#!/data/data/me.sergiotarxz.openmg.x11/files/usr/bin/bash ## ## A script for building qmake on device. ## Use in Termux only ! ## ## Usage: ## ## ./termux-build-qmake.sh set -e TERMUX_PREFIX=/data/data/me.sergiotarxz.openmg.x11/files/usr if [ $(uname -o) != Android ]; then echo "This script should be run in Termux !" exit 1 fi if [ -e "build.sh" ]; then source ./build.sh fi apt update apt upgrade -y apt install -y coreutils clang curl debianutils make hash -r ## Override function from build.sh since we are ## building for host. termux_step_configure () { export PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR="${TERMUX_PREFIX}" ./configure -v \ -opensource \ -confirm-license \ -release \ -platform termux \ -shared \ -no-rpath \ -no-use-gold-linker \ -prefix "${TERMUX_PREFIX}" \ -docdir "${TERMUX_PREFIX}/share/doc/qt" \ -archdatadir "${TERMUX_PREFIX}/lib/qt" \ -datadir "${TERMUX_PREFIX}/share/qt" \ -plugindir "${TERMUX_PREFIX}/libexec/qt" \ -nomake examples \ -no-pch \ -no-accessibility \ -no-glib \ -icu \ -system-pcre \ -system-zlib \ -system-freetype \ -ssl \ -openssl-linked \ -no-system-proxies \ -no-cups \ -system-harfbuzz \ -no-opengl \ -no-vulkan \ -qpa xcb \ -no-eglfs \ -no-gbm \ -no-kms \ -no-linuxfb \ -no-libudev \ -no-evdev \ -no-libinput \ -no-mtdev \ -no-tslib \ -xcb \ -xcb-xlib \ -gif \ -system-libpng \ -system-libjpeg \ -system-sqlite \ -sql-sqlite } if [ ! -e "qtbase-everywhere-opensource-src-${TERMUX_PKG_VERSION}.tar.xz" ]; then echo "[*] Downloading Qt sources..." curl -L --output "qtbase-everywhere-opensource-src-${TERMUX_PKG_VERSION}.tar.xz" "${TERMUX_PKG_SRCURL}" fi echo "[*] Unpacking Qt sources..." rm -rf "qtbase-everywhere-src-${TERMUX_PKG_VERSION}" tar xf "qtbase-everywhere-opensource-src-${TERMUX_PKG_VERSION}.tar.xz" cd "qtbase-everywhere-src-${TERMUX_PKG_VERSION}" && { ## Patch the source for i in `ls ../*.patch`; do patch -p1 -Ni "${i}" done unset i ## We need only qmake generated by configure, so ignoring ## errors here. set +e echo "[*] Running ./configure..." termux_step_configure set -e cd qmake && { ## Bootstrap qmake. echo "[*] Bootstrapping qmake..." ../bin/qmake -spec termux -o Makefile.qmake-aux qmake-aux.pro make -f Makefile.qmake-aux ## Just verify. echo "[*] Verifying..." ./qmake -spec termux -o Makefile.qmake-aux qmake-aux.pro make -f Makefile.qmake-aux cd - } cd ../ } echo "[*] Done. Check file './qmake-$(uname -m)-linux-android'." cp "qtbase-everywhere-src-${TERMUX_PKG_VERSION}/qmake/qmake" "./qmake-$(uname -m)-linux-android"