Pavel Pisa 380198c985 symtab/, tools/: NuttX provides lists of available syscalls and library functions and tools to process them. The lists can be used to build symbol table which allows runtime program loading which can reuse functions already compiled into NuttX system image. List processing, compilation and linking to the final system image has been possible only under manual control until now.
Provided changes add option (CONFIG_EXECFUNCS_GENERATE_SYSTEM_SYMTAB) to build complete list of available functions and syscalls automatically.  The symbolic table is generated in form libsymtab.a which can be reused by application or directly pull in when "g_symtab" and "g_nsymbols" variables are requested by EXECFUNCS configuration.

I have tried to follow mechanisms for library compilation in different kernel protection modes but tested only flat no-MMU build. The basic assumption is that this library and libraries providing syscall stubs and C-library functions are available in user-space context and initial application (usually NSH) registers the symbol table through IOCTL.  The table can be reused then by another applications in their address space as kernel allows. Simple for flat or protected mode, I am not sure if really support in MMU mode. It is highly probable that I have made some mistake, overlooked something, but functionality is optional (should not cause troubles in any mode if disabled) and main purpose is to lower memory overhead when more applications are loaded on memory constrained system which usually use direct kernel calling without protection or address space separation. If the table should be provided by kernel to applications then makefiles has to be adjusted.
2019-08-13 09:09:43 -06:00


This directory holds NuttX libraries.  Libraries in NuttX are very special
creatures.  The have these properties:

1. They can be shared by both application logic and logic within the OS when
   using the FLAT build.

2. But in PROTECTED and KERNEL modes, they must be built differently:  The
   copies used by applications and the OS cannot be the same.  Rather,
   separate versions of libraries must be built for the kernel and for

3. When used by the OS, some special care must be taken to assure that the
   OS logic does not disrupt the user's errno value and that the OS does
   not create inappropriate cancellation points.

   For example, sem_wait() is both a cancellation point and modifies the
   errno value.  So within the FLAT build and without kernel version for
   the PROTECTED and KERNEL builds, the special internal OS interface
   nxsem_wait() must be used.  Within libraries, the macro  _SEM_WAIT()
   (as defined in include/nuttx/semaphore.h) is used instead.  The
   definition of this macro accounts for the different usage environments.

NOTE:  The libraries under libs/ build differently from other NuttX
components:  There are no build-related files in the libs/ directory; it
is simply a container for other well-known, individual library directories.
The upper level Makefile logic is aware of the libraries within the libs/

The only real function of the libs/ directory is to prevent the top-level
directory from becoming cluttered with individual libraries.