TERMUX_PKG_HOMEPAGE=https://git-scm.com/ TERMUX_PKG_DESCRIPTION="Fast, scalable, distributed revision control system" # less is required as a pager for git log, and the busybox less does not handle used escape sequences. TERMUX_PKG_DEPENDS="libcurl, less, openssl, pcre2" TERMUX_PKG_VERSION=2.18.0 TERMUX_PKG_SHA256=8b40be383a603147ae29337136c00d1c634bdfdc169a30924a024596a7e30e92 TERMUX_PKG_SRCURL=https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/git-${TERMUX_PKG_VERSION}.tar.xz ## This requires a working $TERMUX_PREFIX/bin/sh on the host building: TERMUX_PKG_EXTRA_CONFIGURE_ARGS=" ac_cv_fread_reads_directories=yes ac_cv_header_libintl_h=no ac_cv_snprintf_returns_bogus=no --with-curl --without-tcltk --with-shell=$TERMUX_PREFIX/bin/sh " # expat is only used by git-http-push for remote lock management over DAV, so disable: # NO_INSTALL_HARDLINKS to use symlinks instead of hardlinks (which does not work on Android M): TERMUX_PKG_EXTRA_MAKE_ARGS=" NO_NSEC=1 NO_GETTEXT=1 NO_EXPAT=1 NO_INSTALL_HARDLINKS=1 PERL_PATH=$TERMUX_PREFIX/bin/perl USE_LIBPCRE2=1 " TERMUX_PKG_BUILD_IN_SRC="yes" # Things to remove to save space: # bin/git-cvsserver - server emulating CVS # bin/git-shell - restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access TERMUX_PKG_RM_AFTER_INSTALL=" bin/git-cvsserver bin/git-shell libexec/git-core/git-shell libexec/git-core/git-cvsserver share/man/man1/git-cvsserver.1 share/man/man1/git-shell.1 " termux_step_pre_configure () { # Setup perl so that the build process can execute it: rm -f $TERMUX_PREFIX/bin/perl ln -s `which perl` $TERMUX_PREFIX/bin/perl # Force fresh perl files (otherwise files from earlier builds # remains without bumped modification times, so are not picked # up by the package): rm -Rf $TERMUX_PREFIX/share/git-perl # Fixes build if utfcpp is installed: CPPFLAGS="-I$TERMUX_PKG_SRCDIR $CPPFLAGS" } termux_step_post_make_install () { # Installing man requires asciidoc and xmlto, so git uses separate make targets for man pages make install-man mkdir -p $TERMUX_PREFIX/etc/bash_completion.d/ cp $TERMUX_PKG_SRCDIR/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash \ $TERMUX_PREFIX/etc/bash_completion.d/ # Remove the build machine perl setup in termux_step_pre_configure to avoid it being packaged: rm $TERMUX_PREFIX/bin/perl # Remove clutter: rm -Rf $TERMUX_PREFIX/lib/*-linux*/perl # Remove duplicated binaries in bin/ with symlink to the one in libexec/git-core: (cd $TERMUX_PREFIX/bin; ln -s -f ../libexec/git-core/git git) (cd $TERMUX_PREFIX/bin; ln -s -f ../libexec/git-core/git-upload-pack git-upload-pack) } termux_step_post_massage () { if [ ! -f libexec/git-core/git-remote-https ]; then termux_error_exit "Git built without https support" fi }