory location to 8-bits. To test the entire external 256MB SRAM: nsh> ramtest -w 20000000 268435456 RAMTest: Marching ones: 20000000 268435456 RAMTest: Marching zeroes: 20000000 268435456 RAMTest: Pattern test: 20000000 268435456 55555555 aaaaaaaa RAMTest: Pattern test: 20000000 268435456 66666666 99999999 RAMTest: Pattern test: 20000000 268435456 33333333 cccccccc RAMTest: Address-in-address test: 20000000 268435456 8. The Embest or Ronetix CPU module includes an Atmel AT25DF321A, 32-megabit, 2.7-volt SPI serial flash. Support for that serial FLASH can be enabled by modifying the NuttX configuration as follows: System Type -> SAMA5 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAMA5_SPI0=y : Enable SPI0 Device Drivers -> Memory Technology Device (MTD) Support CONFIG_SPI=y : Enable SPI support CONFIG_SPI_EXCHANGE=y : Support the exchange method Device Drivers -> SPI Driver Support CONFIG_MTD=y : Enable MTD support CONFIG_MTD_AT25=y : Enable the AT25 driver CONFIG_AT25_SPIMODE=0 : Use SPI mode 0 CONFIG_AT25_SPIFREQUENCY=20000000 : Use SPI frequency 20MHz Application Configuration -> NSH Library CONFIG_NSH_ARCHINIT=y : NSH board-initialization Board Selection CONFIG_SAMA5_AT25_AUTOMOUNT=y : Mounts AT25 for NSH CONFIG_SAMA5_AT25_FTL=y : Create block driver for FAT The SPI driver can be built to do polled or DMA SPI data transfers. The following additional changes will enable SPI DMA: System Type -> SAMA5 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAMA5_DMAC0=y : Enable DMA controller 0 System Type -> SPI device driver options CONFIG_SAMA5_SPI_DMA=y : Use DMA for SPI transfers CONFIG_SAMA5_SPI_DMATHRESHOLD=4 : Don't DMA for small transfers NOTE that you must close JP1 on the Embest/Ronetix board in order to enable the AT25 FLASH chip select. You can then format the AT25 FLASH for a FAT file system and mount the file system at /mnt/sdcard using these NSH commands: nsh> mkfatfs /dev/mtdblock0 nsh> mount -t vfat /dev/mtdblock0 /mnt/sdcard Then you an use the FLASH as a normal FAT file system: nsh> echo "This is a test" >/mnt/sdcard/atest.txt nsh> ls -l /mnt/sdcard /mnt/sdcard: -rw-rw-rw- 16 atest.txt nsh> cat /mnt/sdcard/atest.txt This is a test 9. Enabling HSMCI support. The SAMA5D3x-EK provides a two SD memory card slots: (1) a full size SD card slot (J7 labeled MCI0), and (2) a microSD memory card slot (J6 labeled MCI1). The full size SD card slot connects via HSMCI0; the microSD connects vi HSMCI1. Support for both SD slots can be enabled with the following settings: System Type->ATSAMA5 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAMA5_HSMCI0=y : Enable HSMCI0 support CONFIG_SAMA5_HSMCI1=y : Enable HSMCI1 support CONFIG_SAMA5_DMAC0=y : DMAC0 is needed by HSMCI0 CONFIG_SAMA5_DMAC1=y : DMAC1 is needed by HSMCI1 System Type CONFIG_SAMA5_PIO_IRQ=y : PIO interrupts needed CONFIG_SAMA5_PIOD_IRQ=y : Card detect pins are on PIOD Device Drivers -> MMC/SD Driver Support CONFIG_MMCSD=y : Enable MMC/SD support CONFIG_MMSCD_NSLOTS=1 : One slot per driver instance CONFIG_MMCSD_HAVECARDDETECT=y : Supports card-detect PIOs CONFIG_MMCSD_SDIO=y : SDIO-based MMC/SD support CONFIG_SDIO_DMA=y : Use SDIO DMA CONFIG_SDIO_BLOCKSETUP=y : Needs to know block sizes Library Routines CONFIG_SCHED_WORKQUEUE=y : Driver needs work queue support Application Configuration -> NSH Library CONFIG_NSH_ARCHINIT=y : NSH board-initialization Using the SD card: 1) If you try mounting an SD card with nothing in the slot, the mount will fail: nsh> mount -t vfat /dev/mmcsd1 /mnt/sd1 nsh: mount: mount failed: 19 NSH can be configured to provide errors as strings instead of numbers. But in this case, only the error number is reported. The error numbers can be found in nuttx/include/errno.h: #define ENODEV 19 #define ENODEV_STR "No such device" So the mount command is saying that there is no device or, more correctly, that there is no card in the SD card slot. 2) Inserted the SD card. Then the mount should succeed. nsh> mount -t vfat /dev/mmcsd1 /mnt/sd1 nsh> ls /mnt/sd1 /mnt/sd1: atest.txt nsh> cat /mnt/sd1/atest.txt This is a test 3) Before removing the card, you must umount the file system. This is equivalent to "ejecting" or "safely removing" the card on Windows: It flushes any cached data to the card and makes the SD card unavailable to the applications. nsh> mount -t vfat /dev/mmcsd1 /mnt/sd1 It is now safe to remove the card. NuttX provides into callbacks that can be used by an application to automatically unmount the volume when it is removed. But those callbacks are not used in this configuration. 10) Support the USB low/full-speed OHCI host driver can be enabled by changing the NuttX configuration file as follows: System Type -> ATSAMA5 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAMA5_UHPHS=y : USB Host High Speed System Type -> USB High Speed Host driver options CONFIG_SAMA5_OHCI=y : Low/full-speed OHCI support : Defaults for values probably OK Device Drivers CONFIG_USBHOST=y : Enable USB host support Device Drivers -> USB Host Driver Support CONFIG_USBHOST_ISOC_DISABLE=y : Isochronous endpoints not used CONFIG_USBHOST_MSC=y : Enable the mass storage class driver Library Routines CONFIG_SCHED_WORKQUEUE : Worker thread support is required Application Configuration -> NSH Library CONFIG_NSH_ARCHINIT=y : NSH board-initialization NOTE: When OHCI is selected, the SAMA5 will operate at 384MHz instead of 396MHz. This is so that the PLL generates a frequency which is a multiple of the 48MHz needed for OHCI. The delay loop calibration values that are used will be off slightly because of this. 10) Support the USB high-speed EHCI host driver can be enabled by changing the NuttX configuration file as follows. If EHCI is enabled by itself, then only high-speed devices can be supported. If OHCI is also enabled, then all low-, full-, and high speed devices should work. System Type -> ATSAMA5 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAMA5_UHPHS=y : USB Host High Speed System Type -> USB High Speed Host driver options CONFIG_SAMA5_EHCI=y : High-speed EHCI support CONFIG_SAMA5_OHCI=y : Low/full-speed OHCI support : Defaults for values probably OK for both Device Drivers CONFIG_USBHOST=y : Enable USB host support CONFIG_USBHOST_INT_DISABLE=y : Interrupt endpoints not needed CONFIG_USBHOST_ISOC_DISABLE=y : Isochronous endpoints not needed Device Drivers -> USB Host Driver Support CONFIG_USBHOST_ISOC_DISABLE=y : Isochronous endpoints not used CONFIG_USBHOST_MSC=y : Enable the mass storage class driver Library Routines CONFIG_SCHED_WORKQUEUE : Worker thread support is required Application Configuration -> NSH Library CONFIG_NSH_ARCHINIT=y : NSH board-initialization 10) Support the USB high-speed EHCI host driver can be enabled by changing the NuttX configuration file as follows. If EHCI is enabled by itself, Device Drivers -> USB Device Driver Support CONFIG_USBDEV=y : Enable USB device support CONFIG_USBDEV_DMA=y : Device uses DMA CONFIG_USBDEV_DUALSPEED=y : Device support High and Full Speed System Type -> ATSAMA5 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAMA5_UDPHS=y : Enable UDPHS High Speed USB device Application Configuration -> NSH Library CONFIG_NSH_ARCHINIT=y : NSH board-initialization You also need to select a device-side class driver for the USB device, This will select the CDC/ACM serial device. Defaults for the other options should be okay. Device Drivers -> USB Device Driver Support CONFIG_CDCACM=y : Enable the CDC/ACM device CONFIG_CDCACM_BULKIN_REQLEN=768 : Default too small for high-speed The following setting enables an example that can can be used to control the CDC/ACM device. It will add two new NSH commands: (1) sercon will connect the USB serial device (creating /dev/ttyACM0), and (2) serdis which will disconnect the USB serial device (destroying /dev/ttyACM0). Application Configuration -> Examples: CONFIG_EXAMPLES_CDCACM=y : Enable an CDC/ACM example Debugging USB Device. There is normal console debug output available that can be enabled with CONFIG_DEBUG + CONFIG_DEBUG_USB. However, USB device operation is very time critical and enabling this debug output WILL interfere with the operation of the UDPHS. USB device tracing is a less invasive way to get debug information: If tracing is enabled, the USB device will save encoded trace output in in-memory buffer; if the USB monitor is also enabled, that trace buffer will be periodically emptied and dumped to the system logging device (the serial console in this configuration): Device Drivers -> "USB Device Driver Support: CONFIG_USBDEV_TRACE=y : Enable USB trace feature CONFIG_USBDEV_TRACE_NRECORDS=256 : Buffer 256 records in memory Application Configuration -> NSH LIbrary: CONFIG_NSH_USBDEV_TRACE=n : No builtin tracing from NSH CONFIG_NSH_ARCHINIT=y : Automatically start the USB monitor Application Configuration -> System NSH Add-Ons: CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR=y : Enable the USB monitor daemon CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_STACKSIZE=2048 : USB monitor daemon stack size CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_PRIORITY=50 : USB monitor daemon priority CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_INTERVAL=1 : Dump trace data every second CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_TRACEINIT=y : Enable TRACE output CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_TRACECLASS=y CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_TRACETRANSFERS=y CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_TRACECONTROLLER=y CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_TRACEINTERRUPTS=y NOTE: If USB debug output is also enabled, both outpus will appear on the serial console. However, the debug output will be asynchronous with the trace output and, hence, difficult to interpret. STATUS: 2013-7-19: This configuration (as do the others) run at 396MHz. The SAMA5D3 can run at 536MHz. I still need to figure out the PLL settings to get that speed. If the CPU speed changes, then so must the NOR and SDRAM initialization! 2013-7-31: I have been unable to execute this configuration from NOR FLASH by closing the BMS jumper (J9). As far as I can tell, this jumper does nothing on my board??? I have been using the norboot configuration to start the program in NOR FLASH (see just above). See "Creating and Using NORBOOT" above. 2013-7-31: This NSH configuration appears to be fully functional. 2013-7-31: Using delay loop calibration from the hello configuration. That configuration runs out of internal SRAM and, as a result, this configuration should be recalibrated. 2013-8-3: SDRAM configuration and RAM test usage have been verified and are functional. I note some issues; occassionally, SDRAM is not functional on initial boot or is initially not functional but improves with accesses. Clearly, more work needs to be done. Here is another strange observation: SDRAM accesses tend to generate occasional spurious interrupts in those same conditions where the memory test fails! No idea why. 2013-8-5: The AT25 configuration has been verified to be functional. 2013-8-9: The AT25 configuration has been verified with DMA enabled. 2013-8-10: Basic HSCMI1 functionality (with DMA) has been verified. Most testing is needed to assure that this is a stable solution. 2013-8-11: HSMCI0 is more finicky. Usually there is no card communcation and I get timeouts. But if I remove and re-insert the card it few times, sometimes communication is successfully and the card behaves normally. I suspected an electro-mechanical issue but but now think there is more to the problem than that. 2013-8-11: I see another problem doing card insertion and card removal testing. When there is a lot of debug output, the system locks up. I have traced to this the debug output itself. The debug output from the device driver interferes with normal serial port operation and prevents NSH from receiving data. There is no issue when the debug output is suppressed and card insertial and removal works as expected (at least on the HSMCI1 microSD slot). 2013-8-14: I found an error in the way that the HSCMI clocking was configured (a SAM3/4 cloning error). Need to retest both HSMCI0/1 with the corrected clocking. 2013-8-11: Added description to add OHCI to the configuration. 2013-8-16: The OCHI configuration is now basically functional. Testing is not yet extensive, however: a) I have lots of DEBUG output enabled. There could be issues when I re-test with debug options disabled. b) I have tested only control and bulk endpoints. I still need to test interrupt endpoints. c) I have tested only the Mass Storage Class (MSC) and not CDC/ACM. d) OHCI will support 3 downstream points, but I currently have only one enabled. 2013-8-20: Added description to add EHCI to the configuration. At present, however, EHCI is still a work in progress and not ready for prime time. 2013-8-26: The hand-off of full speed devices to OHCI does not work. In this case, OHCI gets the port, but the port is reset, lost by OHCI and returned to EHCI. EHCI sees the full-speed port and hands it off to OHCI and this sequence continues forever. 2013-8-28: EHCI is partially functional. It is able to mount a high- speed USB FLASH drive using the Mass Storage Class (MSC) interface. 2013-8-31: Added description to add UDPHS high-speed USB device support. That function is still, however, a long way from being functional. ostest: This configuration directory, performs a simple OS test using examples/ostest. NOTES: 1. This configuration uses the default USART1 serial console. That is easily changed by reconfiguring to (1) enable a different serial peripheral, and (2) selecting that serial peripheral as the console device. 2. By default, this configuration is set up to build on Windows under either a Cygwin or MSYS environment using a recent, Windows- native, generic ARM EABI GCC toolchain (such as the CodeSourcery toolchain). Both the build environment and the toolchain selection can easily be changed by reconfiguring: CONFIG_HOST_WINDOWS=y : Windows operating system CONFIG_WINDOWS_CYGWIN=y : POSIX environment under windows CONFIG_ARMV7A_TOOLCHAIN_CODESOURCERYW=y : CodeSourcery for Windows 3. This configuration executes out of CS0 NOR flash and can only be loaded via SAM-BA. These are the relevant configuration options the define the NOR FLASH configuration: CONFIG_SAMA5_BOOT_CS0FLASH=y : Boot from FLASH on CS0 CONFIG_BOOT_RUNFROMFLASH=y : Run in place on FLASH (vs copying to RAM) CONFIG_SAMA5_EBICS0=y : Enable CS0 external memory CONFIG_SAMA5_EBICS0_SIZE=134217728 : Memory size is 128KB CONFIG_SAMA5_EBICS0_NOR=y : Memory type is NOR FLASH CONFIG_FLASH_START=0x10000000 : Physical FLASH start address CONFIG_FLASH_VSTART=0x10000000 : Virtual FLASH start address CONFIG_FLASH_SIZE=134217728 : FLASH size (again) CONFIG_RAM_START=0x00300400 : Data stored after page table CONFIG_RAM_VSTART=0x00300400 CONFIG_RAM_SIZE=114688 : Available size of 128KB - 16KB for page table NOTE: In order to boot in this configuration, you need to close the BMS jumper. STATUS: 2013-7-19: This configuration (as do the others) run at 396MHz. The SAMA5D3 can run at 536MHz. I still need to figure out the PLL settings to get that speed. If the CPU speed changes, then so must the NOR and SDRAM initialization! 2013-7-30: I have been unable to execute this configuration from NOR FLASH by closing the BMS jumper (J9). As far as I can tell, this jumper does nothing on my board??? I have been using the norboot configuration to start the program in NOR FLASH (see just above). See "Creating and Using NORBOOT" above. 2013-7-31: The OS test configuration is basically functional, but takes a very long time in the round-robin scheduler test computing prime numbers. This test is supposed to be slow -- like several seconds -- but not many minutes. No idea why yet. The best guess would be an excessive number of context switches. 2013-7-31: Using delay loop calibration from the hello configuration. That configuration runs out of internal SRAM and, as a result, this configuration needs to be recalibrated.