#!/bin/bash # build-all.sh - script to build all packages with a build order specified by buildorder.py set -e -u -o pipefail if [ "$(uname -o)" = "Android" ] || [ -e "/system/bin/app_process" ]; then echo "On-device execution of this script is not supported." exit 1 fi # Read settings from .termuxrc if existing test -f "$HOME"/.termuxrc && . "$HOME"/.termuxrc : ${TERMUX_TOPDIR:="$HOME/.termux-build"} : ${TERMUX_ARCH:="aarch64"} : ${TERMUX_DEBUG:=""} : ${TERMUX_INSTALL_DEPS:="-s"} # Set TERMUX_INSTALL_DEPS to -s unless set to -i _show_usage() { echo "Usage: ./build-all.sh [-a ARCH] [-d] [-i] [-o DIR]" echo "Build all packages." echo " -a The architecture to build for: aarch64(default), arm, i686, x86_64 or all." echo " -d Build with debug symbols." echo " -i Build dependencies." echo " -o Specify deb directory. Default: debs/." exit 1 } while getopts :a:hdio: option; do case "$option" in a) TERMUX_ARCH="$OPTARG";; d) TERMUX_DEBUG='-d';; i) TERMUX_INSTALL_DEPS='-i';; o) TERMUX_DEBDIR="$(realpath -m "$OPTARG")";; h) _show_usage;; *) _show_usage >&2 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) if [ "$#" -ne 0 ]; then _show_usage; fi if [[ ! "$TERMUX_ARCH" =~ ^(all|aarch64|arm|i686|x86_64)$ ]]; then echo "ERROR: Invalid arch '$TERMUX_ARCH'" 1>&2 exit 1 fi BUILDSCRIPT=$(dirname "$0")/build-package.sh BUILDALL_DIR=$TERMUX_TOPDIR/_buildall-$TERMUX_ARCH BUILDORDER_FILE=$BUILDALL_DIR/buildorder.txt BUILDSTATUS_FILE=$BUILDALL_DIR/buildstatus.txt if [ -e "$BUILDORDER_FILE" ]; then echo "Using existing buildorder file: $BUILDORDER_FILE" else mkdir -p "$BUILDALL_DIR" ./scripts/buildorder.py > "$BUILDORDER_FILE" fi if [ -e "$BUILDSTATUS_FILE" ]; then echo "Continuing build-all from: $BUILDSTATUS_FILE" fi exec > >(tee -a "$BUILDALL_DIR"/ALL.out) exec 2> >(tee -a "$BUILDALL_DIR"/ALL.err >&2) trap 'echo ERROR: See $BUILDALL_DIR/\${PKG}.err' ERR while read -r PKG PKG_DIR; do # Check build status (grepping is a bit crude, but it works) if [ -e "$BUILDSTATUS_FILE" ] && grep "^$PKG\$" "$BUILDSTATUS_FILE" >/dev/null; then echo "Skipping $PKG" continue fi echo -n "Building $PKG... " BUILD_START=$(date "+%s") bash -x "$BUILDSCRIPT" -a "$TERMUX_ARCH" $TERMUX_DEBUG \ ${TERMUX_DEBDIR+-o $TERMUX_DEBDIR} $TERMUX_INSTALL_DEPS "$PKG_DIR" \ > "$BUILDALL_DIR"/"${PKG}".out 2> "$BUILDALL_DIR"/"${PKG}".err BUILD_END=$(date "+%s") BUILD_SECONDS=$(( BUILD_END - BUILD_START )) echo "done in $BUILD_SECONDS" # Update build status echo "$PKG" >> "$BUILDSTATUS_FILE" done<"${BUILDORDER_FILE}" # Update build status rm -f "$BUILDSTATUS_FILE" echo "Finished"