
146 lines
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'\" t
.\" Title: apt-config
.\" Author: Jason Gunthorpe
.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.79.1 <http://docbook.sf.net/>
.\" Date: 30\ \&November\ \&2013
.\" Manual: APT
.\" Source: APT 1.4.9
.\" Language: English
.TH "APT\-CONFIG" "8" "30\ \&November\ \&2013" "APT 1.4.9" "APT"
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.\" * Define some portability stuff
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.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
.\" http://bugs.debian.org/507673
.\" http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2009-02/msg00013.html
.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
.ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq
.el .ds Aq '
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.\" * set default formatting
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.\" disable hyphenation
.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
.ad l
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apt-config \- APT Configuration Query program
.HP \w'\fBapt\-config\fR\ 'u
\fBapt\-config\fR [\fB\-\-empty\fR] [\fB\-\-format\ \*(Aq\fR\fB\fI%f\ "%v";%n\fR\fR\fB\*(Aq\fR] [\fB\-o=\fR\fB\fIconfig_string\fR\fR] [\fB\-c=\fR\fB\fIconfig_file\fR\fR] {shell | dump | {\-v\ |\ \-\-version} | {\-h\ |\ \-\-help}}
is an internal program used by various portions of the APT suite to provide consistent configurability\&. It accesses the main configuration file
in a manner that is easy to use for scripted applications\&.
Unless the
\fB\-h\fR, or
option is given, one of the commands below must be present\&.
.RS 4
shell is used to access the configuration information from a shell script\&. It is given pairs of arguments, the first being a shell variable and the second the configuration value to query\&. As output it lists shell assignment commands for each value present\&. In a shell script it should be used as follows:
.if n \{\
.RS 4
RES=`apt\-config shell OPTS MyApp::options`
eval $RES
.if n \{\
This will set the shell environment variable $OPTS to the value of MyApp::options with a default of
The configuration item may be postfixed with a /[fdbi]\&. f returns file names, d returns directories, b returns true or false and i returns an integer\&. Each of the returns is normalized and verified internally\&.
.RS 4
Just show the contents of the configuration space\&.
All command line options may be set using the configuration file, the descriptions indicate the configuration option to set\&. For boolean options you can override the config file by using something like
or several other variations\&.
.RS 4
Include options which have an empty value\&. This is the default, so use \-\-no\-empty to remove them from the output\&.
\fB\-\-format \*(Aq\fR\fB\fI%f "%v";%n\fR\fR\fB\*(Aq\fR
.RS 4
Defines the output of each config option\&. %t will be replaced with its individual name, %f with its full hierarchical name and %v with its value\&. Use uppercase letters and special characters in the value will be encoded to ensure that it can e\&.g\&. be safely used in a quoted\-string as defined by RFC822\&. Additionally %n will be replaced by a newline, and %N by a tab\&. A % can be printed by using %%\&.
\fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR
.RS 4
Show a short usage summary\&.
\fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-version\fR
.RS 4
Show the program version\&.
\fB\-c\fR, \fB\-\-config\-file\fR
.RS 4
Configuration File; Specify a configuration file to use\&. The program will read the default configuration file and then this configuration file\&. If configuration settings need to be set before the default configuration files are parsed specify a file with the
environment variable\&. See
for syntax information\&.
\fB\-o\fR, \fB\-\-option\fR
.RS 4
Set a Configuration Option; This will set an arbitrary configuration option\&. The syntax is
\fB\-o Foo::Bar=bar\fR\&.
can be used multiple times to set different options\&.
returns zero on normal operation, decimal 100 on error\&.
\m[blue]\fBAPT bug page\fR\m[]\&\s-2\u[1]\d\s+2\&. If you wish to report a bug in APT, please see
or the
\fBJason Gunthorpe\fR
.RS 4
\fBAPT team\fR
.RS 4
.IP " 1." 4
APT bug page
.RS 4