Adding previews to categories and attributes.

This commit is contained in:
Sergiotarxz 2023-05-08 01:14:36 +02:00
parent e6256041b7
commit 76ed2603ac
6 changed files with 281 additions and 185 deletions

View File

@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ sub startup ($self) {
# $r->get('/:post')->to('Page#post');

View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ use Const::Fast;
use Mojo::DOM;
use Path::Tiny;
use BurguillosInfo::Preview;
const my $CURRENT_FILE => __FILE__;
const my $CATEGORIES_DIR =>
@ -120,4 +122,10 @@ sub _AvoidGrandChildCategories($self, $categories) {
sub PreviewOg($self, $category) {
my $title = $category->{title};
my $description = $category->{description};
return BurguillosInfo::Preview->Generate($title, $description, undef);

View File

@ -10,6 +10,29 @@ use BurguillosInfo::Categories;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller', -signatures;
use BurguillosInfo::Preview;
sub get_attribute_preview ($self) {
my $category_slug = $self->param('category_slug');
my $attribute_slug = $self->param('attribute_slug');
my $categories = BurguillosInfo::Categories->new->Retrieve;
my $category = $categories->{$category_slug};
if ( !defined $category ) {
return $self->reply->not_found;
my $attribute = $category->{attributes}{$attribute_slug};
if ( !defined $attribute ) {
return $self->reply->not_found;
format => 'png',
data => BurguillosInfo::Preview->Generate(
$attribute->{title}, $attribute->{description}, undef
sub get ($self) {
my $category_slug = $self->param('category_slug');
my $attribute_slug = $self->param('attribute_slug');
@ -26,12 +49,18 @@ sub get ($self) {
my $posts = BurguillosInfo::Posts->RetrieveDirectPostsForCategory(
$category->{slug} );
$posts = [ grep { defined $_->{attributes}{$attribute_slug} } @$posts ];
my $base_url = $self->config('base_url');
template => 'page/attribute',
category => $category,
attribute => $attribute,
categories => $categories,
posts => $posts,
ogimage => $base_url . '/'
. $category->{slug}
. '/atributo/'
. $attribute->{identifier}
. '-preview.png',

View File

@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ sub _post_to_rss {
my $guid = Mojo::DOM->new_tag( 'guid', $post->{slug} );
my $date = Mojo::DOM->new_tag(
. DateTime::Format::Mail->format_datetime(
DateTime::Format::ISO8601->parse_datetime( $post->{date} )
@ -119,8 +120,10 @@ sub post {
my $current_category = $categories->{ $post->{category} };
$self->stash(ogimage => ''.$post->{slug}.'-preview.png');
$self->stash(useragent => $self->req->headers->user_agent);
my $base_url = $self->config('base_url');
ogimage => $base_url . '/posts/' . $post->{slug} . '-preview.png' );
$self->stash( useragent => $self->req->headers->user_agent );
$self->render( post => $post, current_category => $current_category );
@ -129,6 +132,7 @@ sub category {
my $categories = BurguillosInfo::Categories->new->Retrieve;
my $category_name = $self->param('category');
my $current_category = $categories->{$category_name};
my $base_url = $self->config('base_url');
if ( !defined $current_category ) {
$self->render( template => '404', status => 404 );
@ -136,10 +140,27 @@ sub category {
template => 'page/index',
categories => $categories,
ogimage => $base_url . '/' . $current_category->{slug} . '-preview.png',
current_category => $current_category
sub get_category_preview {
my $self = shift;
my $category_slug = $self->param('category');
my $category_model = BurguillosInfo::Categories->new;
my $categories = $category_model->Retrieve;
if ( !defined $categories->{$category_slug} ) {
$self->render( template => '404', status => 404 );
my $category = $categories->{$category_slug};
format => 'png',
data => $category_model->PreviewOg($category)
sub get_post_preview {
my $self = shift;
my $slug = $self->param('slug');
@ -152,7 +173,7 @@ sub get_post_preview {
my $post = $posts_slug->{$slug};
format => 'png',
data => $post_model->PostPreviewOg($post)
data => $post_model->PreviewOg($post)

View File

@ -17,18 +17,13 @@ use Mojo::DOM;
use Path::Tiny;
use DateTime::Format::ISO8601;
use DateTime;
use SVG;
use Capture::Tiny qw/capture/;
use BurguillosInfo::Preview;
const my $CURRENT_FILE => __FILE__;
const my $ROOT_PROJECT => path($CURRENT_FILE)->parent->parent->parent;
const my $PUBLIC_DIR => $ROOT_PROJECT->child('public');
const my $POSTS_DIR => $ROOT_PROJECT->child('content/posts');
const my $BURGUILLOS_LOGO => $PUBLIC_DIR->child('img/burguillos.webp');
const my $SVG_WIDTH => 1200;
const my $SVG_HEIGHT => 627;
my $cached_posts_by_category;
my $cached_posts_by_slug;
@ -187,169 +182,15 @@ sub RetrieveDirectPostsForCategory ( $self, $category_name ) {
return [@$posts];
sub PostPreviewOg {
sub PreviewOg {
my $self = shift;
my $post = shift;
my $title = $post->{title};
my $content = $post->{content};
my $dom = Mojo::DOM->new($content);
$content = $dom->all_text;
my @content_divided_in_lines = split /\n/, $content;
my @new_content;
my $n_chars_per_line = 70;
for my $line (@content_divided_in_lines) {
if ( length($line) <= $n_chars_per_line ) {
push @new_content, $line;
my $last_word = '';
while ( $line =~ /(.{1,${n_chars_per_line}})/g ) {
my $new_line = $last_word . $1;
$new_line =~ s/(\S*)$//;
$last_word = $1;
push @new_content, $new_line;
if ($last_word) {
$new_content[$#new_content] .= $last_word;
my $svg =
$self->_GenerateSVGPostPreview( $title, \@new_content, $post->{image} );
my ( $stdout, $stderr ) = capture {
open my $fh, '|-', qw{convert /dev/stdin png:fd:1};
binmode $fh, 'utf8';
print $fh $svg;
close $fh;
say STDERR $stderr;
return $stdout;
my $image_file = $post->{image};
return BurguillosInfo::Preview->Generate($title, $content, $image_file);
sub _AttachImageSVG {
my $self = shift;
my $svg = shift;
my $image = shift;
$image = $PUBLIC_DIR->child( './' . $image );
path($image = $self->_toPng($image));
my ( $stdout, $stderr, $error ) = capture {
system qw/identify -format "%wx%h"/, $image;
if ($error) {
warn "$image not recognized by identify.";
my ( $width, $height ) = $stdout =~ /^"(\d+)x(\d+)"$/;
$width /= $height / $SVG_EMBEDDED_IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT;
$width = int($width);
$height /= $width / $SVG_EMBEDDED_IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH;
$height = int($height);
my $x = int( ( $SVG_WIDTH / 2 ) - ( $width / 2 ) );
my $y = 90;
my ($output) = capture {
system qw/file --mime-type/, $image;
my ($format) = $output =~ /(\S+)$/;
x => $x,
y => $y,
width => $width,
height => $height,
-href => "data:$format;base64," . encode_base64( $image->slurp )
return $y + $height + 50;
sub _toPng($self, $image) {
if ($image =~ /\.\w+$/) {
my $new_image = $image =~ s/\.\w+$/.generated.png/r;
say $new_image;
if (!-e $new_image) {
system 'convert', "$image", "$new_image";
$image = $new_image;
return path($image);
sub _GenerateSVGPostPreview {
my $self = shift;
my $title = shift;
my $content = shift;
my $image = shift;
my @content = @$content;
my $svg = SVG->new( width => $SVG_WIDTH, height => $SVG_HEIGHT );
x => 0,
y => 0,
width => 1200,
height => 50,
style => { fill => 'blueviolet' }
x => 0,
y => 50,
width => 1200,
height => 627,
style => { fill => '#F8F8FF' }
my $group = $svg->group(
id => 'group',
style => {
font => 'Arial',
'font-size' => 30,
my $burguillos_logo_png = path($self->_toPng($BURGUILLOS_LOGO));
say ''.$burguillos_logo_png;
x => 10,
y => 5,
width => 40,
height => 40,
-href => 'data:image/png;base64,'
. encode_base64( $burguillos_logo_png->slurp )
x => 60,
y => 40,
style => { 'font-size' => 50, fill => '#f2eb8c' }
my $new_y;
if ( defined $image ) {
$new_y = $self->_AttachImageSVG( $group, $image );
$new_y //= 100;
x => 10,
y => $new_y,
style => { 'font-size' => 50 }
my $n = 0;
for my $line (@content) {
x => 10,
y => $new_y + 40 + ( 30 * $n ),
style => { 'font-size' => 38 }
path($ROOT_PROJECT)->child('a.svg')->spew_utf8( $svg->xmlify );
return $svg->xmlify;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
package BurguillosInfo::Preview;
use v5.36.0;
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'signatures';
use SVG;
use Path::Tiny;
use Const::Fast;
use Capture::Tiny qw/capture/;
use MIME::Base64;
const my $CURRENT_FILE => __FILE__;
const my $ROOT_PROJECT => path($CURRENT_FILE)->parent->parent->parent;
const my $PUBLIC_DIR => $ROOT_PROJECT->child('public');
const my $BURGUILLOS_LOGO => $PUBLIC_DIR->child('img/burguillos.webp');
const my $SVG_WIDTH => 1200;
const my $SVG_HEIGHT => 627;
sub Generate($self, $title, $content, $image_file) {
my $dom = Mojo::DOM->new($content);
$content = $dom->all_text;
my $svg =
$self->_GenerateSVGPreview( $title, $self->_DivideTextContentInLines($content), $image_file );
return $self->_SVGToPNG($svg);
sub _ToPng($self, $image) {
if ($image =~ /\.\w+$/) {
my $new_image = $image =~ s/\.\w+$/.generated.png/r;
say $new_image;
if (!-e $new_image) {
system 'convert', "$image", "$new_image";
$image = $new_image;
return path($image);
sub _GenerateSVGPreviewHeaderBar($self, $svg, $group) {
x => 0,
y => 0,
width => 1200,
height => 50,
style => { fill => 'blueviolet' }
x => 0,
y => 50,
width => 1200,
height => 627,
style => { fill => '#F8F8FF' }
my $burguillos_logo_png = path($self->_ToPng($BURGUILLOS_LOGO));
say $burguillos_logo_png;
say ''.$burguillos_logo_png;
x => 10,
y => 5,
width => 40,
height => 40,
-href => 'data:image/png;base64,'
. encode_base64( $burguillos_logo_png->slurp )
x => 60,
y => 40,
style => { 'font-size' => 50, fill => '#f2eb8c' }
sub _GenerateSVGPreview($self, $title, $content, $image_file) {
my @content = @$content;
my $svg = SVG->new( width => $SVG_WIDTH, height => $SVG_HEIGHT );
my $group = $svg->group(
id => 'group',
style => {
font => 'Arial',
'font-size' => 30,
$self->_GenerateSVGPreviewHeaderBar($svg, $group);
my $new_y;
if ( defined $image_file ) {
$new_y = $self->_AttachImageSVG( $group, $image_file );
$new_y //= 100;
x => 10,
y => $new_y,
style => { 'font-size' => 50 }
my $n = 0;
for my $line (@content) {
x => 10,
y => $new_y + 40 + ( 30 * $n ),
style => { 'font-size' => 38 }
return $svg->xmlify;
sub _SVGToPNG($self, $svg) {
my ( $stdout, $stderr ) = capture {
open my $fh, '|-', qw{convert /dev/stdin png:fd:1};
binmode $fh, 'utf8';
print $fh $svg;
close $fh;
say STDERR $stderr;
return $stdout;
sub _DivideTextContentInLines($self, $content) {
my @content_divided_in_lines = split /\n/, $content;
my @new_content;
my $n_chars_per_line = 70;
for my $line (@content_divided_in_lines) {
if ( length($line) <= $n_chars_per_line ) {
push @new_content, $line;
my $last_word = '';
while ( $line =~ /(.{1,${n_chars_per_line}})/g ) {
my $new_line = $last_word . $1;
$new_line =~ s/(\S*)$//;
$last_word = $1;
push @new_content, $new_line;
if ($last_word) {
$new_content[$#new_content] .= $last_word;
return \@new_content;
sub _AttachImageSVG($self, $svg, $image_file) {
$image_file = $PUBLIC_DIR->child( './' . $image_file );
$image_file = path($self->_ToPng($image_file));
my ( $stdout, $stderr, $error ) = capture {
system qw/identify -format "%wx%h"/, $image_file;
if ($error) {
warn "$image_file not recognized by identify.";
my ( $width, $height ) = $stdout =~ /^"(\d+)x(\d+)"$/;
$width /= $height / $SVG_EMBEDDED_IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT;
$width = int($width);
$height /= $width / $SVG_EMBEDDED_IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH;
$height = int($height);
my $x = int( ( $SVG_WIDTH / 2 ) - ( $width / 2 ) );
my $y = 90;
my ($output) = capture {
system qw/file --mime-type/, $image_file;
my ($format) = $output =~ /(\S+)$/;
x => $x,
y => $y,
width => $width,
height => $height,
-href => "data:$format;base64," . encode_base64( $image_file->slurp )
return $y + $height + 50;