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commit caea53ad329a79fce2ac2b3eadf7c8ba92b903fa
Author: Gwen Mittertreiner <gwen.mittertreiner@gmail.com>
Date: Sun Apr 7 13:23:17 2019 -0700
Remove use of fts
Replace the use of fts with Foundation's Directory Enumerator, which (on
Darwin/Linux), calls fts instead, but is cross platform for Windows.
diff --git a/swiftpm/Sources/Basic/FileSystem.swift b/swiftpm/Sources/Basic/FileSystem.swift
index 958eaaf4..1b9e01a0 100644
--- a/swiftpm/Sources/Basic/FileSystem.swift
+++ b/swiftpm/Sources/Basic/FileSystem.swift
@@ -88,16 +88,18 @@ public enum FileMode {
case userUnWritable
case userWritable
case executable
- /// File mode as it would be passed to `chmod`.
- public var cliArgument: String {
+ internal var setMode: (Int16) -> Int16 {
switch self {
case .userUnWritable:
- return "u-w"
+ // r-x rwx rwx
+ return {$0 & 0o577}
case .userWritable:
- return "u+w"
+ // -w- --- ---
+ return {$0 | 0o200}
case .executable:
- return "+x"
+ // --x --x --x
+ return {$0 | 0o111}
@@ -375,86 +377,39 @@ private class LocalFileSystem: FileSystem {
func chmod(_ mode: FileMode, path: AbsolutePath, options: Set<FileMode.Option>) throws {
- #if os(macOS)
- // Get the mode we need to set.
- guard let setMode = setmode(mode.cliArgument) else {
- throw FileSystemError(errno: errno)
- }
- defer { setMode.deallocate() }
+ guard exists(path) else { return }
+ func setMode(path: String) throws {
+ // Skip if only files should be changed.
+ if options.contains(.onlyFiles) && isDirectory(AbsolutePath(path)) {
+ return
+ }
- let recursive = options.contains(.recursive)
- // If we're in recursive mode, do physical walk otherwise logical.
- let ftsOptions = recursive ? FTS_PHYSICAL : FTS_LOGICAL
+ let attrs = try FileManager.default.attributesOfItem(atPath: path)
- // Get handle to the file hierarchy we want to traverse.
- let paths = CStringArray([path.pathString])
- guard let ftsp = fts_open(paths.cArray, ftsOptions, nil) else {
- throw FileSystemError(errno: errno)
+ // Compute the new mode for this file.
+ let currentMode = attrs[.posixPermissions] as! Int16
+ let newMode = mode.setMode(currentMode)
+ guard newMode != currentMode else { return }
+ try FileManager.default.setAttributes([.posixPermissions : newMode],
+ ofItemAtPath: path)
- defer { fts_close(ftsp) }
- // Start traversing.
- while let p = fts_read(ftsp) {
- switch Int32(p.pointee.fts_info) {
- // A directory being visited in pre-order.
- case FTS_D:
- // If we're not recursing, skip the contents of the directory.
- if !recursive {
- fts_set(ftsp, p, FTS_SKIP)
- }
- continue
- // A directory couldn't be read.
- case FTS_DNR:
- // FIXME: We should warn here.
- break
- // There was an error.
- case FTS_ERR:
- fallthrough
- // No stat(2) information was available.
- case FTS_NS:
- // FIXME: We should warn here.
- continue
+ try setMode(path: path.pathString)
+ guard isDirectory(path) else { return }
- // A symbolic link.
- case FTS_SL:
- fallthrough
- // A symbolic link with a non-existent target.
- case FTS_SLNONE:
- // The only symlinks that end up here are ones that don't point
- // to anything and ones that we found doing a physical walk.
- continue
- default:
- break
- }
- // Compute the new mode for this file.
- let currentMode = mode_t(p.pointee.fts_statp.pointee.st_mode)
- // Skip if only files should be changed.
- if options.contains(.onlyFiles) && (currentMode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR {
- continue
- }
+ guard let traverse = FileManager.default.enumerator(
+ at: URL(fileURLWithPath: path.pathString),
+ includingPropertiesForKeys: nil) else {
+ throw FileSystemError.noEntry
+ }
- // Compute the new mode.
- let newMode = getmode(setMode, currentMode)
- if newMode == currentMode {
- continue
- }
+ if !options.contains(.recursive) {
+ traverse.skipDescendants()
+ }
- // Update the mode.
- //
- // We ignore the errors for now but we should have a way to report back.
- _ = SPMLibc.chmod(p.pointee.fts_accpath, newMode)
+ while let path = traverse.nextObject() {
+ try setMode(path: (path as! URL).path)
- #endif
- // FIXME: We only support macOS right now.
diff --git a/swiftpm/Sources/clibc/include/clibc.h b/swiftpm/Sources/clibc/include/clibc.h
index 7cf808c1..8a90bffa 100644
--- a/swiftpm/Sources/clibc/include/clibc.h
+++ b/swiftpm/Sources/clibc/include/clibc.h
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-#include <fts.h>
#if defined(__linux__)
#include <sys/inotify.h>