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The `ESP32-S2-Saola-1 <https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32s2/hw-reference/esp32s2/user-guide-saola-1-v1.2.html>`_
is a development board for the ESP32-S2 SoC from Espressif, based on the following modules:
In this guide, we take ESP32-S2-Saola-1 equipped with ESP32-S2-WROVER as an example.
.. figure:: esp32-s2-saola-1-v1.2-isometric.png
:alt: ESP32-S2-Saola-1
:figclass: align-center
- 4 MB external SPI flash + 2 MB PSRAM
- USB-to-UART bridge via micro USB port
- Power LED
- EN and BOOT buttons
- RGB LED (Addressable RGB LED (WS2812), driven by GPIO18)
Serial Console
UART0 is, by default, the serial console. It connects to the on-board
CP2102 converter and is available on the micro-USB connector (J1).
It will show up as /dev/ttyUSB[n] where [n] will probably be 0.
Buttons and LEDs
There are two buttons labeled Boot and EN. The EN button is not available
to the software. It pulls the chip enable line that doubles as a reset line.
The BOOT button is connected to IO0. On reset, it is used as a strapping
pin to determine whether the chip boots normally or into the serial
bootloader. After resetting, however, the BOOT button can be used for
software input.
There are two on-board LEDs. RED_LED (D5) indicates the presence of 3.3V
power and is not controlled by software. RGB LED (U6) is a WS2812 addressable
LED and is driven by GPIO18.
ESP32-S2 has an I2S peripheral accessible using either the generic I2S audio
driver or a specific audio codec driver
(`CS4344 <https://www.cirrus.com/products/cs4344-45-48/>`__ bindings are
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available at the moment). The generic I2S audio driver enables using both
the receiver module (RX) and the transmitter module (TX) without using any
specific codec. Also, it's possible to use the I2S character device driver
to bypass the audio subsystem and write directly to the I2S peripheral.
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.. note:: When using the audio system, sample rate and data width are
automatically set by the upper half audio driver.
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.. note:: The above statement is not valid when using the I2S character
device driver.
It's possible to use 8, 16, 24, and 32-bit-widths writing directly to the
I2S character device. Just make sure to set the bit-width::
$ make menuconfig
-> System Type
-> ESP32-S2 Peripheral Selection
-> I2S
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-> Bit Witdh
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The following configurations use the I2S peripheral::
* :ref:`platforms/xtensa/esp32s2/boards/esp32s2-saola-1/index:audio`
* :ref:`platforms/xtensa/esp32s2/boards/esp32s2-saola-1/index:i2schar`
* :ref:`platforms/xtensa/esp32s2/boards/esp32s2-saola-1/index:nxlooper`
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This configuration uses the I2S peripheral and an externally connected audio
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codec to play an audio file. The easiest way of playing an uncompressed file
is embedding into the firmware. This configuration selects
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`romfs example <https://github.com/apache/incubator-nuttx-apps/tree/master/examples/romfs>`__
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to allow that.
**Audio Codec Setup**
The CS4344 audio codec is connected to the following pins:
============ ========== =========================================
ESP32-S2 Pin CS4344 Pin Description
============ ========== =========================================
33 MCLK Master Clock
35 SCLK Serial Clock
34 LRCK Left Right Clock (Word Select)
36 SDIN Serial Data In on CS4344. (DOUT on ESP32)
============ ========== =========================================
**ROMFS example**
Prepare and build the `audio` defconfig::
$ make -j distclean && ./tools/configure.sh esp32s2-saola-1:audio && make
This will create a temporary folder in `apps/examples/romfs/testdir`. Move
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a PCM-encoded (`.wav`) audio file with 16 or 24 bits/sample (sampled at 16~48kHz)
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to this folder.
.. note:: You can use :download:`this 440 Hz sinusoidal tone <tone.wav>`.
The audio file should be located at `apps/examples/romfs/testdir/tone.wav`
Build the project again and flash it (make sure not to clean it, just build)
After successfully built and flashed, load the romfs and play it::
$ nsh> romfs
$ nsh> nxplayer
$ nxplayer> play /usr/share/local/tone.wav
This configuration enables the I2S character device and the i2schar example
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app, which provides an easy-to-use way of testing the I2S peripheral,
enabling both the TX and the RX for those peripherals.
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**I2S pinout**
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============ ========== =========================================
ESP32-S2 Pin Signal Pin Description
============ ========== =========================================
33 MCLK Master Clock
35 SCLK Bit Clock (SCLK)
34 LRCK Word Select (LRCLK)
36 DOUT Data Out
37 DIN Data In
============ ========== =========================================
After successfully built and flashed, run on the boards's terminal::
nsh> i2schar
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The corresponding output should show related debug information.
Basic NuttShell configuration (console enabled in UART0, exposed via
USB connection by means of CP2102 converter, at 115200 bps).
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This configuration uses the I2S peripheral as an I2S receiver and
transmitter at the same time. The idea is to capture an I2S data frame
using the RX module and reproduce the captured data on the TX module.
**Receiving and transmitting data on I2S**
The I2S will act as a receiver (master mode), capturing data from DIN, which
needs to be connected to an external source as follows:
============ ========== =========================================
ESP32-S2 Pin Signal Pin Description
============ ========== =========================================
33 MCLK Master Clock
35 SCLK Bit Clock (SCLK) Output
34 LRCK Word Select (LRCLK) Output
36 DOUT Data Out
37 DIN Data In
============ ========== =========================================
The DOUT pin will output the captured data frame.
.. note:: The ESP32-S2 contains a single I2S peripheral, so the peripheral
works on "full-duplex" mode. The `SCLK` and `LRCK` signals are connected
internally and the TX module is set-up as slave and the RX as master.
The `nxlooper` application captures data from the audio device with receiving
capabilities and forwards the audio data frame to the audio device with
transmitting capabilities.
After successfully built and flashed, run on the boards's terminal::
nsh> nxlooper
nxlooper> loopback
.. note:: `loopback` command default arguments for the channel configuration,
the data width and the sample rate are, respectively, 2 channels,
16 bits/sample and 48KHz. These arguments can be supplied to select
different audio formats, for instance::
nxlooper> loopback 2 8 44100
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This config tests the general-use purpose timers. It includes the 4 timers,
adds driver support, registers the timers as devices and includes the timer
To test it, just run the following::
nsh> timer -d /dev/timerx
Where x in the timer instance.
This config test the watchdog timers. It includes the 2 MWDTs,
adds driver support, registers the WDTs as devices and includes the watchdog
To test it, just run the following::
nsh> wdog -d /dev/watchdogx
Where x in the watchdog instance.