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Setup inkscape

  • import the inkscape palette in the Tools folder. how?:
  • copy other/aleta-inkscape.gpl to:
  • flatpak inkscape version: ~/.var/app/org.inkscape.Inkscape/config/inkscape/palettes
  • native inkscape version: ~/.config/inkscape/palettes.


  • the position of the icon will fit in the hints.
  • the drawing must be white.
  • the final icon must be only paths.
  • the minimal width is a square of the grid. preferably make -2 squares lines- as minimum.
  • if the icon is complex, simplify it,
  • please use a color that is aproximated to the original; if the original icon shows many colors, decide by yourself what are the best color to use.

folder design

  • instead of the template.svg, use the template-folder.svg.
  • in that template are two hints more; they are for the subicon. * the pink is the limit of the icon. * the red is the limit of the icon's stroke.

subicons and folder

  • the subicon of an icon that use the subicon template need to have a stroke of 1 px, the same color of the background, the order: "makers, stroke, fill", and it need to be converted to path.


if you have questions about how to draw icons, contact me on my telegram.