#!@TERMUX_PREFIX@/bin/bash set -e # Lock terminal to prevent sending text input and special key # combinations that may break installation process. stty -echo -icanon time 0 min 0 intr undef quit undef susp undef # Use trap to unlock terminal at exit. trap 'while read -r; do true; done; stty sane;' EXIT # Prevent running apt as root. if [ "$(id -u)" = "0" ]; then echo "Installing packages as root ?" echo "Perhaps isn't a good idea... aborting installation :)" exit 1 fi # coincurve expects ldconfig to be available. mkdir -p "${TMPDIR:-@TERMUX_PREFIX@/tmp}"/.ldconfig echo -e "#!@TERMUX_PREFIX@/bin/bash\nexec true" > "${TMPDIR:-@TERMUX_PREFIX@/tmp}"/.ldconfig/ldconfig chmod 700 "${TMPDIR:-@TERMUX_PREFIX@/tmp}"/.ldconfig/ldconfig export PATH="$PATH:${TMPDIR:-@TERMUX_PREFIX@/tmp}/.ldconfig" for module in gevent msgpack base58 merkletools rsa PySocks pyasn1 \ websocket_client gevent-websocket bencode.py coincurve python-bitcoinlib \ maxminddb; do echo "Installing Python module: $module..." if ! pip install "$module"; then # Retrying one more time. Useful e.g. when downloading failed. echo "Retrying installation of $module..." if ! pip install "$module"; then # Exit if second attempt failed. echo "Failed to install $module." exit 1 fi fi done # Cleanup. rm -rf "${TMPDIR:-@TERMUX_PREFIX@/tmp}"/.ldconfig exit 0