Gregory Nutt 037c9ea0a4 arch/arm: Rename all up_*.h files to arm_*.h

The naming standard at requires that all MCU-private files begin with the name of the architecture, not up_.

This PR addresses only these name changes for the up_*.h files.  There are only three, but almost 1680 files that include them:


The only change to the files is from including up_arch.h to arm_arch.h (for example).

The entire job required to be compatible with that Naming Convention will also require changing the naming of the up_() functions that are used only within arch/arm and board/arm.


There should be not impact of this change (other that one step toward more consistent naming).


2020-05-01 03:43:44 +01:00


This README discusses issues unique to NuttX configurations for the
MCU-123 LPC2148 development board.


  o Development Environment
  o GNU Toolchain Options
  o NuttX buildroot Toolchain
  o Flash Tools
    - In System Programming (ISP) Mode
    - LPC21ISP (Linux)
    - FlashMagic (Windows/MAC)
    - OpenOCD
  o ARM/LPC214X-specific Configuration Options
  o Configurations

Development Environment

  Either Linux or Cygwin on Windows can be used for the development environment.
  The source has been built only using the GNU toolchain (see below).  Other
  toolchains will likely cause problems.

GNU Toolchain Options

  The NuttX make system has been modified to support the following different
  toolchain options.

  1. The NuttX buildroot Toolchain (see below).
  2. The CodeSourcery GNU toolchain,
  3. The devkitARM GNU toolchain, or

  All testing has been conducted using the NuttX buildroot toolchain.  To use
  the CodeSourcery or devkitARM GNU toolchain, you simply need to build the
  system as follows:

     make                         # Will build for the NuttX buildroot toolchain
     make CROSSDEV=arm-eabi-      # Will build for the devkitARM toolchain
     make CROSSDEV=arm-none-eabi- # Will build for the CodeSourcery toolchain
     make CROSSDEV=arm-nuttx-elf- # Will build for the NuttX buildroot toolchain

  Of course, hard coding this CROSS_COMPILE value in Make.defs file will save
  some repetitive typing.

  NOTE: the CodeSourcery and devkitARM toolchains are Windows native toolchains.
  The NuttX buildroot toolchain is a Cygwin toolchain.  There are several limitations
  to using a Windows based toolchain in a Cygwin environment.  The three biggest are:

  1. The Windows toolchain cannot follow Cygwin paths.  Path conversions are
     performed automatically in the Cygwin makefiles using the 'cygpath' utility
     but you might easily find some new path problems.  If so, check out 'cygpath -w'

  2. Windows toolchains cannot follow Cygwin symbolic links.  Many symbolic links
     are used in Nuttx (e.g., include/arch).  The make system works around these
     problems for the Windows tools by copying directories instead of linking them.
     But this can also cause some confusion for you:  For example, you may edit
     a file in a "linked" directory and find that your changes had no effect.
     That is because you are building the copy of the file in the "fake" symbolic
     directory.  If you use a Windows toolchain, you should get in the habit of
     making like this:

       make clean_context; make CROSSDEV=arm-none-eabi-

     An alias in your .bashrc file might make that less painful.

  NOTE 1: The CodeSourcery toolchain (2009q1) may not work with default optimization
  level of -Os (See Make.defs).  It will work with -O0, -O1, or -O2, but not with

  NOTE 2: The devkitARM toolchain includes a version of MSYS make.  Make sure that
  the paths to Cygwin's /bin and /usr/bin directories appear BEFORE the devkitARM
  path or will get the wrong version of make.

NuttX buildroot Toolchain

  A GNU GCC-based toolchain is assumed.  The PATH environment variable should
  be modified to point to the correct path to the Cortex-M3 GCC toolchain (if
  different from the default in your PATH variable).

  If you have no Cortex-M3 toolchain, one can be downloaded from the NuttX
  Bitbucket download site (
  This GNU toolchain builds and executes in the Linux or Cygwin environment.

  1. You must have already configured Nuttx in <some-dir>/nuttx.

     tools/ eagle100:<sub-dir>

  2. Download the latest buildroot package into <some-dir>

  3. unpack the buildroot tarball.  The resulting directory may
     have versioning information on it like buildroot-x.y.z.  If so,
     rename <some-dir>/buildroot-x.y.z to <some-dir>/buildroot.

  4. cd <some-dir>/buildroot

  5. cp boards/arm7tdmi-defconfig-4.3.3 .config

  6. make oldconfig

  7. make

  8. Make sure that the PATH variable includes the path to the newly built

  See the file boards/README.txt in the buildroot source tree.  That has more
  detailed PLUS some special instructions that you will need to follow if you are
  building a Cortex-M3 toolchain for Cygwin under Windows.

Flash Tools

In System Programming (ISP) Mode

1. Make sure you exit minicom (or whatever terminal emulator you are
   using).  It will interfere with the download.

2. On the MCU123 board, I need to put a jumper on JP3-INT. On that board,
   JP3-INT is connected to P0.14 of LPC214x. When P0.14 is low and RTS is
   changed from high to low, the LPC214x will enter ISP (In System
   Programming) state.

   J2-RST: When J2 is shorted, the reset pin of CPU is controlled by
   the DTR signal of UART0. Short J2 to enable ISP automatic download.

   Alternatively, you can just press the INT1 button while resetting.
   The LEDs will be off if the LPC2148 successfully enters ISP mode.

Resetting the board will enter ISP mode when the jumper is connected.

LPC21ISP (Linux)

(ca. 2008)
I use the lpc21isp tool to load NuttX into FLASH.  In the older version
1.60 of lpc21isp for Linux, I had to make several changes.  This changesi
are shown in lpc21ips-1.60.diff.

I use the script to perform the actual download.  You will
probably have to make some changes to this script in order to use it.
For example, the path to the built lpc21isp binary will most likely
have to change.  Then move this script to the top level NuttX
directory and simply execute it to load NuttX onto the board (after
entering ISP mode).

Here are the detailed steps I use:

1. Setup ISP (In System Programming) mode (see above).

3. Start

4. Reset the board to

FlashMagic (Windows/MAC)

(ca. 2012)
You download FlashMagic for Windows or MAC here:

1. Setup ISP (In System Programming) mode (see above).

2. Start FlashMagic and setup communication parameters.

   Device:           LPC2148
   COM Port:         (will vary with PC)
   Baud:             38400 (I am sure it can go faster).
   Interface:        None (ISP)
   Oscillator (MHz): 12

   Check "Erase all Flash+Code Rd Prot"

3. Select the nuttx.hex file

4. Options: Verify after programming

5. Start and reset the board to entry ISP mode.  Or hold the INT1
   button down after reset after you press start.

NOTE:  FlashMagic will complain if the data section overlaps


I have the (really old) Olimex software installed at C:/gccfd.  Under
Cygwin, I can do the following:

1. Create a .cfg file:

   $ cat /cygdrive/c/gccfd/openocd/lib/openocd/interface/arm-usb-ocd.cfg /cygdrive/c/gccfd/openocd/lib/openocd/target/lpc2148.cfg > lpc2148.cfg

2. Start OpenOCD:

   /cygdrive/c/gccfd/openocd/bin/openocd-ftd2xx.exe -f lpc2148.cfg -s . &

3. Start arm-*-gdb (whichever GDB your toolchain uses).

ARM/LPC214X-specific Configuration Options

	CONFIG_ARCH - Identifies the arch/ subdirectory.  This should
	   be set to:


	CONFIG_ARCH_family - For use in C code:


	CONFIG_ARCH_architecture - For use in C code:


	CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP - Identifies the arch/*/chip subdirectory


	CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_name - For use in C code


	CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD - Identifies the boards/ subdirectory and
	   hence, the board that supports the particular chip or SoC.


	CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_name - For use in C code

	   CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_MCU123_LPC214X (for theMCU123 LPC214x board)

	CONFIG_ARCH_LOOPSPERMSEC - Must be calibrated for correct operation
	   of delay loops

	CONFIG_ENDIAN_BIG - define if big endian (default is little

	CONFIG_RAM_SIZE - Describes the installed RAM.

	CONFIG_RAM_START - The start address of installed RAM

	CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS - Use LEDs to show state. Unique to boards that
	   have LEDs

	CONFIG_ARCH_INTERRUPTSTACK - This architecture supports an interrupt
	   stack. If defined, this symbol is the size of the interrupt
	   stack in bytes.  If not defined, the user task stacks will be
	  used during interrupt handling.

	CONFIG_ARCH_STACKDUMP - Do stack dumps after assertions

  LPC2148 specific chip initialization

    These provide register setup values:

	CONFIG_LPC214x_FIO - Enable fast GPIO (vs. legacy, "old" GPIO).

  LPC214X specific device driver settings

	CONFIG_UARTn_SERIAL_CONSOLE - selects the UARTn for the
	   console and ttys0 (default is the UART0).

	CONFIG_UARTn_RXBUFSIZE - Characters are buffered as received.
	   This specific the size of the receive buffer

	CONFIG_UARTn_TXBUFSIZE - Characters are buffered before
	   being sent.  This specific the size of the transmit buffer

	CONFIG_UARTn_BAUD - The configure BAUD of the UART.

	CONFIG_UARTn_BITS - The number of bits.  Must be either 7 or 8.

	CONFIG_UARTn_PARTIY - 0=no parity, 1=odd parity, 2=even parity, 3=mark 1, 4=space 0

	CONFIG_UARTn_2STOP - Two stop bits

  LPC214X USB Configuration

	   Handle USB Start-Of-Frame events.
	   Enable reading SOF from interrupt handler vs. simply reading on demand.
	   Probably a bad idea... Unless there is some issue with sampling the SOF
	   from hardware asynchronously.

	   Enable high priority interrupts.  I have no idea why you might want to
	   do that

	   Number of DMA descriptors to allocate in the 8Kb USB RAM.  This is a
	   tradeoff between the number of DMA channels that can be supported vs
	   the size of the DMA buffers available.

	   Enable lpc214x-specific DMA support


  1. Each NXP LPC214x configuration is maintained in a sub-directory and
     can be selected as follow:

       tools/ mcu123-lpc214x:<subdir>

     Where <subdir> is one of the configuration sub-directories described in
     the following paragraph.

  2. These configurations use the mconf-based configuration tool.  To
     change a configurations using that tool, you should:

     a. Build and install the kconfig-mconf tool.  See nuttx/README.txt
        see additional README.txt files in the NuttX tools repository.

     b. Execute 'make menuconfig' in nuttx/ in order to start the
        reconfiguration process.

  3. By default, all configurations assume the NuttX Buildroot toolchain
     under Linux (should work under Windows with Cygwin as well).  This
     is easily reconfigured:



  A simple test of the USB Composite Device (see
  apps/examples/README.txt and apps/system/composite)

  NOTE:  I could not get this to work!  Perhaps this is a consequence of the
  last USB driver checking (r4359). But backing this change out did not fix
  the configuration.


  Configures the NuttShell (nsh) located at examples/nsh.  The
  Configuration enables only the serial NSH interfaces.


  This configuration directory exercises the USB serial class
  driver at examples/usbserial.  See examples/README.txt for
  more information.

  NOTE: If you have problems with this configuration, perhaps it is a
  consequence of the last USB driver checking (r4359)


  This configuration directory exercises the USB mass storage
  class driver at system/usbmsc.  See examples/README.txt for
  more information.

  NOTE: If you have problems with this configuration, perhaps it is a
  consequence of the last USB driver checking (r4359)