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package BurguillosInfo::Tracking;
use v5.34.1;
use strict;
use warnings;
2023-05-02 20:52:39 +02:00
use feature 'signatures';
use JSON;
2022-11-17 02:17:44 +01:00
use Const::Fast;
use BurguillosInfo::DB;
my $app;
2022-11-17 02:17:44 +01:00
const my $SELECT_GLOBAL => <<'EOF';
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT (remote_address, user_agent))
FROM requests
sub new {
my $class = shift;
$app = shift;
my $dbh = BurguillosInfo::DB->connect($app);
return bless {}, $class;
2023-05-02 20:52:39 +02:00
sub _add_path($self, $url) {
my $dbh = BurguillosInfo::DB->connect($app);
$dbh->do( <<'EOF', undef, $url );
INSERT INTO paths (path) VALUES($1)
UPDATE SET last_seen = NOW() where paths.path = $1;
sub _update_null_last_seen_paths_if_any($self) {
my $dbh = BurguillosInfo::DB->connect($app);
$dbh->do( <<'EOF', undef);
UPDATE paths
SET last_seen = requests_for_path.last_date
SELECT requests.path, max(requests.date) as last_date
FROM requests
GROUP BY requests.path
) requests_for_path
WHERE paths.last_seen IS NULL AND requests_for_path.path = paths.path;
sub _register_request_query($self, $remote_address, $user_agent, $params_json, $path) {
my $dbh = BurguillosInfo::DB->connect($app);
<<'EOF', undef, $remote_address, $user_agent, $params_json, $path );
INSERT INTO requests(remote_address, user_agent, params, path)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);
sub register_request {
my $self = shift;
my $c = shift;
my $path = $c->req->url->path;
my $dbh = BurguillosInfo::DB->connect($app);
2023-05-02 20:52:39 +02:00
my $remote_address = $c->tx->remote_address;
my $user_agent = $c->req->headers->user_agent;
my $params_json = encode_json( $c->req->params->to_hash );
2023-05-02 20:52:39 +02:00
$self->_register_request_query($remote_address, $user_agent, $params_json, $path);
say "Registered $remote_address with user agent $user_agent visited $path with $params_json";
2022-11-17 00:44:20 +01:00
sub get_global_data {
my $self = shift;
my $c = shift;
my $app = $c->app;
my $dbh = BurguillosInfo::DB->connect($app);
2022-11-17 02:17:44 +01:00
my $data = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(<<"EOF", undef);
2022-11-17 00:44:20 +01:00
2022-11-17 02:17:44 +01:00
2022-11-17 00:44:20 +01:00
where date > NOW() - interval '1 day'
) as unique_ips_last_24_hours,
2022-11-17 02:17:44 +01:00
2022-11-17 00:44:20 +01:00
where date > NOW() - interval '1 week'
) as unique_ips_last_week,
2022-11-17 02:17:44 +01:00
2022-11-17 00:44:20 +01:00
where date > NOW() - interval '1 month'
) as unique_ips_last_month;
return $data;
2022-11-17 02:17:44 +01:00
sub get_data_for_urls {
my $self = shift;
2023-05-02 19:11:35 +02:00
my $c = shift;
my $app = $c->app;
my $dbh = BurguillosInfo::DB->connect($app);
my $data = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(<<"EOF", {Slice => {}});
2022-11-17 02:17:44 +01:00
SELECT paths.path,
2023-05-07 06:33:27 +02:00
where requests.path = paths.path and date > NOW() - interval '1 hour'
) as unique_ips_last_1_hour,
where requests.path = paths.path and date > NOW() - interval '3 hour'
) as unique_ips_last_3_hours,
where requests.path = paths.path and date > NOW() - interval '6 hour'
) as unique_ips_last_6_hours,
where requests.path = paths.path and date > NOW() - interval '12 hour'
) as unique_ips_last_12_hours,
where requests.path = paths.path and date > NOW() - interval '1 day'
) as unique_ips_last_24_hours,
where requests.path = paths.path and date > NOW() - interval '1 week'
) as unique_ips_last_week,
where requests.path = paths.path and date > NOW() - interval '1 month'
) as unique_ips_last_month
2023-05-02 20:57:09 +02:00
FROM paths
WHERE paths.last_seen > NOW() - INTERVAL '1 month';
2022-11-17 02:17:44 +01:00
return $data;