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'\" t
.\" Title: apt-cache
.\" Author: Jason Gunthorpe
.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.79.1 <http://docbook.sf.net/>
.\" Date: 25\ \&November\ \&2016
.\" Manual: APT
.\" Source: APT 1.4.9
.\" Language: English
.TH "APT\-CACHE" "8" "25\ \&November\ \&2016" "APT 1.4.9" "APT"
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.\" * Define some portability stuff
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.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
.\" http://bugs.debian.org/507673
.\" http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2009-02/msg00013.html
.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
.ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq
.el .ds Aq '
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.\" * set default formatting
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.\" disable hyphenation
.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
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apt-cache \- query the APT cache
.HP \w'\fBapt\-cache\fR\ 'u
\fBapt\-cache\fR [\fB\-agipns\fR] [\fB\-o=\fR\fB\fIconfig_string\fR\fR] [\fB\-c=\fR\fB\fIconfig_file\fR\fR] {gencaches | showpkg\ \fIpkg\fR... | showsrc\ \fIpkg\fR... | stats | dump | dumpavail | unmet | search\ \fIregex\fR... | show\ \fIpkg\fR\ [{=\fIpkg_version_number\fR\ |\ /\fItarget_release\fR}]... | depends\ \fIpkg\fR\ [{=\fIpkg_version_number\fR\ |\ /\fItarget_release\fR}]... | rdepends\ \fIpkg\fR\ [{=\fIpkg_version_number\fR\ |\ /\fItarget_release\fR}]... | pkgnames\ [\fIprefix\fR] | dotty\ \fIpkg\fR\ [{=\fIpkg_version_number\fR\ |\ /\fItarget_release\fR}]... | xvcg\ \fIpkg\fR\ [{=\fIpkg_version_number\fR\ |\ /\fItarget_release\fR}]... | policy\ [\fIpkg\fR...] | madison\ \fIpkg\fR... | {\-v\ |\ \-\-version} | {\-h\ |\ \-\-help}}
performs a variety of operations on APT\*(Aqs package cache\&.
does not manipulate the state of the system but does provide operations to search and generate interesting output from the package metadata\&. The metadata is acquired and updated via the \*(Aqupdate\*(Aq command of e\&.g\&.
\fBapt\-get\fR, so that it can be outdated if the last update is too long ago, but in exchange
works independently of the availability of the configured sources (e\&.g\&. offline)\&.
Unless the
\fB\-h\fR, or
option is given, one of the commands below must be present\&.
.RS 4
creates APT\*(Aqs package cache\&. This is done implicitly by all commands needing this cache if it is missing or outdated\&.
\fBshowpkg\fR \fB\fIpkg\fR\fR\fB\&...\fR
.RS 4
displays information about the packages listed on the command line\&. Remaining arguments are package names\&. The available versions and reverse dependencies of each package listed are listed, as well as forward dependencies for each version\&. Forward (normal) dependencies are those packages upon which the package in question depends; reverse dependencies are those packages that depend upon the package in question\&. Thus, forward dependencies must be satisfied for a package, but reverse dependencies need not be\&. For instance,
\fBapt\-cache showpkg libreadline2\fR
would produce output similar to the following:
.if n \{\
.RS 4
Package: libreadline2
Versions: 2\&.1\-12(/var/state/apt/lists/foo_Packages),
Reverse Depends:
2\&.1\-12 \- libc5 (2 5\&.4\&.0\-0) ncurses3\&.0 (0 (null))
2\&.1\-12 \-
Reverse Provides:
.if n \{\
Thus it may be seen that libreadline2, version 2\&.1\-12, depends on libc5 and ncurses3\&.0 which must be installed for libreadline2 to work\&. In turn, libreadlineg2 and libreadline2\-altdev depend on libreadline2\&. If libreadline2 is installed, libc5 and ncurses3\&.0 (and ldso) must also be installed; libreadlineg2 and libreadline2\-altdev do not have to be installed\&. For the specific meaning of the remainder of the output it is best to consult the apt source code\&.
.RS 4
displays some statistics about the cache\&. No further arguments are expected\&. Statistics reported are:
.RS 4
.ie n \{\
.el \{\
.sp -1
.IP \(bu 2.3
Total package names
is the number of package names found in the cache\&.
.RS 4
.ie n \{\
.el \{\
.sp -1
.IP \(bu 2.3
Normal packages
is the number of regular, ordinary package names; these are packages that bear a one\-to\-one correspondence between their names and the names used by other packages for them in dependencies\&. The majority of packages fall into this category\&.
.RS 4
.ie n \{\
.el \{\
.sp -1
.IP \(bu 2.3
Pure virtual packages
is the number of packages that exist only as a virtual package name; that is, packages only "provide" the virtual package name, and no package actually uses the name\&. For instance, "mail\-transport\-agent" in the Debian system is a pure virtual package; several packages provide "mail\-transport\-agent", but there is no package named "mail\-transport\-agent"\&.
.RS 4
.ie n \{\
.el \{\
.sp -1
.IP \(bu 2.3
Single virtual packages
is the number of packages with only one package providing a particular virtual package\&. For example, in the Debian system, "X11\-text\-viewer" is a virtual package, but only one package, xless, provides "X11\-text\-viewer"\&.
.RS 4
.ie n \{\
.el \{\
.sp -1
.IP \(bu 2.3
Mixed virtual packages
is the number of packages that either provide a particular virtual package or have the virtual package name as the package name\&. For instance, in the Debian system, "debconf" is both an actual package, and provided by the debconf\-tiny package\&.
.RS 4
.ie n \{\
.el \{\
.sp -1
.IP \(bu 2.3
is the number of package names that were referenced in a dependency but were not provided by any package\&. Missing packages may be an evidence if a full distribution is not accessed, or if a package (real or virtual) has been dropped from the distribution\&. Usually they are referenced from Conflicts or Breaks statements\&.
.RS 4
.ie n \{\
.el \{\
.sp -1
.IP \(bu 2.3
Total distinct
versions is the number of package versions found in the cache\&. If more than one distribution is being accessed (for instance, "stable" and "unstable"), this value can be considerably larger than the number of total package names\&.
.RS 4
.ie n \{\
.el \{\
.sp -1
.IP \(bu 2.3
Total dependencies
is the number of dependency relationships claimed by all of the packages in the cache\&.
\fBshowsrc\fR \fB\fIpkg\fR\fR\fB\&...\fR
.RS 4
displays all the source package records that match the given package names\&. All versions are shown, as well as all records that declare the name to be a binary package\&. Use
to display only source package names\&.
.RS 4
shows a short listing of every package in the cache\&. It is primarily for debugging\&.
.RS 4
prints out an available list to stdout\&. This is suitable for use with
and is used by the
.RS 4
displays a summary of all unmet dependencies in the package cache\&.
\fBshow\fR \fB\fIpkg\fR\fR\fB\&...\fR
.RS 4
performs a function similar to
\fBdpkg \-\-print\-avail\fR; it displays the package records for the named packages\&.
\fBsearch\fR \fB\fIregex\fR\fR\fB\&...\fR
.RS 4
performs a full text search on all available package lists for the POSIX regex pattern given, see
\fBregex\fR(7)\&. It searches the package names and the descriptions for an occurrence of the regular expression and prints out the package name and the short description, including virtual package names\&. If
is given then output identical to
is produced for each matched package, and if
is given then the long description is not searched, only the package name and provided packages are\&.
Separate arguments can be used to specify multiple search patterns that are and\*(Aqed together\&.
\fBdepends\fR \fB\fIpkg\fR\fR\fB\&...\fR
.RS 4
shows a listing of each dependency a package has and all the possible other packages that can fulfill that dependency\&.
\fBrdepends\fR \fB\fIpkg\fR\fR\fB\&...\fR
.RS 4
shows a listing of each reverse dependency a package has\&.
\fBpkgnames\fR [\fIprefix\fR]
.RS 4
This command prints the name of each package APT knows\&. The optional argument is a prefix match to filter the name list\&. The output is suitable for use in a shell tab complete function and the output is generated extremely quickly\&. This command is best used with the
Note that a package which APT knows of is not necessarily available to download, installable or installed, e\&.g\&. virtual packages are also listed in the generated list\&.
\fBdotty\fR \fB\fIpkg\fR\fR\fB\&...\fR
.RS 4
takes a list of packages on the command line and generates output suitable for use by dotty from the
package\&. The result will be a set of nodes and edges representing the relationships between the packages\&. By default the given packages will trace out all dependent packages; this can produce a very large graph\&. To limit the output to only the packages listed on the command line, set the
The resulting nodes will have several shapes; normal packages are boxes, pure virtual packages are triangles, mixed virtual packages are diamonds, missing packages are hexagons\&. Orange boxes mean recursion was stopped (leaf packages), blue lines are pre\-depends, green lines are conflicts\&.
Caution, dotty cannot graph larger sets of packages\&.
\fBxvcg\fR \fB\fIpkg\fR\fR\fB\&...\fR
.RS 4
The same as
dotty, only for xvcg from the
\m[blue]\fBVCG tool\fR\m[]\&\s-2\u[2]\d\s+2\&.
\fBpolicy\fR [\fIpkg\fR\&...]
.RS 4
is meant to help debug issues relating to the preferences file\&. With no arguments it will print out the priorities of each source\&. Otherwise it prints out detailed information about the priority selection of the named package\&.
\fBmadison\fR \fB\fIpkg\fR\fR\fB\&...\fR
.RS 4
command attempts to mimic the output format and a subset of the functionality of the Debian archive management tool,
madison\&. It displays available versions of a package in a tabular format\&. Unlike the original
madison, it can only display information for the architecture for which APT has retrieved package lists (APT::Architecture)\&.
All command line options may be set using the configuration file, the descriptions indicate the configuration option to set\&. For boolean options you can override the config file by using something like
or several other variations\&.
\fB\-p\fR, \fB\-\-pkg\-cache\fR
.RS 4
Select the file to store the package cache\&. The package cache is the primary cache used by all operations\&. Configuration Item:
\fB\-s\fR, \fB\-\-src\-cache\fR
.RS 4
Select the file to store the source cache\&. The source is used only by
and it stores a parsed version of the package information from remote sources\&. When building the package cache the source cache is used to avoid reparsing all of the package files\&. Configuration Item:
\fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR
.RS 4
Quiet; produces output suitable for logging, omitting progress indicators\&. More q\*(Aqs will produce more quietness up to a maximum of 2\&. You can also use
to set the quietness level, overriding the configuration file\&. Configuration Item:
\fB\-i\fR, \fB\-\-important\fR
.RS 4
Print only important dependencies; for use with
depends\&. Causes only Depends and Pre\-Depends relations to be printed\&. Configuration Item:
\fB\-\-no\-pre\-depends\fR, \fB\-\-no\-depends\fR, \fB\-\-no\-recommends\fR, \fB\-\-no\-suggests\fR, \fB\-\-no\-conflicts\fR, \fB\-\-no\-breaks\fR, \fB\-\-no\-replaces\fR, \fB\-\-no\-enhances\fR
.RS 4
Per default the
print all dependencies\&. This can be tweaked with these flags which will omit the specified dependency type\&. Configuration Item:
.RS 4
Per default
print only dependencies explicitly expressed in the metadata\&. With this flag it will also show dependencies implicitly added based on the encountered data\&. A
Conflicts: foo
e\&.g\&. expresses implicitly that this package also conflicts with the package foo from any other architecture\&. Configuration Item:
\fB\-f\fR, \fB\-\-full\fR
.RS 4
Print full package records when searching\&. Configuration Item:
\fB\-a\fR, \fB\-\-all\-versions\fR
.RS 4
Print full records for all available versions\&. This is the default; to turn it off, use
\fB\-\-no\-all\-versions\fR\&. If
is specified, only the candidate version will be displayed (the one which would be selected for installation)\&. This option is only applicable to the
command\&. Configuration Item:
\fB\-g\fR, \fB\-\-generate\fR
.RS 4
Perform automatic package cache regeneration, rather than use the cache as it is\&. This is the default; to turn it off, use
\fB\-\-no\-generate\fR\&. Configuration Item:
\fB\-\-names\-only\fR, \fB\-n\fR
.RS 4
Only search on the package and provided package names, not the long descriptions\&. Configuration Item:
.RS 4
print all names, including virtual packages and missing dependencies\&. Configuration Item:
.RS 4
recursive so that all packages mentioned are printed once\&. Configuration Item:
.RS 4
Limit the output of
to packages which are currently installed\&. Configuration Item:
\fB\-\-with\-source\fR \fB\fIfilename\fR\fR
.RS 4
Adds the given file as a source for metadata\&. Can be repeated to add multiple files\&. Supported are currently
files as well as source package directories\&. Files are matched based on their name only, not their content!
can be compressed in any format apt supports as long as they have the correct extension\&. If you need to store multiple of these files in one directory you can prefix a name of your choice with the last character being an underscore ("_")\&. Example: my\&.example_Packages\&.xz
Note that these sources are treated as trusted (see
\fBapt-secure\fR(8))\&. Configuration Item:
\fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR
.RS 4
Show a short usage summary\&.
\fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-version\fR
.RS 4
Show the program version\&.
\fB\-c\fR, \fB\-\-config\-file\fR
.RS 4
Configuration File; Specify a configuration file to use\&. The program will read the default configuration file and then this configuration file\&. If configuration settings need to be set before the default configuration files are parsed specify a file with the
environment variable\&. See
for syntax information\&.
\fB\-o\fR, \fB\-\-option\fR
.RS 4
Set a Configuration Option; This will set an arbitrary configuration option\&. The syntax is
\fB\-o Foo::Bar=bar\fR\&.
can be used multiple times to set different options\&.
.RS 4
Locations to fetch packages from\&. Configuration Item:
.RS 4
File fragments for locations to fetch packages from\&. Configuration Item:
.RS 4
Storage area for state information for each package resource specified in
Configuration Item:
.RS 4
Storage area for state information in transit\&. Configuration Item:
will be implicitly appended)
returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 on error\&.
\m[blue]\fBAPT bug page\fR\m[]\&\s-2\u[3]\d\s+2\&. If you wish to report a bug in APT, please see
or the
\fBJason Gunthorpe\fR
.RS 4
\fBAPT team\fR
.RS 4
.IP " 1." 4
.RS 4
.IP " 2." 4
VCG tool
.RS 4
.IP " 3." 4
APT bug page
.RS 4