require changes of these include files in ndk_sysrooty:
As of Go 1.17, termshark can't be installed in a single go get/go
install command because termshark uses replace directives in its
$ go install
go install: (in
The go.mod file for the module providing named packages contains one or
more replace directives. It must not contain directives that would cause
it to be interpreted differently than if it were the main module.
This is discussed here:
Longer-term, I need to remove these directives, or wait for a Go
release that makes it possible to use them with go install. Even though
termux may not yet be using Go 1.17, I decided to git-clone and build
inside the source directory instead.
Also create new subpackage frida-dev with libraries and include files.
Frida should be built with ndk r22 but I have now patched it to use
r21 since we have not switched to r22 yet. Using a lower version
might break stuff, but frida-python is already broken anyways since it
relies on python3.8 so building with r21 does not make the current
situation worse.
Updating it now so that the version in the Bintray repos will not be
left in guaranteed broken state.
Dockerd doesn't honor existing containerd configs and creates its own configuration file everytime it starts. So, edit the config file creation code to fix paths.