2016-03-21 21:39:26 -04:00
2017-08-16 09:08:12 +02:00
show_usage () {
echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME [command]"
2016-03-21 21:39:26 -04:00
echo "termux-chroot: Setup a chroot to mimic a normal Linux file system"
echo ""
2017-08-16 09:08:12 +02:00
echo "Execute a command in a chroot with traditional file system hierarchy"
echo "(having e.g. the folders /bin, /etc and /usr) within Termux."
echo "If run without argument, the default shell will be executed"
exit 0
while getopts :h option
case "$option" in
h) show_usage;;
?) echo "$SCRIPTNAME: illegal option -$OPTARG"; exit 1;
shift $(($OPTIND-1))
2016-03-21 21:39:26 -04:00
# For the /system/bin/linker(64) to be found:
ARGS="-b /system:/system"
2017-05-25 22:15:42 +02:00
# On some devices /vendor is required for termux packages to work correctly
# See https://github.com/termux/proot/issues/2#issuecomment-303995382
ARGS="$ARGS -b /vendor:/vendor"
2017-06-13 16:21:56 +02:00
# Bind /data to include system folders such as /data/misc. Also $PREFIX
# and $HOME so that Termux programs with hard-coded paths continue to work:
ARGS="$ARGS -b /data:/data"
2018-03-10 22:35:53 +01:00
# Bind Magisk binary directories so root works, closing per Issue #2100.
if [ -d /sbin ] && [ -d /root ]; then
# Both of these directories exist under Android even without Magisk installed,
# The existence check is to ensure that it doesn't break if this changes.
ARGS="$ARGS -b /sbin:/sbin -b /root:/root"
2017-11-21 05:13:54 +01:00
if [ -f /property_contexts ]; then
# Used by getprop (see https://github.com/termux/termux-packages/issues/1076)
# but does not exist on Android 8.
ARGS="$ARGS -b /property_contexts:/property_contexts"
2016-03-21 21:39:26 -04:00
2016-03-27 18:10:22 -04:00
# Expose external and internal storage:
if [ -d /storage ]; then
ARGS="$ARGS -b /storage:/storage"
2016-03-21 21:39:26 -04:00
# Mimic traditional Linux file system hierarchy - /usr:
ARGS="$ARGS -b $PREFIX:/usr"
# Mimic traditional Linux file system hierarchy - other Termux dirs:
for f in bin etc lib share tmp var; do
ARGS="$ARGS -b $PREFIX/$f:/$f"
# Mimic traditional Linux file system hierarchy- system dirs:
for f in dev proc; do
ARGS="$ARGS -b /$f:/$f"
# Set /home as current directory:
ARGS="$ARGS --cwd=/home"
# Root of the file system:
2017-08-16 09:08:12 +02:00
export HOME=/home
# Shell to execute:
2016-03-21 21:39:26 -04:00
if [ -x $HOME/.termux/shell ]; then
PROGRAM=`readlink -f $HOME/.termux/shell`
2017-08-16 09:08:12 +02:00
# Execute shell if no command has been supplied
if [ -z "$1" ];then
exec $PREFIX/bin/proot $ARGS
# When a command is executed directly instead of opening a shell run
# the command in the current working directory instead of in /home
ARGS="$ARGS --cwd=."
# Start supplied command with "sh -c" so things like these work:
# termux-chroot "make;make install"
# termux-chroot "SOME_CONFIG=value ./configure"
exec $PREFIX/bin/proot $ARGS sh -c "$*"