#!@TERMUX_PREFIX@/bin/bash set -e # unset variables that the user might have set to force installation to $PREFIX unset PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT unset PERL5LIB unset PERL_MM_OPT unset PERL_MB_OPT export PREFIX=@TERMUX_PREFIX@ export TMPDIR=@TERMUX_PREFIX@/tmp export EXTUTILS_LIBBUILDER_VERSION=@EXTUTILS_LIBBUILDER_VERSION@ export TEXT_BIBTEX_VERSION=@TEXT_BIBTEX_VERSION@ export BIBER_VERSION=@BIBER_VERSION@ # Lock terminal to prevent sending text input and special key # combinations that may break installation process. stty -echo -icanon time 0 min 0 intr undef quit undef susp undef # Use trap to unlock terminal at exit. trap 'while read -r; do true; done; stty sane;' EXIT echo "[*] Installing cpanm..." cpan install App::cpanminus export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/perl5/bin" echo "[*] Downloading and patching troublesome dependencies..." cd $TMPDIR if [ ! -f ExtUtils-LibBuilder-${EXTUTILS_LIBBUILDER_VERSION}.tar.gz ]; then curl --fail --retry 3 --location --output "$TMPDIR/ExtUtils-LibBuilder-${EXTUTILS_LIBBUILDER_VERSION}.tar.gz" \ "https://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/A/AM/AMBS/ExtUtils-LibBuilder-${EXTUTILS_LIBBUILDER_VERSION}.tar.gz" else rm -rf ExtUtils-LibBuilder-${EXTUTILS_LIBBUILDER_VERSION} fi tar -xf ExtUtils-LibBuilder-${EXTUTILS_LIBBUILDER_VERSION}.tar.gz cd ExtUtils-LibBuilder-${EXTUTILS_LIBBUILDER_VERSION} patch -Np1 -i $PREFIX/opt/biber/ExtUtils-LibBuilder.diff cpanm . cd .. if [ ! -f Text-BibTeX-${TEXT_BIBTEX_VERSION}.tar.gz ]; then curl --fail --retry 3 --location --output "$TMPDIR/Text-BibTeX-${TEXT_BIBTEX_VERSION}.tar.gz" \ "https://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/A/AM/AMBS/Text-BibTeX-${TEXT_BIBTEX_VERSION}.tar.gz" else rm -rf Text-BibTeX-${TEXT_BIBTEX_VERSION} fi tar -xf Text-BibTeX-${TEXT_BIBTEX_VERSION}.tar.gz && cd Text-BibTeX-${TEXT_BIBTEX_VERSION} patch -Np1 -i $PREFIX/opt/biber/Text-BibTeX.diff cpanm . cd .. echo "[*] Installing biber and its dependencies (may take long time)..." if [ ! -f biber-${BIBER_VERSION}.tar.gz ]; then curl --fail --retry 3 --location --output "biber-${BIBER_VERSION}.tar.gz" \ "https://github.com/plk/biber/archive/v${BIBER_VERSION}.tar.gz" else rm -rf biber-${BIBER_VERSION} fi tar -xf biber-${BIBER_VERSION}.tar.gz && cd biber-${BIBER_VERSION} cpanm --notest . cd .. echo "[*] biber installation finished." exit 0