/*** This file is part of PulseAudio. Copyright 2008 Lennart Poettering PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with PulseAudio; if not, see . ***/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include PA_MODULE_AUTHOR("Lennart Poettering"); PA_MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Android OpenSL ES source"); PA_MODULE_VERSION(PACKAGE_VERSION); PA_MODULE_LOAD_ONCE(false); PA_MODULE_USAGE( "source_name= " "source_properties= " "rate= " "latency= " ); #define DEFAULT_SOURCE_NAME "OpenSL ES source" enum { SOURCE_MESSAGE_RENDER = PA_SOURCE_MESSAGE_MAX }; struct userdata { pa_core *core; pa_module *module; pa_source *source; pa_thread *thread; pa_thread_mq thread_mq; pa_rtpoll *rtpoll; pa_rtpoll_item *rtpoll_item; pa_asyncmsgq *sles_msgq; pa_usec_t block_usec; pa_memchunk memchunk; void *buf; size_t nbytes; SLObjectItf EngineObject; SLObjectItf RecorderObject; SLEngineItf EngineItf; SLRecordItf RecordItf; SLAndroidConfigurationItf ConfigurationItf; SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf BufferQueueItf; }; static const char *const valid_modargs[] = { "source_name", "source_properties", "rate", "latency", NULL }; static void process_render(void *userdata) { struct userdata *u = userdata; pa_assert(u); (*u->RecordItf)->SetRecordState(u->RecordItf, SL_RECORDSTATE_RECORDING); if (!PA_SOURCE_IS_LINKED(u->source->thread_info.state)) return; u->memchunk.length = u->nbytes; (*u->BufferQueueItf)->Enqueue(u->BufferQueueItf, u->buf, u->memchunk.length); pa_source_post(u->source, &u->memchunk); } static int source_process_msg(pa_msgobject *o, int code, void *data, int64_t offset, pa_memchunk *memchunk) { switch (code) { case SOURCE_MESSAGE_RENDER: process_render(data); return 0; case PA_SINK_MESSAGE_GET_LATENCY: code = PA_SINK_MESSAGE_GET_FIXED_LATENCY; // FIXME: is there a way to get the real latency? break; } return pa_source_process_msg(o, code, data, offset, memchunk); }; static void sles_callback(SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf recBuffQueueItf, void *userdata) { struct userdata *u = userdata; pa_assert(u); pa_assert_se(pa_asyncmsgq_send(u->sles_msgq, PA_MSGOBJECT(u->source), SOURCE_MESSAGE_RENDER, u, 0, NULL) == 0); } static int pa_sample_spec_to_sl_format(pa_sample_spec *ss, SLAndroidDataFormat_PCM_EX *sl) { pa_assert(ss); pa_assert(sl); *sl = (SLAndroidDataFormat_PCM_EX){0}; switch ((sl->numChannels = ss->channels)) { case 1: sl->channelMask = SL_SPEAKER_FRONT_LEFT; break; case 2: sl->channelMask = SL_SPEAKER_FRONT_LEFT | SL_SPEAKER_FRONT_RIGHT; break; default: pa_log_error("Unsupported sample format: only stereo or mono channels are supported."); return 1; } sl->sampleRate = ss->rate * 1000; // Hz to mHz switch (ss->format) { case PA_SAMPLE_S16LE: // fallthrough case PA_SAMPLE_S24LE: // fallthrough case PA_SAMPLE_S32LE: // fallthrough case PA_SAMPLE_S16BE: // fallthrough case PA_SAMPLE_S24BE: // fallthrough case PA_SAMPLE_S32BE: sl->formatType = SL_DATAFORMAT_PCM; sl->representation = SL_ANDROID_PCM_REPRESENTATION_SIGNED_INT; break; case PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32LE: // fallthrough case PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32BE: sl->formatType = SL_ANDROID_DATAFORMAT_PCM_EX; sl->representation = SL_ANDROID_PCM_REPRESENTATION_FLOAT; break; default: pa_log_error("Unsupported sample format: only s16/24/32 and f32 formats are supported."); return 1; } sl->endianness = pa_sample_format_is_le(ss->format) ? SL_BYTEORDER_LITTLEENDIAN : SL_BYTEORDER_BIGENDIAN; sl->bitsPerSample = sl->containerSize = pa_sample_size(ss) * 8; return 0; } static int pa_init_sles_record(struct userdata *u, pa_sample_spec *ss) { pa_assert(u); // check and convert the sample spec SLAndroidDataFormat_PCM_EX pcm; if (pa_sample_spec_to_sl_format(ss, &pcm)) return 1; // common sles error handling #define CHK(stmt) { \ SLresult res = (stmt); \ if (res != SL_RESULT_SUCCESS) { \ pa_log_error("Failed to initialize OpenSL ES: error %d at %s:%d", \ res, __FILE__, __LINE__); \ return 1; \ } \ } // create the engine CHK(slCreateEngine(&u->EngineObject, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)); CHK(({ SLresult r = (*u->EngineObject)->Realize(u->EngineObject, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE); if (r == SL_RESULT_CONTENT_UNSUPPORTED) pa_log( "Failed to initialize OpenSL ES; did you grant Termux the " "RECORD_AUDIO permission (you can use termux-microphone-record " "from Termux:API for this)?" ); r; })); // create the recorder CHK((*u->EngineObject)->GetInterface(u->EngineObject, SL_IID_ENGINE, &u->EngineItf)); CHK(({ SLresult r = (*u->EngineItf)->CreateAudioRecorder(u->EngineItf, &u->RecorderObject, // source/sink &(SLDataSource){ .pLocator = &(SLDataLocator_IODevice){ .locatorType = SL_DATALOCATOR_IODEVICE, .deviceType = SL_IODEVICE_AUDIOINPUT, .deviceID = SL_DEFAULTDEVICEID_AUDIOINPUT, .device = NULL, }, .pFormat = NULL, }, &(SLDataSink){ .pLocator = &(SLDataLocator_AndroidSimpleBufferQueue){ .locatorType = SL_DATALOCATOR_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFERQUEUE, .numBuffers = 8, }, .pFormat = &pcm, }, // required interfaces 2, (SLInterfaceID[]){SL_IID_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFERQUEUE, SL_IID_ANDROIDCONFIGURATION}, (SLboolean[]) {SL_BOOLEAN_TRUE, SL_BOOLEAN_TRUE} ); if (r == SL_RESULT_CONTENT_UNSUPPORTED) pa_log( "Failed to initialize OpenSL ES; try checking logcat and " "searching for messages with 'libOpenSLES:'" ); r; })); // update the configuration CHK((*u->RecorderObject)->GetInterface(u->RecorderObject, SL_IID_ANDROIDCONFIGURATION, &u->ConfigurationItf)); CHK((*u->ConfigurationItf)->SetConfiguration(u->ConfigurationItf, SL_ANDROID_KEY_RECORDING_PRESET, &(SLuint32){SL_ANDROID_RECORDING_PRESET_VOICE_RECOGNITION}, sizeof(SLuint32))); // realize the recorder CHK((*u->RecorderObject)->Realize(u->RecorderObject, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE)); CHK((*u->RecorderObject)->GetInterface(u->RecorderObject, SL_IID_RECORD, &u->RecordItf)); // register the callback CHK((*u->RecorderObject)->GetInterface(u->RecorderObject, SL_IID_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFERQUEUE, &u->BufferQueueItf)); CHK((*u->BufferQueueItf)->RegisterCallback(u->BufferQueueItf, sles_callback, u)); // cleanup #undef CHK return 0; } static void thread_func(void *userdata) { struct userdata *u = userdata; pa_assert(u); pa_thread_mq_install(&u->thread_mq); for (;;) { int ret; if ((ret = pa_rtpoll_run(u->rtpoll)) < 0) { pa_asyncmsgq_post(u->thread_mq.outq, PA_MSGOBJECT(u->core), PA_CORE_MESSAGE_UNLOAD_MODULE, u->module, 0, NULL, NULL); pa_asyncmsgq_wait_for(u->thread_mq.inq, PA_MESSAGE_SHUTDOWN); break; } if (ret == 0) { break; } } } static int state_func(pa_source *s, pa_source_state_t state, pa_suspend_cause_t suspend_cause) { struct userdata *u = s->userdata; pa_assert(u); if (PA_SOURCE_IS_OPENED(s->state) && (state == PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED || state == PA_SOURCE_UNLINKED)) (*u->RecordItf)->SetRecordState(u->RecordItf, SL_RECORDSTATE_STOPPED); else if ((s->state == PA_SOURCE_SUSPENDED || s->state == PA_SOURCE_INIT) && PA_SOURCE_IS_OPENED(state)) (*u->RecordItf)->SetRecordState(u->RecordItf, SL_RECORDSTATE_RECORDING); return 0; } int pa__init(pa_module *m) { struct userdata *u = NULL; pa_modargs *ma = NULL; pa_source_new_data source_data; pa_sample_spec ss; uint32_t latency = 0; pa_assert(m); m->userdata = u = pa_xnew0(struct userdata, 1); if (!(ma = pa_modargs_new(m->argument, valid_modargs))) { pa_log("Failed to parse module arguments."); goto fail; } u->core = m->core; u->module = m; u->rtpoll = pa_rtpoll_new(); if (pa_thread_mq_init(&u->thread_mq, m->core->mainloop, u->rtpoll) < 0) { pa_log("pa_thread_mq_init() failed."); goto fail; } if (!(u->sles_msgq = pa_asyncmsgq_new(0))) { pa_log("pa_asyncmsgq_new() failed."); goto fail; } u->rtpoll_item = pa_rtpoll_item_new_asyncmsgq_read(u->rtpoll, PA_RTPOLL_EARLY - 1, u->sles_msgq); pa_source_new_data_init(&source_data); source_data.driver = __FILE__; source_data.module = m; ss = m->core->default_sample_spec; if (pa_modargs_get_sample_rate(ma, &ss.rate) < 0) { pa_log("Invalid rate specification."); goto fail; } if (pa_init_sles_record(u, &ss)) goto fail; pa_source_new_data_set_name(&source_data, pa_modargs_get_value(ma, "source_name", DEFAULT_SOURCE_NAME)); pa_source_new_data_set_sample_spec(&source_data, &ss); pa_proplist_sets(source_data.proplist, PA_PROP_DEVICE_DESCRIPTION, "OpenSL ES Input"); pa_proplist_sets(source_data.proplist, PA_PROP_DEVICE_CLASS, "abstract"); if (pa_modargs_get_proplist(ma, "source_properties", source_data.proplist, PA_UPDATE_REPLACE) < 0) { pa_log("Invalid properties."); pa_source_new_data_done(&source_data); goto fail; } if (!(u->source = pa_source_new(m->core, &source_data, PA_SOURCE_LATENCY))) { pa_log("Failed to create source."); pa_source_new_data_done(&source_data); goto fail; } pa_source_new_data_done(&source_data); u->source->userdata = u; u->source->parent.process_msg = source_process_msg; u->source->set_state_in_main_thread = state_func; pa_source_set_asyncmsgq(u->source, u->thread_mq.inq); pa_source_set_rtpoll(u->source, u->rtpoll); pa_modargs_get_value_u32(ma, "latency", &latency); u->block_usec = latency ? PA_USEC_PER_MSEC * latency : PA_USEC_PER_MSEC * 125; pa_source_set_fixed_latency(u->source, u->block_usec); u->nbytes = pa_usec_to_bytes(u->block_usec, &u->source->sample_spec); u->buf = calloc(1, u->nbytes); u->memchunk.memblock = pa_memblock_new_fixed(m->core->mempool, u->buf, u->nbytes, false); if (!(u->thread = pa_thread_new("sles-source", thread_func, u))) { pa_log("Failed to create thread."); goto fail; } pa_source_put(u->source); sles_callback(u->BufferQueueItf, u); pa_modargs_free(ma); return 0; fail: if (ma) pa_modargs_free(ma); pa__done(m); return -1; } int pa__get_n_used(pa_module *m) { struct userdata *u; pa_assert(m); pa_assert_se(u = m->userdata); return pa_source_linked_by(u->source); } void pa__done(pa_module *m) { struct userdata *u; pa_assert(m); if (!(u = m->userdata)) return; if (u->source) pa_source_unlink(u->source); if (u->RecorderObject) (*u->RecorderObject)->Destroy(u->RecorderObject); if (u->EngineObject) (*u->EngineObject)->Destroy(u->EngineObject); if (u->memchunk.memblock) pa_memblock_unref_fixed(u->memchunk.memblock); free(u->buf); if (u->thread) { pa_asyncmsgq_send(u->thread_mq.inq, NULL, PA_MESSAGE_SHUTDOWN, NULL, 0, NULL); pa_thread_free(u->thread); } pa_thread_mq_done(&u->thread_mq); if (u->source) pa_source_unref(u->source); if (u->rtpoll_item) pa_rtpoll_item_free(u->rtpoll_item); if (u->sles_msgq) pa_asyncmsgq_unref(u->sles_msgq); if (u->rtpoll) pa_rtpoll_free(u->rtpoll); pa_xfree(u); }