#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e -u BASEDIR=$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")") # Do 'export BUILD_PACKAGES=true' to automatically built the updated packages. : "${BUILD_PACKAGES:=false}" if [ -z "${GITHUB_API_TOKEN-}" ]; then echo "You need a Github Personal Access Token be set in variable GITHUB_API_TOKEN." exit 1 fi if [ -f "${BASEDIR}/github-projects.txt" ]; then while read -r line; do unset package project version_regexp package=$(echo "$line" | cut -d'|' -f1) project=$(echo "$line" | cut -d'|' -f2) version_regexp=$(echo "$line" | cut -d'|' -f3-) if [ ! -d "${BASEDIR}/../../packages/${package}" ]; then echo "Package '$package' is not available, skipping." fi # Our local version of package. termux_version=$(set +e +u;. "${BASEDIR}/../../packages/${package}/build.sh" 2>/dev/null; echo "$TERMUX_PKG_VERSION" | cut -d: -f2-) # Latest version is the current release tag on Github. latest_version=$(curl --silent -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_API_TOKEN}" "https://api.github.com/repos/${project}/releases/latest" | jq -r .tag_name) # Remove leading 'v' which is common in version tag. latest_version=${latest_version#v} # If needed, filter version numbers from tag by using regexp. if [ -n "$version_regexp" ]; then latest_version=$(grep -oP "$version_regexp" <<< "$latest_version") fi # We have no better choice for comparing versions. if [ "$(echo -e "${termux_version}\n${latest_version}" | sort -V | head -n 1)" != "$latest_version" ] ;then if [ "$BUILD_PACKAGES" = "false" ]; then echo "Package '${package}' needs update to '${latest_version}'." else echo "Updating '${package}' to '${latest_version}'." sed -i "s/^\(TERMUX_PKG_VERSION=\)\(.*\)\$/\1${latest_version}/g" "${BASEDIR}/../../packages/${package}/build.sh" sed -i "/TERMUX_PKG_REVISION=/d" "${BASEDIR}/../../packages/${package}/build.sh" echo n | "${BASEDIR}/../bin/update-checksum" "${package}" fi fi done < <(grep -P '^[a-z0-9]' "${BASEDIR}/github-projects.txt") fi