README ====== This README discusses issues unique to NuttX configurations for the Atmel SAM4E-EK development. This board features the SAM4E16 MCU running at 96 or 120MHz. Contents ======== - Development Environment - GNU Toolchain Options - IDEs - NuttX EABI "buildroot" Toolchain - NuttX OABI "buildroot" Toolchain - NXFLAT Toolchain - Atmel Studio 6.1 - Loading Code with J-Link - Loading Code OpenOCD - Writing to FLASH using SAM-BA - LEDs - Serial Console - Networking Support - AT25 Serial FLASH - USB Full-Speed Device - HSMCI - Touchscreen - ILI9325/41-Based LCD - SAM4E-EK-specific Configuration Options - Configurations Development Environment ======================= Either Linux or Cygwin on Windows can be used for the development environment. The source has been built only using the GNU toolchain (see below). Other toolchains will likely cause problems. Testing was performed using the Cygwin environment. GNU Toolchain Options ===================== The NuttX make system can be configured to support the various different toolchain options. All testing has been conducted using the NuttX buildroot toolchain. To use alternative toolchain, you simply need to add change of the following configuration options to your .config (or defconfig) file: CONFIG_ARMV7M_TOOLCHAIN_CODESOURCERYW=y : CodeSourcery under Windows CONFIG_ARMV7M_TOOLCHAIN_CODESOURCERYL=y : CodeSourcery under Linux CONFIG_ARMV7M_TOOLCHAIN_ATOLLIC=y : Atollic toolchain for Windos CONFIG_ARMV7M_TOOLCHAIN_DEVKITARM=y : devkitARM under Windows CONFIG_ARMV7M_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT=y : NuttX buildroot under Linux or Cygwin (default) CONFIG_ARMV7M_TOOLCHAIN_GNU_EABIL=y : Generic GCC ARM EABI toolchain for Linux CONFIG_ARMV7M_TOOLCHAIN_GNU_EABIW=y : Generic GCC ARM EABI toolchain for Windows You may also have to modify the PATH in the setenv.h file if your make cannot find the tools. NOTE about Windows native toolchains ------------------------------------ There are basically three kinds of GCC toolchains that can be used: 1. A Linux native toolchain in a Linux environment, 2. The buildroot Cygwin tool chain built in the Cygwin environment, 3. A Windows native toolchain. There are several limitations to using a Windows based toolchain (#3) in a Cygwin environment. The three biggest are: 1. The Windows toolchain cannot follow Cygwin paths. Path conversions are performed automatically in the Cygwin makefiles using the 'cygpath' utility but you might easily find some new path problems. If so, check out 'cygpath -w' 2. Windows toolchains cannot follow Cygwin symbolic links. Many symbolic links are used in Nuttx (e.g., include/arch). The make system works around these problems for the Windows tools by copying directories instead of linking them. But this can also cause some confusion for you: For example, you may edit a file in a "linked" directory and find that your changes had no effect. That is because you are building the copy of the file in the "fake" symbolic directory. If you use a Windows toolchain, you should get in the habit of making like this: make clean_context all An alias in your .bashrc file might make that less painful. IDEs ==== NuttX is built using command-line make. It can be used with an IDE, but some effort will be required to create the project. Makefile Build -------------- Under Eclipse, it is pretty easy to set up an "empty makefile project" and simply use the NuttX makefile to build the system. That is almost for free under Linux. Under Windows, you will need to set up the "Cygwin GCC" empty makefile project in order to work with Windows (Google for "Eclipse Cygwin" - there is a lot of help on the internet). Native Build ------------ Here are a few tips before you start that effort: 1) Select the toolchain that you will be using in your .config file 2) Start the NuttX build at least one time from the Cygwin command line before trying to create your project. This is necessary to create certain auto-generated files and directories that will be needed. 3) Set up include pathes: You will need include/, arch/arm/src/sam34, arch/arm/src/common, arch/arm/src/armv7-m, and sched/. 4) All assembly files need to have the definition option -D __ASSEMBLY__ on the command line. Startup files will probably cause you some headaches. The NuttX startup file is arch/arm/src/sam34/sam_vectors.S. You may need to build NuttX one time from the Cygwin command line in order to obtain the pre-built startup object needed by an IDE. NuttX EABI "buildroot" Toolchain ================================ A GNU GCC-based toolchain is assumed. The files */ should be modified to point to the correct path to the Cortex-M3 GCC toolchain (if different from the default in your PATH variable). If you have no Cortex-M3 toolchain, one can be downloaded from the NuttX Bitbucket download site ( This GNU toolchain builds and executes in the Linux or Cygwin environment. 1. You must have already configured Nuttx in <some-dir>/nuttx. cd tools ./ sam4e-ek/<sub-dir> 2. Download the latest buildroot package into <some-dir> 3. unpack the buildroot tarball. The resulting directory may have versioning information on it like buildroot-x.y.z. If so, rename <some-dir>/buildroot-x.y.z to <some-dir>/buildroot. 4. cd <some-dir>/buildroot 5. cp configs/cortexm3-eabi-defconfig-4.6.3 .config 6. make oldconfig 7. make 8. Edit setenv.h, if necessary, so that the PATH variable includes the path to the newly built binaries. See the file configs/README.txt in the buildroot source tree. That has more details PLUS some special instructions that you will need to follow if you are building a Cortex-M3 toolchain for Cygwin under Windows. NOTE: Unfortunately, the 4.6.3 EABI toolchain is not compatible with the the NXFLAT tools. See the top-level TODO file (under "Binary loaders") for more information about this problem. If you plan to use NXFLAT, please do not use the GCC 4.6.3 EABI toochain; instead use the GCC 4.3.3 OABI toolchain. See instructions below. NuttX OABI "buildroot" Toolchain ================================ The older, OABI buildroot toolchain is also available. To use the OABI toolchain: 1. When building the buildroot toolchain, either (1) modify the cortexm3-eabi-defconfig-4.6.3 configuration to use EABI (using 'make menuconfig'), or (2) use an exising OABI configuration such as cortexm3-defconfig-4.3.3 2. Modify the Make.defs file to use the OABI conventions: +CROSSDEV = arm-nuttx-elf- +ARCHCPUFLAGS = -mtune=cortex-m3 -march=armv7-m -mfloat-abi=soft +NXFLATLDFLAGS2 = $(NXFLATLDFLAGS1) -T$(TOPDIR)/binfmt/libnxflat/gnu-nxflat-gotoff.ld -no-check-sections -CROSSDEV = arm-nuttx-eabi- -ARCHCPUFLAGS = -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=soft -NXFLATLDFLAGS2 = $(NXFLATLDFLAGS1) -T$(TOPDIR)/binfmt/libnxflat/gnu-nxflat-pcrel.ld -no-check-sections NXFLAT Toolchain ================ If you are *not* using the NuttX buildroot toolchain and you want to use the NXFLAT tools, then you will still have to build a portion of the buildroot tools -- just the NXFLAT tools. The buildroot with the NXFLAT tools can be downloaded from the NuttX Bitbucket download site ( This GNU toolchain builds and executes in the Linux or Cygwin environment. 1. You must have already configured Nuttx in <some-dir>/nuttx. cd tools ./ sam4e-ek/<sub-dir> 2. Download the latest buildroot package into <some-dir> 3. unpack the buildroot tarball. The resulting directory may have versioning information on it like buildroot-x.y.z. If so, rename <some-dir>/buildroot-x.y.z to <some-dir>/buildroot. 4. cd <some-dir>/buildroot 5. cp configs/cortexm3-defconfig-nxflat .config 6. make oldconfig 7. make 8. Edit setenv.h, if necessary, so that the PATH variable includes the path to the newly builtNXFLAT binaries. Atmel Studio 6.1 ================ You can use Atmel Studio 6.1 to load and debug code. - To load code into FLASH: Tools menus: Tools -> Device Programming. Configure the debugger and chip and you are in business. - Debugging the NuttX Object File: 1) Rename object file from nuttx to nuttx.elf. That is an extension that will be recognized by the file menu. 2) Select the project name, the full path to the NuttX object (called just nuttx with no extension), and chip. Take the time to resolve all of the source file linkages or else you will not have source level debug! File menu: File -> Open -> Open object file for debugging - Select nuttx.elf object file - Select AT91SAM4E16 - Select files for symbols as desired - Select debugger 3) Debug menu: Debug -> Start debugging and break - This will reload the nuttx.elf file into FLASH STATUS: At this point, Atmel Studio 6.1 claims that my object files are not readable. A little more needs to be done to wring out this procedure. Loading Code with J-Link ======================== Loading code with the Segger tools and GDB ------------------------------------------ 1) Change directories into the directory where you built NuttX. 2) Start the GDB server and wait until it is ready to accept GDB connections. 3) Then run GDB like this: $ arm-none-eabi-gdb (gdb) target remote localhost:2331 (gdb) mon reset (gdb) load nuttx (gdb) ... start debugging ... Loading code using J-Link Commander ---------------------------------- J-Link> r J-Link> loadbin <file> <address> J-Link> setpc <address of __start> J-Link> ... start debugging ... STATUS: As of this writing, I have not been successful writing to FLASH using the GDB server; the write succeeds with no complaints, but the contents of the FLASH memory remain unchanged. This may be because of issues with GPNVM1 settings and flash lock bits? In any event, the GDB server works great for debugging after writing the program to FLASH using SAM-BA. Loading Code OpenOCD ==================== OpenOCD scripts are available in the configs/sam4e-ek/tools directory. These scripts were used with OpenOCD 0.8.0. If you use a version after OpenOCD 0.8.0, then you should comment out the following lines in the openocd.cfg file: # set CHIPNAME SAM4E16E # source [find target/at91sam4sXX.cfg] And uncomment this line: source [find board/atmel_sam4e_ek.cfg] This have been reported to work under Linux, but I have not been successful using it under Windows OpenOCD 0.8.0 with libUSB. I get Open On-Chip Debugger 0.8.0 (2014-04-28-08:42) ... Error: libusb_open() failed with LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Error: Cannot find jlink Interface! Please check connection and permissions. ... This is telling me that the Segger J-Link USB driver is incompatible with libUSB. It may be necessary to replace the Segger J-Link driver with the driver from libusb-win32-device-bin on sourceforge. - Go into Control Panel/System/Device Manager and update the J-Link driver to point at the new jlink.inf file made with the libusb-win32/bin inf-wizard. Browse to the unsigned driver pointed to by the inf, libusb0.dll from the libusb-win32-device-bin distribution to complete the installation. - The Segger driver appeared under "Universal Serial Bus Controllers" in Device Manager (winXP) while the libusb-win32 driver appears as new top level Dev Mgr category "LibUSB-Win32 Devices". Writing to FLASH using SAM-BA ============================= Assumed starting configuration: 1. You have installed the J-Link USB driver Using SAM-BA to write to FLASH: 1. Start the SAM-BA application, selecting (1) the SAM-ICE/J-Link port, and (2) board = at91sam4e16-ek. 2. The SAM-BA menu should appear. 3. Select the FLASH tab and enable FLASH access 4. "Send" the file to flash 5. Enable "Boot from Flash (GPNVM1) 6. Reset the board. STATUS: Works great! LEDs ==== The SAM4E-EK board has three, user-controllable LEDs labelled D2 (blue), D3 (amber), and D4 (green) on the board. Usage of these LEDs is defined in include/board.h and src/up_leds.c. They are encoded as follows: SYMBOL Meaning D3* D2 D4 ------------------- ----------------------- ------- ------- ------- LED_STARTED NuttX has been started OFF OFF OFF LED_HEAPALLOCATE Heap has been allocated OFF OFF ON LED_IRQSENABLED Interrupts enabled OFF ON OFF LED_STACKCREATED Idle stack created OFF ON ON LED_INIRQ In an interrupt** N/C FLASH N/C LED_SIGNAL In a signal handler*** N/C N/C FLASH LED_ASSERTION An assertion failed FLASH N/C N/C LED_PANIC The system has crashed FLASH N/C N/C * If D2 and D4 are statically on, then NuttX probably failed to boot and these LEDs will give you some indication of where the failure was ** The normal state is D3=OFF, D4=ON and D2 faintly glowing. This faint glow is because of timer interrupts that result in the LED being illuminated on a small proportion of the time. *** D4 may also flicker normally if signals are processed. Serial Console ============== By default, all of these configurations use UART0 for the NuttX serial console. UART0 corresponds to the DB-9 connector J17 labelled "DBGU". This is a male connector and will require a female-to-female, NUL modem cable to connect to a PC. An alternate is USART1 which connects to the other DB-9 connector labelled "USART1". USART1 is not enabled by default unless specifically noted otherwise in the configuration description. A NUL modem cable must be used with the port as well. NOTE: To avoid any electrical conflict, the RS232 and RS485 transceiver are isolated from the receiving line PA21. - Chose RS485 channel: Close 1-2 pins on JP11 and set PA23 to high level - Chose RS232 channel: Close 2-3 pins on JP11 and set PA23 to low level By default serial console is configured for 115000, 8-bit, 1 stop bit, and no parity. Networking Support ================== Networking support via the can be added to NSH by selecting the following configuration options. Selecting the EMAC peripheral ----------------------------- System Type -> SAM34 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAM34_EMAC=y : Enable the EMAC peripheral System Type -> EMAC device driver options CONFIG_SAM34_EMAC_NRXBUFFERS=16 : Set aside some RS and TX buffers CONFIG_SAM34_EMAC_NTXBUFFERS=4 CONFIG_SAM34_EMAC_PHYADDR=1 : KSZ8051 PHY is at address 1 CONFIG_SAM34_EMAC_AUTONEG=y : Use autonegotiation CONFIG_SAM34_EMAC_MII=y : Only the MII interface is supported CONFIG_SAM34_EMAC_PHYSR=30 : Address of PHY status register on KSZ8051 CONFIG_SAM34_EMAC_PHYSR_ALTCONFIG=y : Needed for KSZ8051 CONFIG_SAM34_EMAC_PHYSR_ALTMODE=0x7 : " " " " " " CONFIG_SAM34_EMAC_PHYSR_10HD=0x1 : " " " " " " CONFIG_SAM34_EMAC_PHYSR_100HD=0x2 : " " " " " " CONFIG_SAM34_EMAC_PHYSR_10FD=0x5 : " " " " " " CONFIG_SAM34_EMAC_PHYSR_100FD=0x6 : " " " " " " PHY selection. Later in the configuration steps, you will need to select the KSZ8051 PHY for EMAC (See below) Networking Support CONFIG_NET=y : Enable Neworking CONFIG_NET_SOCKOPTS=y : Enable socket operations CONFIG_NET_ETH_MTU=562 : Maximum packet size (MTU) 1518 is more standard CONFIG_NET_ETH_TCP_RECVWNDO=536 : Should be the same as CONFIG_NET_ETH_MTU CONFIG_NET_TCP=y : Enable TCP/IP networking CONFIG_NET_TCPBACKLOG=y : Support TCP/IP backlog CONFIG_NET_TCP_READAHEAD_BUFSIZE=536 Read-ahead buffer size CONFIG_NET_UDP=y : Enable UDP networking CONFIG_NET_BROADCAST=y : Needed for DNS name resolution CONFIG_NET_ICMP=y : Enable ICMP networking CONFIG_NET_ICMP_PING=y : Needed for NSH ping command : Defaults should be okay for other options Device drivers -> Network Device/PHY Support CONFIG_NETDEVICES=y : Enabled PHY selection CONFIG_ETH0_PHY_KSZ8051=y : Select the KSZ8051 PHY (for EMAC) Application Configuration -> Network Utilities CONFIG_NETDB_DNSCLIENT=y : Enable host address resolution CONFIG_NETUTILS_TELNETD=y : Enable the Telnet daemon CONFIG_NETUTILS_TFTPC=y : Enable TFTP data file transfers for get and put commands CONFIG_NETUTILS_NETLIB=y : Network library support is needed CONFIG_NETUTILS_WEBCLIENT=y : Needed for wget support : Defaults should be okay for other options Application Configuration -> NSH Library CONFIG_NSH_TELNET=y : Enable NSH session via Telnet CONFIG_NSH_IPADDR=0x0a000002 : Select a fixed IP address CONFIG_NSH_DRIPADDR=0x0a000001 : IP address of gateway/host PC CONFIG_NSH_NETMASK=0xffffff00 : Netmask CONFIG_NSH_NOMAC=y : Need to make up a bogus MAC address : Defaults should be okay for other options You can also enable enable the DHCPC client for networks that use dynamically assigned address: Application Configuration -> Network Utilities CONFIG_NETUTILS_DHCPC=y : Enables the DHCP client Networking Support CONFIG_NET_UDP=y : Depends on broadcast UDP Application Configuration -> NSH Library CONFIG_NET_BROADCAST=y CONFIG_NSH_DHCPC=y : Tells NSH to use DHCPC, not : the fixed addresses Using the network with NSH -------------------------- So what can you do with this networking support? First you see that NSH has several new network related commands: ifconfig, ifdown, ifup: Commands to help manage your network get and put: TFTP file transfers wget: HTML file transfers ping: Check for access to peers on the network Telnet console: You can access the NSH remotely via telnet. You can also enable other add on features like full FTP or a Web Server or XML RPC and others. There are also other features that you can enable like DHCP client (or server) or network name resolution. By default, the IP address of the SAM4E-EK will be and it will assume that your host is the gateway and has the IP address nsh> ifconfig eth0 HWaddr 00:e0:de:ad:be:ef at UP IPaddr: DRaddr: Mask: You can use ping to test for connectivity to the host (Careful, Window firewalls usually block ping-related ICMP traffic). On the target side, you can: nsh> ping PING 56 bytes of data 56 bytes from icmp_seq=1 time=0 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=2 time=0 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=3 time=0 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=4 time=0 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=5 time=0 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=6 time=0 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=7 time=0 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=8 time=0 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=9 time=0 ms 56 bytes from icmp_seq=10 time=0 ms 10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss, time 10100 ms NOTE: In this configuration is is normal to have packet loss > 0% the first time you ping due to the default handling of the ARP table. On the host side, you should also be able to ping the SAM4E-EK: $ ping You can also log into the NSH from the host PC like this: $ telnet Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'. sh_telnetmain: Session [3] Started NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-6.31 nsh> help help usage: help [-v] [<cmd>] [ echo ifconfig mkdir mw sleep ? exec ifdown mkfatfs ping test cat exit ifup mkfifo ps umount cp free kill mkrd put usleep cmp get losetup mh rm wget dd help ls mount rmdir xd df hexdump mb mv sh Builtin Apps: nsh> NOTE: If you enable this feature, you experience a delay on booting. That is because the start-up logic waits for the network connection to be established before starting NuttX. In a real application, you would probably want to do the network bringup on a separate thread so that access to the NSH prompt is not delayed. This delay will be especially long if the board is not connected to a network because additional time will be required to fail with timeout errors. This delay will be especially long if the board is not connected to a network. On the order of a minute! You will probably think that NuttX has crashed! And then, when it finally does come up, the network will not be available. Network Initialization Thread ----------------------------- There is a configuration option enabled by CONFIG_NSH_NETINIT_THREAD that will do the NSH network bring-up asynchronously in parallel on a separate thread. This eliminates the (visible) networking delay altogether. This current implementation, however, has some limitations: - If no network is connected, the network bring-up will fail and the network initialization thread will simply exit. There are no retries and no mechanism to know if the network initialization was successful (it could perform a network Ioctl to see if the link is up and it now, keep trying, but it does not do that now). - Furthermore, there is currently no support for detecting loss of network connection and recovery of the connection (similarly, this thread could poll periodically for network status, but does not). Both of these shortcomings could be eliminated by enabling the network monitor. See the SAMA5 configurations for a description of what it would take to incorporate the network monitor feature. AT25 Serial FLASH ================= Connections ----------- Both the SAM4E-EK include an Atmel AT25DF321A, 32-megabit, 2.7-volt SPI serial flash. The SPI connection is as follows: ------ ------- --------------- SAM4E AT25 SAM4E GPIO PIN FUNCTION ------ ------- --------------- PA13 SI MOSI PA12 SO MIS0 PA14 SCK SPCK PA5 /CS NPCS3 (pulled high externally) ------ ------- --------------- Configuration ------------- Support for the serial FLASH can be enabled in these configurations. These are the relevant configuration settings. These settings (1) Enable SPI0, (2) Enable DMAC0 to support DMA transfers on SPI for best performance, (3) Enable the AT25 Serial FLASH, and (3) Set up NuttX to configure the file system on the AT25 FLASH: System Type -> ATSAM3/4 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAM34_SPI0=y : Enable SPI0 CONFIG_SAM34_DMAC0=y : Enable DMA controller 0 System Type -> SPI device driver options CONFIG_SAM34_SPI_DMA=y : Use DMA for SPI transfers CONFIG_SAM34_SPI_DMATHRESHOLD=4 : Don't DMA for small transfers Device Drivers -> SPI Driver Support CONFIG_SPI=y : Enable SPI support CONFIG_SPI_EXCHANGE=y : Support the exchange method Device Drivers -> Memory Technology Device (MTD) Support CONFIG_MTD=y : Enable MTD support CONFIG_MTD_AT25=y : Enable the AT25 driver CONFIG_AT25_SPIMODE=0 : Use SPI mode 0 CONFIG_AT25_SPIFREQUENCY=20000000 : Use SPI frequency 12MHz The AT25 is capable of operation at 20MHz. However, if you experience any issues with the AT25, then lower this frequency may give more predictable performance. File Systems -> FAT CONFIG_FS_FAT=y : Enable and configure FAT CONFIG_FAT_LCNAMES=y : Upper/lower case names CONFIG_FAT_LFN=y : Long file name support (See NOTE) CONFIG_FAT_MAXFNAME=32 : Limit filename sizes to 32 bytes NOTE: Use care if you plan to use FAT long file name feature in a product; There are issues with certain Microsoft patents on the long file name technology. Application Configuration -> NSH Library CONFIG_NSH_ARCHINIT=y : NSH board-initialization Board Selection CONFIG_SAM4EEK_AT25_BLOCKMOUNT=y : Mounts AT25 for NSH CONFIG_SAM4EEK_AT25_FTL=y : Create block driver for FAT You can then format the AT25 FLASH for a FAT file system and mount the file system at /mnt/at25 using these NSH commands: nsh> mkfatfs /dev/mtdblock0 nsh> mount -t vfat /dev/mtdblock0 /mnt/at25 Then you an use the FLASH as a normal FAT file system: nsh> echo "This is a test" >/mnt/at25/atest.txt nsh> ls -l /mnt/at25 /mnt/at25: -rw-rw-rw- 16 atest.txt nsh> cat /mnt/at25/atest.txt This is a test USB Full-Speed Device ===================== Basic USB Full-Speed Device Configuration ----------------------------------------- Support the USB full-speed device (UDP) driver can be enabled with these NuttX configuration settings. Device Drivers -> USB Device Driver Support CONFIG_USBDEV=y : Enable USB device support CONFIG_USBDEV_DUALSPEED=n : Device does not support High-Speed CONFIG_USBDEV_DMA=n : Device does not use DMA System Type -> ATSAM3/4 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAM34_UDP=y : Enable UDP Full Speed USB device Application Configuration -> NSH Library CONFIG_NSH_ARCHINIT=y : NSH board-initialization Mass Storage Class ------------------ The Mass Storage Class (MSC) class driver can be selected for use with UDP. Note: The following assumes that the internal AT25 Serial FLASH is configured to support a FAT file system through an FTL layer as described about under "AT25 Serial FLASH". Device Drivers -> USB Device Driver Support CONFIG_USBMSC=y : Enable the USB MSC class driver CONFIG_USBMSC_EPBULKOUT=1 : Use EP1 for the BULK OUT endpoint CONFIG_USBMSC_EPBULKIN=2 : Use EP2 for the BULK IN endpoint CONFIG_USBMSC_BULKINREQLEN=64 : (Defaults for full speed) CONFIG_USBMSC_BULKOUTREQLEN=64 : : Defaults for other settings as well? Board Selection CONFIG_SAM4EEK_AT25_BLOCKDEVICE=y : Export AT25 serial FLASH device CONFIG_SAM4EEK_HSMCI_BLOCKDEVICE=n : Don't export HSMCI SD card Note: If properly configured, you could export the HSMCI SD card instead of the internal AT25 Serial FLASH. The following setting enables an add-on that can can be used to control the USB MSC device. It will add two new NSH commands: a. msconn will connect the USB serial device and export the AT25 to the host, and b. msdis which will disconnect the USB serial device. Application Configuration -> System Add-Ons: CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMSC=y : Enable the USBMSC add-on CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMSC_NLUNS=1 : One LUN CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMSC_DEVMINOR1=0 : Minor device zero CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMSC_DEVPATH1="/dev/mtdblock0" : Use a single, LUN: The AT25 : block driver. NOTES: a. To prevent file system corruption, make sure that the AT25 is un- mounted *before* exporting the mass storage device to the host: nsh> umount /mnt/at25 nsh> mscon The AT25 can be re-mounted after the mass storage class is disconnected: nsh> msdis nsh> mount -t vfat /dev/mtdblock0 /mnt/at25 b. If you change the value CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMSC_DEVPATH1, then you can export other file systems: "/dev/mmcsd0" would export the HSMCI SD slot (not currently available, see the "HSMCI" section). "/dev/ram0" could even be used to export a RAM disk. But you would first have to use mkrd to create the RAM disk and mkfatfs to put a FAT file system on it. STATUS: 2014-3-25: Marginally functional. Very slow to come up. USB analyzer shows several resets before the host decides that it is happy with the device. There are no obvious errors in the USB data capture. Testing is insufficient. This needs to be revisited. Last tested at 96MHz with the CMCC disabled. CDC/ACM Serial Device Class --------------------------- This will select the CDC/ACM serial device. Defaults for the other options should be okay. Device Drivers -> USB Device Driver Support CONFIG_CDCACM=y : Enable the CDC/ACM device CONFIG_CDCACM_EPINTIN=1 : Select endpoint numbers CONFIG_CDCACM_EPBULKOUT=2 CONFIG_CDCACM_EPBULKIN=3 The following setting enables an example that can can be used to control the CDC/ACM device. It will add two new NSH commands: a. sercon will connect the USB serial device (creating /dev/ttyACM0), and b. serdis which will disconnect the USB serial device (destroying /dev/ttyACM0). Application Configuration -> Examples: CONFIG_SYSTEM_CDCACM=y : Enable an CDC/ACM example CONFIG_SYSTEM_CDCACM_DEVMINOR=0 : Use /dev/ttyUSB0 NOTES: 1. You cannot have both the CDC/ACM and the MSC class drivers enabled simultaneously in the way described here. If you want to use both, then you will need to consider a USB "composite" devices that support supports both interfaces. There are no instructures here for setting up the USB composite device, but there are other examples in the NuttX board support directories that can be used for reference. 2. Linux supports the CDC/ACM driver out of the box. Windows, on the other than requires that you first install a serial driver (a .inf file). There are example .inf files for NuttX in the nuttx/configs/spark directories. 3. There is hand-shaking to pace incoming serial data. As a result, you may experience data loss due to RX overrun errors. The overrun errors occur when more data is received than can be buffered in memory on the target. At present, the only workaround is to increase the amount of buffering in the target. That allow the target to accept short bursts of larger volumes of data (but would still fail on sustained, high speed incoming data. The following configuration options can be changed to increase the buffering. 1. RX buffer size. All incoming data is buffered by the serial driver until it can be read by the application. The default size of this RX buffer is only 256 but can be increased as you see fit: CONFIG_CDCACM_RXBUFSIZE=256 : Default RX buffer size is only 256 bytes 2. Upstream from the RX buffers are USB read request buffers. Each buffer is the maximum size of one USB packet (64 byte) and that cannot really be changed. But if you want to increase this upstream buffering capability, you can increase the number of available read requests. The default is four, providing an additional buffering capability of of 4*64=256 bytes. Each read request receives data from USB, copies the data into the serial RX buffer, and then is available to receive more data. This recycling of read requests stalls as soon as the serial RX buffer is full. Data loss occurs when there are no available read requests to accept the next packet from the host. So increasing the number of read requests can also help to minimize RX overrun: CONFIG_CDCACM_NRDREQS=4 : Default is only 4 read requests STATUS: 2013-2-23: Checks out OK. See discussion of the usbnsh configuration below. Debugging USB Device -------------------- There is normal console debug output available that can be enabled with CONFIG_DEBUG + CONFIG_DEBUG_USB. However, USB device operation is very time critical and enabling this debug output WILL interfere with the operation of the UDP. USB device tracing is a less invasive way to get debug information: If tracing is enabled, the USB device will save encoded trace output in in-memory buffer; if the USB monitor is also enabled, that trace buffer will be periodically emptied and dumped to the system logging device (the serial console in this configuration): Device Drivers -> "USB Device Driver Support: CONFIG_USBDEV_TRACE=y : Enable USB trace feature CONFIG_USBDEV_TRACE_NRECORDS=256 : Buffer 256 records in memory CONFIG_USBDEV_TRACE_STRINGS=y : (optional) If you get data loss in the trace buffer, then you may want to increase the CONFIG_USBDEV_TRACE_NRECORDS. I have used buffers up to 4096 records to avoid data loss. Application Configuration -> NSH LIbrary: CONFIG_NSH_USBDEV_TRACE=n : No builtin tracing from NSH CONFIG_NSH_ARCHINIT=y : Automatically start the USB monitor Application Configuration -> System NSH Add-Ons: CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR=y : Enable the USB monitor daemon CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_STACKSIZE=2048 : USB monitor daemon stack size CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_PRIORITY=50 : USB monitor daemon priority CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_INTERVAL=1 : Dump trace data every second CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_TRACEINIT=y : Enable TRACE output CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_TRACECLASS=y CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_TRACETRANSFERS=y CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_TRACECONTROLLER=y CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMONITOR_TRACEINTERRUPTS=y NOTE: If USB debug output is also enabled, both outputs will appear on the serial console. However, the debug output will be asynchronous with the trace output and, hence, difficult to interpret. HSMCI ===== Enabling HSMCI support. The SAM3U-KE provides a an SD memory card slot. Support for the SD slot can be enabled with the following settings: System Type->ATSAM3/4 Peripheral Support CONFIG_SAM34_HSMCI=y : Enable HSMCI support CONFIG_SAM34_DMAC0=y : DMAC support is needed by HSMCI System Type CONFIG_SAM34_GPIO_IRQ=y : PIO interrupts needed CONFIG_SAM34_GPIOA_IRQ=y : Card detect pin is on PIOA Device Drivers -> MMC/SD Driver Support CONFIG_MMCSD=y : Enable MMC/SD support CONFIG_MMCSD_NSLOTS=1 : One slot per driver instance CONFIG_MMCSD_HAVECARDDETECT=y : Supports card-detect PIOs CONFIG_MMCSD_SDIO=y : SDIO-based MMC/SD support CONFIG_MMCSD_MULTIBLOCK_DISABLE=y : Probably works but is untested CONFIG_SDIO_DMA=y : Use SDIO DMA CONFIG_SDIO_BLOCKSETUP=y : Needs to know block sizes Library Routines CONFIG_SCHED_WORKQUEUE=y : Driver needs work queue support : Defaults for other settings okay Application Configuration -> NSH Library CONFIG_NSH_ARCHINIT=y : NSH board-initialization CONFIG_NSH_MMCSDSLOTNO=0 : Only one slot, slot 0 After an SD card is successfully initialized, the block device /dev/mmcsd0 will be available. To mount the SD card, use the following NSH command: nsh> mount -t vfat /dev/mmcsd0 /mnt/sdcard The SD card contents will then be available under /mnt/sdcard. NOTES: 1. DMA is not currently functional and without DMA, there may not be reliable data transfers at high speeds due to data overrun problems. The current HSMCI driver supports DMA via the DMAC. However, the data sheet only discusses PDC-based HSMCI DMA (although there is a DMA channel interface definition for HSMCI). Bottom line: Untested and probably not usable on the SAM4E-EK in its current form. Touchscreen =========== The NSH configuration can be used to verify the ADS7843E touchscreen on the SAM4E-EK LCD. With these modifications, you can include the touchscreen test program at apps/examples/touchscreen as an NSH built-in application. You can enable the touchscreen and test by modifying the default configuration in the following ways: Device Drivers CONFIG_SPI=y : Enable SPI support CONFIG_SPI_EXCHANGE=y : The exchange() method is supported CONFIG_INPUT=y : Enable support for input devices CONFIG_INPUT_ADS7843E=y : Enable support for the ADS7843E CONFIG_ADS7843E_SPIDEV=0 : Use SPI CS 0 for communication CONFIG_ADS7843E_SPIMODE=0 : Use SPI mode 0 CONFIG_ADS7843E_FREQUENCY=1000000 : SPI BAUD 1MHz CONFIG_ADS7843E_SWAPXY=y : If landscape orientation CONFIG_ADS7843E_THRESHX=51 : These will probably need to be tuned CONFIG_ADS7843E_THRESHY=39 System Type -> Peripherals: CONFIG_SAM34_SPI0=y : Enable support for SPI System Type: CONFIG_SAM34_GPIO_IRQ=y : GPIO interrupt support CONFIG_SAM34_GPIOA_IRQ=y : Enable GPIO interrupts from port A RTOS Features: CONFIG_DISABLE_SIGNALS=n : Signals are required Library Support: CONFIG_SCHED_WORKQUEUE=y : Work queue support required Application Configuration: CONFIG_EXAMPLES_TOUCHSCREEN=y : Enable the touchscreen built-in test Defaults should be okay for related touchscreen settings. Touchscreen debug output on UART0 can be enabled with: Build Setup: CONFIG_DEBUG=y : Enable debug features CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO=y : Enable verbose debug output CONFIG_DEBUG_INPUT=y : Enable debug output from input devices STATUS: Verified 2014-05-14 ILI9325/41-Based LCD ================= The SAM4E-EK carries a TFT transmissive LCD module with touch panel, FTM280C34D. Its integrated driver IC is either a ILI9325 ILI9342 (the original schematics said ILI9325, but I learned the hard way that I had an ILI9341-based LCD). The LCD display area is 2.8 inches diagonally measured, with a native resolution of 240 x 320 dots. Connectivity ------------ The SAM4E16 communicates with the LCD through PIOC where an 8-bit parallel "8080-like" protocol data bus has to be implemented in software. ---- ----- --------- -------------------------------- PIN PIO SIGNAL NOTES ---- ----- --------- -------------------------------- 1 VDD 2 PC7 DB17 3 PC6 DB16 4 PC5 DB15 5 PC4 DB14 6 PC3 DB13 7 PC2 DB12 8 PC1 DB11 9 PC0 DB10 10 DB9 Pulled low 11 DB8 Pulled low 12 DB7 Pulled low 13 DB6 Pulled low 14 DB5 Pulled low 15 DB4 Pulled low 16 DB3 Pulled low 17 DB2 Pulled low 18 DB1 Pulled low 19 DB0 Pulled low ---- ----- --------- -------------------------------- 20 VDD 21 PC11 RD 22 PC8 WR 23 PC19 RS 24 PD18 CS Via J8, pulled high. 25 RESET Connects to NSRST 26 IM0 Pulled high 27 IM1 Grounded 28 GND ---- ----- --------- -------------------------------- 29 [PC13] LED-A Backlight controls: PC13 enables 30 [PC13] LEDK1 AAT3155 charge pump that drives 31 [PC13] LEDK2 the backlight LEDs 32 [PC13] LEDK3 33 [PC13] LEDK4 34 [PC13] LEDK1 ---- ----- --------- -------------------------------- 35 Y+ These go to the ADS7843 36 Y- touchscreen controller. 37 X+ 38 X- 39 NC ---- ----- --------- -------------------------------- Jumpers ------- Make sure the JP8 is closed. This connects PD18 as the LCD CS. Backlight --------- LCD backlight is made of 4 white chip LEDs in parallel, driven by an AAT3155 charge pump, MN4. The AAT3155 is controlled by the SAM3U4E through a single line Simple Serial Control (S2Cwire) interface, which permits to enable, disable, and set the LED drive current (LED brightness control) from a 32-level logarithmic scale. Four resistors R93/R94/R95/R96 are implemented for optional current limitation. Configuration ------------- This is the basic configuration that enables the ILI9341-based LCD. Of course additional settings would be necessary to enable the graphic capabilities to do anything with the LCD. System Type -> AT91SAM3/4 Configuration Options CONFIG_SAM34_SMC=y : SMC support Device Drivers -> LCD Driver Support CONFIG_LCD=y : Enable LCD support CONFIG_LCD_MAXCONTRAST=1 : Value should not matter CONFIG_LCD_MAXPOWER=64 : Must be > 16 CONFIG_LCD_LANDSCAPE=y : Landscape orientation Board Selection CONFIG_SAM4EEK_LCD_ILI9341=y : For the ILI9341-based LCD CONFIG_SAM4EEK_LCD_RGB565=y : Color resolution CONFIG_SAM4EEK_LCD_BGCOLOR=0x00 : Initial background color STATUS: 2014-8-20: Updated. The ILI9341 LCD has some basic functionality. Certainly it can transfer and display data fine. But there are some issues with the geometry of data that appears on the LCD.. The LCD backlight is functional. SAM4E-EK-specific Configuration Options ======================================= CONFIG_ARCH - Identifies the arch/ subdirectory. This should be set to: CONFIG_ARCH=arm CONFIG_ARCH_family - For use in C code: CONFIG_ARCH_ARM=y CONFIG_ARCH_architecture - For use in C code: CONFIG_ARCH_CORTEXM3=y CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP - Identifies the arch/*/chip subdirectory CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP="sam34" CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_name - For use in C code to identify the exact chip: CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_SAM34 CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_SAM3U CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_ATSAM3U4 CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD - Identifies the configs subdirectory and hence, the board that supports the particular chip or SoC. CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD=sam4e-ek (for the SAM4E-EK development board) CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_name - For use in C code CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_SAM4EEK=y CONFIG_ARCH_LOOPSPERMSEC - Must be calibrated for correct operation of delay loops CONFIG_ENDIAN_BIG - define if big endian (default is little endian) CONFIG_RAM_SIZE - Describes the installed DRAM (SRAM in this case): CONFIG_RAM_SIZE=0x00020000 (128Kb) CONFIG_RAM_START - The start address of installed DRAM CONFIG_RAM_START=0x20000000 CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS - Use LEDs to show state. Unique to boards that have LEDs CONFIG_ARCH_INTERRUPTSTACK - This architecture supports an interrupt stack. If defined, this symbol is the size of the interrupt stack in bytes. If not defined, the user task stacks will be used during interrupt handling. CONFIG_ARCH_STACKDUMP - Do stack dumps after assertions CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS - Use LEDs to show state. Unique to board architecture. CONFIG_ARCH_CALIBRATION - Enables some build in instrumentation that cause a 100 second delay during boot-up. This 100 second delay serves no purpose other than it allows you to calibratre CONFIG_ARCH_LOOPSPERMSEC. You simply use a stop watch to measure the 100 second delay then adjust CONFIG_ARCH_LOOPSPERMSEC until the delay actually is 100 seconds. Individual subsystems can be enabled: CONFIG_SAM34_SPI0 - Serial Peripheral Interface 0 (SPI0) CONFIG_SAM34_SPI1 - Serial Peripheral Interface 1 (SPI1) CONFIG_SAM34_SSC - Synchronous Serial Controller (SSC) CONFIG_SAM34_TC0 - Timer/Counter 0 (TC0) CONFIG_SAM34_TC1 - Timer/Counter 1 (TC1) CONFIG_SAM34_TC2 - Timer/Counter 2 (TC2) CONFIG_SAM34_TC3 - Timer/Counter 3 (TC3) CONFIG_SAM34_TC4 - Timer/Counter 4 (TC4) CONFIG_SAM34_TC5 - Timer/Counter 5 (TC5) CONFIG_SAM34_TC6 - Timer/Counter 6 (TC6) CONFIG_SAM34_TC7 - Timer/Counter 7 (TC6) CONFIG_SAM34_TC8 - Timer/Counter 6 (TC8) CONFIG_SAM34_PWM - Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Controller CONFIG_SAM34_TWIM0 - Two-wire Master Interface 0 (TWIM0) CONFIG_SAM34_TWIS0 - Two-wire Slave Interface 0 (TWIS0) CONFIG_SAM34_TWIM1B - Two-wire Master Interface 1 (TWIM1) CONFIG_SAM34_TWIS1 - Two-wire Slave Interface 1 (TWIS1) CONFIG_SAM34_UART0 - UART 0 CONFIG_SAM34_UART1 - UART 1 CONFIG_SAM34_USART0 - USART 0 CONFIG_SAM34_USART1 - USART 1 CONFIG_SAM34_USART2 - USART 2 CONFIG_SAM34_USART3 - USART 3 CONFIG_SAM34_AFEC0 - Analog Front End 0 CONFIG_SAM34_AFEC1 - Analog Front End 1 CONFIG_SAM34_DACC - Digital-to-Analog Converter CONFIG_SAM34_ACC - Analog Comparator CONFIG_SAM34_EMAC - Ethernet MAC CONFIG_SAM34_CAN0 - CAN 0 CONFIG_SAM34_CAN1 - CAN 1 CONFIG_SAM34_SMC - Static Memory Controller CONFIG_SAM34_NAND - NAND support CONFIG_SAM34_PDCA - Peripheral DMA controller CONFIG_SAM34_DMAC0 - DMA controller CONFIG_SAM34_UDP - USB 2.0 Full-Speed device CONFIG_SAM34_CHIPID - Chip ID CONFIG_SAM34_RTC - Real Time Clock CONFIG_SAM34_RTT - Real Time Timer CONFIG_SAM34_WDT - Watchdog Timer CONFIG_SAM34_EIC - Interrupt controller CONFIG_SAM34_HSMCI - High Speed Multimedia Card Interface Some subsystems can be configured to operate in different ways. The drivers need to know how to configure the subsystem. CONFIG_SAM34_GPIOA_IRQ CONFIG_SAM34_GPIOB_IRQ CONFIG_SAM34_GPIOC_IRQ CONFIG_SAM34_GPIOD_IRQ CONFIG_SAM34_GPIOE_IRQ CONFIG_SAM34_GPIOF_IRQ CONFIG_SAM34_GPIOG_IRQ CONFIG_SAM34_GPIOH_IRQ CONFIG_SAM34_GPIOJ_IRQ CONFIG_SAM34_GPIOK_IRQ CONFIG_SAM34_GPIOL_IRQ CONFIG_SAM34_GPIOM_IRQ CONFIG_SAM34_GPION_IRQ CONFIG_SAM34_GPIOP_IRQ CONFIG_SAM34_GPIOQ_IRQ CONFIG_USART0_SERIALDRIVER CONFIG_USART1_SERIALDRIVER CONFIG_USART2_SERIALDRIVER CONFIG_USART3_SERIALDRIVER SAM3U specific device driver settings CONFIG_U[S]ARTn_SERIAL_CONSOLE - selects the USARTn (n=0,1,2,3) or UART m (m=4,5) for the console and ttys0 (default is the USART1). CONFIG_U[S]ARTn_RXBUFSIZE - Characters are buffered as received. This specific the size of the receive buffer CONFIG_U[S]ARTn_TXBUFSIZE - Characters are buffered before being sent. This specific the size of the transmit buffer CONFIG_U[S]ARTn_BAUD - The configure BAUD of the UART. Must be CONFIG_U[S]ARTn_BITS - The number of bits. Must be either 7 or 8. CONFIG_U[S]ARTn_PARTIY - 0=no parity, 1=odd parity, 2=even parity CONFIG_U[S]ARTn_2STOP - Two stop bits LCD Options. Other than the standard LCD configuration options (see configs/README.txt), the SAM4E-EK driver also supports: CONFIG_LCD_LANDSCAPE - Define for 320x240 display "landscape" support. Default is this 320x240 "landscape" orientation CONFIG_LCD_RLANDSCAPE - Define for 320x240 display "reverse landscape" support. CONFIG_LCD_PORTRAIT - Define for 240x320 display "portrait" orientation support. CONFIG_LCD_RPORTRAIT - Define for 240x320 display "reverse portrait" orientation support. Configurations ============== Information Common to All Configurations ---------------------------------------- Each SAM4E-EK configuration is maintained in a sub-directory and can be selected as follow: cd tools ./ sam4e-ek/<subdir> cd - . ./ Before sourcing the file above, you should examine it and perform edits as necessary so that TOOLCHAIN_BIN is the correct path to the directory than holds your toolchain binaries. And then build NuttX by simply typing the following. At the conclusion of the make, the nuttx binary will reside in an ELF file called, simply, nuttx. make The <subdir> that is provided above as an argument to the tools/ must be is one of the following. NOTES: 1. These configurations use the mconf-based configuration tool. To change any of these configurations using that tool, you should: a. Build and install the kconfig-mconf tool. See nuttx/README.txt see additional README.txt files in the NuttX tools repository. b. Execute 'make menuconfig' in nuttx/ in order to start the reconfiguration process. 2. Unless stated otherwise, all configurations generate console output on UART0 (J3). 3. All of these configurations are set up to build under Linux using the EABI buildroot toolchain (unless stated otherwise in the description of the configuration). That build selection can easily be reconfigured using 'make menuconfig'. Here are the relevant current settings: Build Setup: CONFIG_HOST_LINUX=y : Linux or other pure POSIX invironment System Type -> Toolchain: CONFIG_ARMV7M_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT=y : Buildroot toolchain CONFIG_ARMV7M_OABI_TOOLCHAIN=n : EABI (Not OABI If you want to use the Atmel GCC toolchain, for example, here are the steps to do so: Build Setup: CONFIG_HOST_WINDOWS=y : Windows CONFIG_HOST_CYGWIN=y : Using Cygwin or other POSIX environment System Type -> Toolchain: CONFIG_ARMV7M_TOOLCHAIN_GNU_EABIW=y : General GCC EABI toolchain under windows Library Routines -> CONFIG_CXX_NEWLONG=n : size_t is an unsigned int, not long This re-configuration should be done before making NuttX or else the subsequent 'make' will fail. If you have already attempted building NuttX then you will have to 1) 'make distclean' to remove the old configuration, 2) 'cd tools; ./ sam4e-ek/ksnh' to start with a fresh configuration, and 3) perform the configuration changes above. Also, make sure that your PATH variable has the new path to your Atmel tools. Try 'which arm-none-eabi-gcc' to make sure that you are selecting the right tool. is available for you to use to set or PATH variable. The path in the that file may not, however, be correct for your installation. See also the "NOTE about Windows native toolchains" in the section call "GNU Toolchain Options" above. Configuration sub-directories ----------------------------- nsh: Configures the NuttShell (nsh) located at examples/nsh. The Configuration enables both the serial and telnetd NSH interfaces. NOTES: 1. This configuration runs with a CPU clock of 120MHz and with the the CMCC enabled. If you disable these, then you must also re-calibrate the delay loop. 2. Default stack sizes are large and should really be tuned to reduce the RAM footprint: CONFIG_ARCH_INTERRUPTSTACK=2048 CONFIG_IDLETHREAD_STACKSIZE=1024 CONFIG_USERMAIN_STACKSIZE=2048 CONFIG_PTHREAD_STACK_DEFAULT=2048 ... and others ... 3. NSH built-in applications are supported. Binary Formats: CONFIG_BUILTIN=y : Enable support for built-in programs Applicaton Configuration: CONFIG_NSH_BUILTIN_APPS=y : Enable starting apps from NSH command line 4. This configuration has the network enabled by default. This can be easily disabled or reconfigured (See see the network related configuration settings above in the section entitled "Networking"). NOTE: In boot-up sequence is very simple in this example; all initialization is done sequentially (vs. in parallel) and so you will not see the NSH prompt until all initialization is complete. The network bring-up in particular will add some delay before the NSH prompt appears. In a real application, you would probably want to do the network bringup on a separate thread so that access to the NSH prompt is not delayed. This delay will be especially long if the board is not connected to a network because additional time will be required to fail with timeout errors. This delay can be eliminated, however, if you enable an NSH initialization option as described above in a paragraph entitled, "Network Initialization Thread." STATUS: 2014-3-13: The basic NSH serial console is working. Network support has been verified. 5. This configuration supports a network with fixed IP address. You may have to change these settings for your network: CONFIG_NSH_IPADDR=0x0a000002 : IP address: CONFIG_NSH_DRIPADDR=0x0a000001 : Gateway: CONFIG_NSH_NETMASK=0xffffff00 : Netmask: You can also enable enable the DHCPC client for networks that use dynamically assigned address: CONFIG_NETUTILS_DHCPC=y : Enables the DHCP client CONFIG_NET_UDP=y : Depends on broadcast UDP CONFIG_NET_BROADCAST=y CONFIG_NSH_DHCPC=y : Tells NSH to use DHCPC, not : the fixed addresses 6. This configuration has the DMA-based SPI0 and AT25 Serial FLASH support enabled by default. This can be easily disabled or reconfigured (See see the configuration settings and usage notes above in the section entitled "AT25 Serial FLASH"). To mount the AT25 Serial FLASH as a FAT file system: nsh>mount -t vfat /dev/mtdblock0 /mnt/at25 STATUS: 2014-3-14: The DMA-based SPI appears to be functional and can be used to support a FAT file system on the AT25 Serial FLASH. 7. USB device support is not enabled in this configuration by default. To add USB device support to this configuration, see the instructions above under "USB Full-Speed Device." STATUS: 2014-3-21: USB support is partially functional. Additional test and integration is required. See STATUS in the "USB Full-Speed Device" for further information 2014-3-22: USB seems to work properly (there are not obvious errors in a USB bus capture. However, as of this data the AT25 does not mount on either the Linux or Windows host. This needs to be retested. 8. Enabling HSMCI support. The SAM3U-KE provides a an SD memory card slot. Support for the SD slot can be enabled following the instructions provided above in the paragraph entitled "HSMCI." 9. This configuration has been used for verifying the touchscreen on on the SAM4E-EK LCD module. The NSH configuration can be used to verify the ADS7843E touchscreen on the SAM4E-EK LCD. With these modifications, you can include the touchscreen test program at apps/examples/touchscreen as an NSH built-in application. You can enable the touchscreen and test by modifying the default configuration in the following ways: Device Drivers CONFIG_SPI=y : Enable SPI support CONFIG_SPI_EXCHANGE=y : The exchange() method is supported CONFIG_INPUT=y : Enable support for input devices CONFIG_INPUT_ADS7843E=y : Enable support for the ADS7843E CONFIG_ADS7843E_SPIDEV=0 : Use SPI CS 0 for communication CONFIG_ADS7843E_SPIMODE=0 : Use SPI mode 0 CONFIG_ADS7843E_FREQUENCY=1000000 : SPI BAUD 1MHz CONFIG_ADS7843E_SWAPXY=y : If landscape orientation CONFIG_ADS7843E_THRESHX=51 : These will probably need to be tuned CONFIG_ADS7843E_THRESHY=39 System Type -> Peripherals: CONFIG_SAM34_SPI0=y : Enable support for SPI System Type: CONFIG_SAM34_GPIO_IRQ=y : GPIO interrupt support CONFIG_SAM34_GPIOA_IRQ=y : Enable GPIO interrupts from port A RTOS Features: CONFIG_DISABLE_SIGNALS=n : Signals are required Library Support: CONFIG_SCHED_WORKQUEUE=y : Work queue support required Application Configuration: CONFIG_EXAMPLES_TOUCHSCREEN=y : Enable the touchscreen built-in test Defaults should be okay for related touchscreen settings. Touchscreen debug output on UART0 can be enabled with: Build Setup: CONFIG_DEBUG=y : Enable debug features CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO=y : Enable verbose debug output CONFIG_DEBUG_INPUT=y : Enable debug output from input devices 10. This configuration can be re-configured to test the on-board LCD module. System Type -> AT91SAM3/4 Configuration Options CONFIG_SAM34_SMC=y : SMC support Device Drivers -> LCD Driver Support CONFIG_LCD=y : Enable LCD support CONFIG_LCD_MAXCONTRAST=1 : Value should not matter CONFIG_LCD_MAXPOWER=64 : Must be > 16 CONFIG_LCD_LANDSCAPE=y : Landscape orientation Board Selection CONFIG_SAM4EEK_LCD_ILI9341=y : For the ILI9341-based LCD CONFIG_SAM4EEK_LCD_RGB565=y : Color resolution CONFIG_SAM4EEK_LCD_BGCOLOR=0x00 : Initial background color Graphics Support CONFIG_NX=y : Enable Graphics support CONFIG_NX_LCDDRIVER=y : LCD graphics device Graphics Support -> Supported Pixel Depths CONFIG_NX_DISABLE_1BPP=y : Only 16BPP supported CONFIG_NX_DISABLE_2BPP=y CONFIG_NX_DISABLE_4BPP=y CONFIG_NX_DISABLE_8BPP=y CONFIG_NX_DISABLE_24BPP=y CONFIG_NX_DISABLE_32BPP=y Graphics Support -> Font Selections CONFIG_NXFONTS_CHARBITS=7 CONFIG_NXFONT_SANS23X27=y CONFIG_NXFONT_SANS22X29B=y Application Configuration -> Examples CONFIG_EXAMPLES_NXLINES=y CONFIG_EXAMPLES_NXLINES_BGCOLOR=0x0320 CONFIG_EXAMPLES_NXLINES_LINEWIDTH=16 CONFIG_EXAMPLES_NXLINES_LINECOLOR=0xffe0 CONFIG_EXAMPLES_NXLINES_BORDERWIDTH=4 CONFIG_EXAMPLES_NXLINES_BORDERCOLOR=0xffe0 CONFIG_EXAMPLES_NXLINES_CIRCLECOLOR=0xf7bb CONFIG_EXAMPLES_NXLINES_BPP=16 STATUS: 2014-30-24: DMA is not currently functional and without DMA, there may not be reliable data transfers at high speeds due to data overrun problems. The current HSMCI driver supports DMA via the DMAC. However, the data sheet only discusses PDC-based HSMCI DMA (although there is a DMA channel interface definition for HSMCI). So this is effort is dead-in-the-water for now. 2014-05-15: The HSCMCI driver has been recently updated to support PCD DMA. That modified driver, however, has not yet been tested with the SAM4E-EK 2014-05-14: The touchscreen interface was successfully verified. 2014-08-20: The LCD interface is fully implemented and data appears to be transferred okay. However, there are errors in geometry that leave the LCD unusable still. The LCD backlight appears to be functional. usbnsh: This is another NSH example. If differs from the 'nsh' configuration in that this configurations uses a USB serial device for console I/O. STATUS: 2014-3-23: This configuration appears to be fully functional. NOTES: 1. See the NOTES in the description of the nsh configuration. Those notes all apply here as well. Some additional notes unique to the USB console version follow: 2. The configuration differences between this configuration and the nsh configuration is: a. USB device support is enabled as described in the paragraph entitled "USB Full-Speed Device", b. The CDC/ACM serial class is enabled as described in the paragraph "CDC/ACM Serial Device Class". c. The serial console is disabled: RTOS Features: CONFIG_DEV_CONSOLE=n : No console at boot time Driver Support -> USB Device Driver Support CONFIG_UART0_SERIAL_CONSOLE=n : UART0 is not the console CONFIG_NO_SERIAL_CONSOLE=y : There is no serial console Driver Support -> USB Device Driver Support CONFIG_CDCACM_CONSOLE=y : USB CDC/ACM console d. Support for debug output on UART0 is provided as described in the next note. 3. If you send large amounts of data to the target, you may see data loss due to RX overrun errors. See the NOTES in the section entitled "CDC/ACM Serial Device Class" for an explanation and some possible work-arounds. 3. This configuration does have UART0 output enabled and set up as the system logging device: File Systems -> Advanced SYSLOG Features CONFIG_SYSLOG=y : Enable output to syslog, not console CONFIG_SYSLOG_CHAR=y : Use a character device for system logging CONFIG_SYSLOG_DEVPATH="/dev/ttyS0" : UART0 will be /dev/ttyS0 However, there is nothing to generate SYLOG output in the default configuration so nothing should appear on UART0 unless you enable some debug output or enable the USB monitor. NOTE: Using the SYSLOG to get debug output has limitations. Among those are that you cannot get debug output from interrupt handlers. So, in particularly, debug output is not a useful way to debug the USB device controller driver. Instead, use the USB monitor with USB debug off and USB trace on (see below). 4. Enabling USB monitor SYSLOG output. See the paragraph entitle "Debugging USB Device" for a summary of the configuration settings needed to enable the USB monitor and get USB debug data out UART0. 5. By default, this configuration uses the CDC/ACM serial device to provide the USB console. This works out-of-the-box for Linux. Windows, on the other hand, will require a CDC/ACM device driver (.inf file). There is a sample .inf file in the nuttx/configs/spark directories. 5. Using the Prolifics PL2303 Emulation You could also use the non-standard PL2303 serial device instead of the standard CDC/ACM serial device by changing: CONFIG_CDCACM=n : Disable the CDC/ACM serial device class CONFIG_CDCACM_CONSOLE=n : The CDC/ACM serial device is NOT the console CONFIG_PL2303=y : The Prolifics PL2303 emulation is enabled CONFIG_PL2303_CONSOLE=y : The PL2303 serial device is the console nxwm: This is a special configuration setup for the NxWM window manager UnitTest. It integrates support for both the SAM4E-EK ILI9341 LCDC and the SAM4E-EK ADS7843E touchscreen controller and provides a more advanced graphics demo. It provides an interactive windowing experience. The NxWM window manager is a tiny window manager tailored for use with smaller LCDs. It supports a task, a start window, and multiple application windows with toolbars. However, to make the best use of the visible LCD space, only one application window is visible at at time. The NxWM window manager can be found here: nuttx-git/NxWidgets/nxwm The NxWM unit test can be found at: nuttx-git/NxWidgets/UnitTests/nxwm Documentation for installing the NxWM unit test can be found here: nuttx-git/NxWidgets/UnitTests/README.txt Here is the quick summary of the build steps. These steps assume that you have the entire NuttX GIT in some directory ~/nuttx-git. You may have these components installed elsewhere. In that case, you will need to adjust all of the paths in the following accordingly: 1. Install the nxwm configuration $ cd ~/nuttx-git/nuttx/tools $ ./ sam4e-ek/nxwm 2. Make the build context (only) $ cd .. $ . ./ $ make context ... NOTE: the use of the file is optional. All that it will do is to adjust your PATH variable so that the build system can find your tools. If you use it, you will most likely need to modify the script so that it has the correct path to your tool binaries directory. 3. Install the nxwm unit test $ cd ~/nuttx-git/NxWidgets $ tools/ ~/nuttx-git/apps nxwm Creating symbolic link - To ~/nuttx-git/NxWidgets/UnitTests/nxwm - At ~/nuttx-git/apps/external 4. Build the NxWidgets library $ cd ~/nuttx-git/NxWidgets/libnxwidgets $ make TOPDIR=~/nuttx-git/nuttx ... 5. Build the NxWM library $ cd ~/nuttx-git/NxWidgets/nxwm $ make TOPDIR=~/nuttx-git/nuttx ... 6. Built NuttX with the installed unit test as the application $ cd ~/nuttx-git/nuttx $ make STATUS: 2014-08-20. I have seen the demo work well but it is not thoroughly exercised. I suspect some touchscreen issues. 2014-10-11. Today's build crashes in nxwm_main on startup.