#!/bin/bash # # NOTE: This function returns true even when CURRENT_VERSION = "1.0" and LATEST_VERSION = "1.0-1". # This is logically correct, but repology sometimes returns "1.0-1" as the latest version even # if "1.0" is latest. This happens when any of the repositories tracked by repology has specified # "1.0-1" as the latest. # # For example: # latest lua:lpeg version (as of 2021-11-20T12:21:31) is "1.0.2" but MacPorts specifies as "1.0.2-1". # Hence repology returns "1.0.2-1" as the latest. # # But hopefully, all this can be avoided if TERMUX_PKG_AUTO_UPDATE_TAG_REGEXP is set. # termux_pkg_is_update_needed() { if [[ "$#" -lt 2 ]] || [[ "$#" -gt 3 ]]; then termux_error_exit <<-EndOfUsage Usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} [version-regexp] Returns: 0 if update is needed, 1 if not. EndOfUsage fi local CURRENT_VERSION="$1" local LATEST_VERSION="$2" local VERSION_REGEX="${3:-}" # If needed, filter version numbers from tag by using regexp. if [[ -n "${VERSION_REGEX}" ]]; then LATEST_VERSION="$(grep -oP "${VERSION_REGEX}" <<<"${LATEST_VERSION}" || true)" if [[ -z "${LATEST_VERSION}" ]]; then termux_error_exit <<-EndOfError ERROR: failed to check latest version. Ensure whether the version regex '${VERSION_REGEX}' works correctly with latest release tag. EndOfError fi fi # Translate "_" into ".": some packages use underscores to seperate # version numbers, but we require them to be separated by dots. LATEST_VERSION="${LATEST_VERSION//_/.}" # Compare versions. # shellcheck disable=SC2091 if $( cat <<-EOF | python3 - import sys from pkg_resources import parse_version if parse_version("${CURRENT_VERSION}") < parse_version("${LATEST_VERSION}"): sys.exit(0) else: sys.exit(1) EOF ); then return 0 # true. Update needed. fi return 1 # false. Update not needed. } # Make script sourceable as well as executable. if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "${0}" ]]; then declare -f termux_error_exit >/dev/null || . "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/termux_error_exit.sh" termux_pkg_is_update_needed "$@" fi