#!/usr/bin/env python import os, sys def get_pkg_hash_from_Packages(Packages_file, package, version, hash="SHA256"): with open(Packages_file, 'r') as Packages: package_list = Packages.read().split('\n\n') for pkg in package_list: if pkg.split('\n')[0] == "Package: "+package: for line in pkg.split('\n'): if line.startswith('Version:'): if line != 'Version: '+version: # Seems the repo contains the wrong version, or several versions # We can't use this one so continue looking break elif line.startswith(hash): print(line.split(" ")[1]) break def get_Packages_hash_from_InRelease(InRelease_file, arch, component, hash="SHA256"): string_to_find = component+'/binary-'+arch+'/Packages.xz' with open(InRelease_file, 'r') as InRelease: hash_list = InRelease.readlines() for i in range(len(hash_list)): if hash_list[i].startswith(hash+':'): break for j in range(i, len(hash_list)): if string_to_find in hash_list[j].strip(' '): print(hash_list[j].strip(' ').split(' ')[0]) break if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 2: sys.exit('Too few arguments, I need the path to a Packages file, a package name and a version, or an InRelease file, an architecture and a component name. Exiting') if sys.argv[1].endswith('Packages'): get_pkg_hash_from_Packages(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3]) elif sys.argv[1].endswith('InRelease'): get_Packages_hash_from_InRelease(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3]) else: sys.exit(sys.argv[1]+' does not seem to be a path to a Packages or InRelease file')