#!@TERMUX_PREFIX@/bin/bash if [ "$1" == "--help" ] || [ "$1" == "-help" ]; then echo "Script for redirecting subscribed repositories to mirrors." echo "You can choose between mirrors listed at" echo "https://github.com/termux/termux-packages/wiki/Mirrors" exit 0 fi select_repository() { if [ "$1" == "Official repositories" ]; then echo "[*] Official repositories selected" MAIN="https://termux.org/packages/" ROOT="https://dl.bintray.com/grimler/termux-root-packages-24" GAME="https://dl.bintray.com/grimler/game-packages-24" SCIENCE="https://dl.bintray.com/grimler/science-packages-24" UNSTABLE="https://dl.bintray.com/xeffyr/unstable-packages" X11="https://dl.bintray.com/xeffyr/x11-packages" elif [ "$1" == "Mirrors by Xeffyr" ]; then echo "[*] Xeffyr's mirrors selected" MAIN="https://main.termux-mirror.ml" GAME="https://games.termux-mirror.ml" ROOT="https://root.termux-mirror.ml" SCIENCE="https://science.termux-mirror.ml" UNSTABLE="https://unstable.termux-mirror.ml" X11="https://x11.termux-mirror.ml" elif [ "$1" == "Mirrors by Grimler" ]; then echo "[*] Grimler's mirrors selected" MAIN="https://grimler.se/termux-packages-24" GAME="https://grimler.se/game-packages-24" ROOT="https://grimler.se/termux-root-packages-24" SCIENCE="https://grimler.se/science-packages-24" UNSTABLE="https://grimler.se/unstable-packages" X11="https://grimler.se/x11-packages" elif [ "$1" == "Mirrors by Tsinghua University" ]; then echo "[*] Tsinghua's mirrors selected" MAIN="https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/termux/termux-packages-24/" GAME="https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/termux/game-packages-24/" ROOT="https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/termux/termux-root-packages-24/" SCIENCE="https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/termux/science-packages-24/" UNSTABLE="https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/termux/unstable-packages/" X11="https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/termux/x11-packages" else echo "[!] Error: unknown repository: '$1'. Exiting" exit 1 fi replace_repository sources.list $MAIN "stable main" "$2" "Main repository" replace_repository sources.list.d/game.list $GAME "games stable" "$2" "Game repository" replace_repository sources.list.d/root.list $ROOT "root stable" "$2" "Root repository" replace_repository sources.list.d/science.list $SCIENCE "science stable" "$2" "Science repository" replace_repository sources.list.d/unstable.list $UNSTABLE "unstable main" "$2" "Unstable repository" replace_repository sources.list.d/x11.list $X11 "x11 main" "$2" "X11 repository" } replace_repository() { if [[ "$4" == *"$5"* ]]; then SOURCE_FILE="$1" NEW_URL="$2" COMPONENT_SUITE="$3" TMPFILE="$(mktemp $TMPDIR/$(basename ${SOURCE_FILE}).XXXXXX)" if [ "$1" == "sources.list" ]; then echo "# The main termux repository:" >> "$TMPFILE" fi echo "deb ${NEW_URL} ${COMPONENT_SUITE}" >> "$TMPFILE" echo " Changing ${5,,}" #${,,} converts to lower case mv "$TMPFILE" "$PREFIX/etc/apt/${SOURCE_FILE}" fi } TEMPFILE="$(mktemp $PREFIX/tmp/mirror.XXXXXX)" REPOSITORIES=() REPOSITORIES+=("Main repository" "termux-packages" "on") if [ -f "$PREFIX/etc/apt/sources.list.d/game.list" ]; then REPOSITORIES+=("Game repository" "game-packages" "off") fi if [ -f "$PREFIX/etc/apt/sources.list.d/root.list" ]; then REPOSITORIES+=("Root repository" "termux-root-packages" "off") fi if [ -f "$PREFIX/etc/apt/sources.list.d/science.list" ]; then REPOSITORIES+=("Science repository" "science-packages" "off") fi if [ -f "$PREFIX/etc/apt/sources.list.d/unstable.list" ]; then REPOSITORIES+=("Unstable repository" "unstable-packages" "off") fi if [ -f "$PREFIX/etc/apt/sources.list.d/x11.list" ]; then REPOSITORIES+=("X11 repository" "x11-packages" "off") fi dialog \ --title "termux-change-repo" --clear \ --checklist "Which repositories do you want to edit? Select with space." 0 0 0 \ "${REPOSITORIES[@]}" --and-widget \ --title "termux-change-repo" --clear \ --radiolist "Which mirror do you want to use?" 0 0 0 \ "Official repositories" "Hosted on Bintray" on \ "Mirrors by Xeffyr" "Hosted on termux-mirror.ml" off \ "Mirrors by Grimler" "Hosted on grimler.se" off \ "Mirrors by Tsinghua University" "Hosted on mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn" off \ 2> "$TEMPFILE" retval=$? clear case $retval in 0) IFS=$'\t' read REPOSITORIES MIRROR <<< "$(more $TEMPFILE)" select_repository "$MIRROR" "$REPOSITORIES" ;; 1) # Cancel pressed exit ;; 255) # Esc pressed exit ;; esac rm "$TEMPFILE" echo "[*] Running apt update" apt update