name: "Package request" description: "Request a new package" title: "[Package]: " labels: ["package request"] body: - type: markdown attributes: value: | If our repositories do not provide a package that fullfill your needs, consider requesting it. Use search to check whether package has been requested previously. To submit a request of a new package, fill the form below. Be patient, do not expect that package will get added immediately. - type: textarea attributes: label: Package description description: A clear and concise description of what this package do and why it should be added to Termux repositories. validations: required: true - type: input attributes: label: Home page URL - type: input attributes: label: Source code URL placeholder: Link to Git or source archive validations: required: true - type: checkboxes attributes: label: Packaging policy acknowledgement description: Not every package could be added and do not forget that Termux is operated by limited team and hosting resources. options: - label: I have read and understand the [Packaging Policy]( required: true - type: textarea attributes: label: Additional information description: | Have you tried to compile it on device? If it did not work then provide the error you ran into. Otherwise please share build steps and any patches that you had to apply.