
This README file discusses the port of NuttX to the WaveShare Open1788 board:
See This board features the


  o LEDs
  o Buttons
  o FPU
  o Using OpenOCD with the Olimex ARM-USB-OCD
  o Configuration


The Open1788 base board has four user LEDs

  LED1 : Connected to P1[14]
  LED2 : Connected to P0[16]
  LED3 : Connected to P1[13]
  LED4 : Connected to P4[27]

If CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS is not defined, then the user can control the LEDs in
any way using the defitions provided in the board.h header file.

If CONFIG_ARCH_LEDs is defined, then NuttX will control the 3 LEDs on the
WaveShare Open1788K.  The following definitions describe how NuttX controls
the LEDs:
                             LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4
  LED_STARTED                OFF  OFF  OFF  OFF
  LED_INIRQ                  LED3 glows, on while in interupt
  LED_SIGNAL                 LED3 glows, on while in signal handler
  LED_ASSERTION              LED3 glows, on while in assertion
  LED_PANIC                  LED3 Flashes at 2Hz
  LED_IDLE                   LED glows, ON while sleeping


The Open1788K supports several buttons:

  USER1           : Connected to P4[26]
  USER2           : Connected to P2[22]
  USER3           : Connected to P0[10]

And a Joystick

  JOY_A           : Connected to P2[25]
  JOY_B           : Connected to P2[26]
  JOY_C           : Connected to P2[23]
  JOY_D           : Connected to P2[19]
  JOY_CTR         : Connected to P0[14]

These can be accessed using the definitions and interfaces defined in the
board.h header file.


FPU Configuration Options

There are two version of the FPU support built into the LPC17xx port.

1. Lazy Floating Point Register Save.

   This is an untested implementation that saves and restores FPU registers
   only on context switches.  This means: (1) floating point registers are
   not stored on each context switch and, hence, possibly better interrupt
   performance.  But, (2) since floating point registers are not saved,
   you cannot use floating point operations within interrupt handlers.

   This logic can be enabled by simply adding the following to your .config


2. Non-Lazy Floating Point Register Save

   Mike Smith has contributed an extensive re-write of the ARMv7-M exception
   handling logic. This includes verified support for the FPU.  These changes
   have not yet been incorporated into the mainline and are still considered
   experimental.  These FPU logic can be enabled with:


   You will probably also changes to the ld.script in if this option is selected.
   This should work:

   +ENTRY(__start)         /* Treat __start as the anchor for dead code stripping */
   +EXTERN(_vectors)       /* Force the vectors to be included in the output */


Only the Atollic toolchain has built-in support for the Cortex-M4 FPU.  You will see
the following lines in each Make.defs file:

    # Atollic toolchain under Windows
  ifeq ($(CONFIG_ARCH_FPU),y)
    ARCHCPUFLAGS = -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -march=armv7e-m -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard
    ARCHCPUFLAGS = -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=soft

If you are using a toolchain other than the Atollic toolchain, then to use the FPU
you will also have to modify the CFLAGS to enable compiler support for the ARMv7-M
FPU.  As of this writing, there are not many GCC toolchains that will support the
ARMv7-M FPU.  

As a minimum you will need to add CFLAG options to (1) enable hardware floating point
code generation, and to (2) select the FPU implementation.  You might try the same
options as used with the Atollic toolchain in the Make.defs file:

  ARCHCPUFLAGS = -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -march=armv7e-m -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard

Configuration Changes

Below are all of the configuration changes that I had to make to configs/stm3240g-eval/nsh2
in order to successfully build NuttX using the Atollic toolchain WITH FPU support:

  -CONFIG_ARCH_FPU=n              : Enable FPU support

  -CONFIG_STM32_CODESOURCERYW=y   : Disable the CodeSourcery toolchain

  -CONFIG_STM32_ATOLLIC_LITE=n   : Enable *one* the Atollic toolchains
  -CONFIG_STM32_ATOLLIC_LITE=y   : The "Lite" version
   CONFIG_STM32_ATOLLIC_PRO=n    : The "Pro" version

  -CONFIG_INTELHEX_BINARY=y       : Suppress generation FLASH download formats
  +CONFIG_INTELHEX_BINARY=n       : (Only necessary with the "Lite" version)

  -CONFIG_HAVE_CXX=y              : Suppress generation of C++ code
  +CONFIG_HAVE_CXX=n              : (Only necessary with the "Lite" version)

See the section above on Toolchains, NOTE 2, for explanations for some of
the configuration settings.  Some of the usual settings are just not supported
by the "Lite" version of the Atollic toolchain.

Using OpenOCD with the Olimex ARM-USB-OCD

  Building OpenOCD under Cygwin:

    Refer to configs/olimex-lpc1766stk/README.txt

  Installing OpenOCD in Ubuntu Linux:

    sudo apt-get install openocd

  Helper Scripts.

    I have been using the Olimex ARM-USB-OCD debugger.  OpenOCD
    requires a configuration file.  I keep the one I used last here:

    However, the "correct" configuration script to use with OpenOCD may
    change as the features of OpenOCD evolve.  So you should at least
    compare that open1788.cfg file with configuration files in
    /usr/share/openocd/scripts.  As of this writing, the configuration
    files of interest were:

        This is the configuration file for the Olimex ARM-USB-OCD
        debugger.  Select a different file if you are using some
        other debugger supported by OpenOCD.

        I don't see a board configuration file for the WaveShare
        Open1788 board.

        This is the configuration file for the the LPC1788 target.
        It just sets up a few parameters then sources lpc17xx.cfg

        This is the generic LPC configuration for the LPC17xx
        family.  It is included by lpc1788.cfg.

    NOTE:  These files could also be located under /usr/share in some
    installations.  They could be most anywhwere if you are using a
    windows version of OpenOCD.
        This is simply openocd-usb.cfg, lpc1788.cfg, and lpc17xx.cfg
        concatenated into one file for convenience.  Don't use it
        unless you have to.

    There is also a script on the tools/ directory that I use to start
    the OpenOCD daemon on my system called  That script will
    probably require some modifications to work in another environment:
    - Possibly the value of OPENOCD_PATH and TARGET_PATH
    - It assumes that the correct script to use is the one at

  Starting OpenOCD

    Then you should be able to start the OpenOCD daemon as follows.  This
    assumes that you have already CD'ed to the NuttX build directory:

      . ./ $PWD

    The script is a convenience script that you may choose to
    use or not.  It simply sets up the PATH variable so that you can
    automatically find  You could also do:

      configs/open1788/tools/ $PWD

  Connecting GDB

    Once the OpenOCD daemon has been started, you can connect to it via
    GDB using the following GDB command:

      (gdb) target remote localhost:3333

    NOTE:  The name of your GDB program may differ.  For example, with the
    CodeSourcery toolchain, the ARM GDB would be called arm-none-eabi-gdb.

    OpenOCD will support several special 'monitor' sub-commands.  You can
    use the 'monitor' (or simply 'mon') command to invoke these sub-
    commands. These GDB commands will send comments to the OpenOCD monitor.
    Here are a couple that you will need to use:
     (gdb) monitor reset
     (gdb) monitor halt

    1. The MCU must be halted using 'monitor halt' prior to loading code.
    2. 'monitor reset' will restart the processor after loading code.
    3. The 'monitor' command can be abbreviated as just 'mon'.

    After starting GDB, you can load the NuttX ELF file:

      (gdb) mon halt
      (gdb) load nuttx

    1. NuttX should have been built so that it has debugging symbols
       (by setting CONFIG_DEBUG_SYMBOLS=y in the .config file).
    2. The MCU must be halted prior to loading code.
    3. I find that there are often undetected write failures.  I usually
       load nuttx twice to assure good FLASH contents:
      (gdb) mon halt
      (gdb) load nuttx
      (gdb) mon reset
      (gdb) mon halt
      (gdb) load nuttx


    This configuration directory, performs a simple OS test using

    1. This configuration uses the mconf-based configuration tool.  To
       change this configuration using that tool, you should:

       a. Build and install the kconfig-mconf tool.  See nuttx/README.txt
          and misc/tools/

       b. Execute 'make menuconfig' in nuttx/ in order to start the
          reconfiguration process.

    2. Uses the older, OABI, buildroot toolchain.  But that is easily

       CONFIG_ARMV7M_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT=y : Buildroot toolchain
       CONFIG_ARMV7M_OABI_TOOLCHAIN=y      : Older, OABI toolchain

    This is identical to the nsh configuration below except that NuttX
    is built as a kernel-mode, monolithic module and the user applications
    are built separately.  Is is recommened to use a special make command;
    not just 'make' but make with the following two arguments:

        make pass1 pass2

    In the normal case (just 'make'), make will attempt to build both user-
    and kernel-mode blobs more or less interleaved.  This actual works!
    However, for me it is very confusing so I prefer the above make command:
    Make the user-space binaries first (pass1), then make the the kernel-space
    binaries (pass2)

    1. This configuration uses the mconf-based configuration tool.  To
       change this configuration using that tool, you should:

       a. Build and install the kconfig-mconf tool.  See nuttx/README.txt
          and misc/tools/

       b. Execute 'make menuconfig' in nuttx/ in order to start the
          reconfiguration process.

    2. Uses the older, OABI, buildroot toolchain.  But that is easily

       CONFIG_ARMV7M_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT=y : Buildroot toolchain
       CONFIG_ARMV7M_OABI_TOOLCHAIN=y      : Older, OABI toolchain

    3. At the end of the build, there will be several files in the top-level
       NuttX build directory:

         nuttx_user.elf    - The pass1 user-space ELF file
         nuttx_user.hex    - The pass1 Intel HEX format file (selected in defconfig)          - Symbols in the user-space ELF file

         nuttx             - The pass2 kernel-space ELF file
         nuttx.hex         - The pass2 Intel HEX file (selected in defconfig)        - Symbols in the kernel-space ELF file

       Loading these .elf files with OpenOCD is tricky.  It appears to me
       that when nuttx_user.elf is loaded, it destroys the the nuttx image
       in FLASH.  But loading the nuttx ELF does not harm the nuttx_user.elf
       in FLASH.  Conclusion:  Always load nuttx_user.elf before nuttx.

       Just to complicate matters, it is sometimes the case that you need
       load objects twice to account for write failures.  I have not yet
       found a simple foolproof way to reliably get the code into FLASH.

    4. Combining .hex files.  If you plan to use the .hex files with your
       debugger or FLASH utility, then you may need to combine the two hex
       files into a single .hex file.  Here is how you can do that.

       a. The 'tail' of the nuttx.hex file should look something like this
          (with my comments added):

            $ tail nuttx.hex
            # 00, data records
            :10 9DC0 00 01000000000800006400020100001F0004
            :10 9DD0 00 3B005A0078009700B500D400F300110151
            :08 9DE0 00 30014E016D0100008D
            # 05, Start Linear Address Record
            :04 0000 05 0800 0419 D2
            # 01, End Of File record
            :00 0000 01 FF

          Use an editor such as vi to remove the 05 and 01 records.

       b. The 'head' of the nuttx_user.hex file should look something like
          this (again with my comments added):

            $ head nuttx_user.hex
            # 04, Extended Linear Address Record
            :02 0000 04 0801 F1
            # 00, data records
            :10 8000 00 BD89 01084C800108C8110208D01102087E
            :10 8010 00 0010 00201C1000201C1000203C16002026
            :10 8020 00 4D80 01085D80010869800108ED83010829

          Nothing needs to be done here.  The nuttx_user.hex file should
          be fine.

       c. Combine the edited nuttx.hex and un-edited nuttx_user.hex
          file to produce a single combined hex file:

          $ cat nuttx.hex nuttx_user.hex >combined.hex

       Then use the combined.hex file with the to write the FLASH image.
       If you do this a lot, you will probably want to invest a little time
       to develop a tool to automate these steps.

    Configures the NuttShell (nsh) located at examples/nsh.  The
    Configuration enables only the serial NSH interface.

    1. This configuration uses the mconf-based configuration tool.  To
       change this configuration using that tool, you should:

       a. Build and install the kconfig-mconf tool.  See nuttx/README.txt
          and misc/tools//README.txt.

       b. Execute 'make menuconfig' in nuttx/ in order to start the
          reconfiguration process.

    2. Uses the older, OABI, buildroot toolchain.  But that is easily

       CONFIG_ARMV7M_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT=y : Buildroot toolchain
       CONFIG_ARMV7M_OABI_TOOLCHAIN=y      : Older, OABI toolchain

    3. This NSH has support for built-in applications enabled, however,
       no built-in configurations are built in the defulat configuration.

    4. This configuration has been used for verifying SDRAM by modifying
       the configuration in the following ways:

       CONFIG_LPC17_EMC=y                  : Enable the EMC
       CONFIG_ARCH_EXTDRAM=y               : Configure external DRAM
       CONFIG_ARCH_EXTDRAMSIZE=67108864    : DRAM size 2x256/8 = 64MB
       CONFIG_SYSTEM_RAMTEST=y             : Enable the RAM test built-in

       In this configuration, the SDRAM is not added to heap and so is
       not excessible to the applications.  So the RAM test can be
       freely executed against the SRAM memory beginning at address
       0xa000:0000 (CS0).

    Configures the graphics example located at examples/nsh.  This
    configuration enables SDRAM to hold the LCD framebuffer and enables
    the LPC178x LCD driver in order to support the WaveShare 4.3 inch TFT

    1. This configuration uses the mconf-based configuration tool.  To
       change this configuration using that tool, you should:

       a. Build and install the kconfig-mconf tool.  See nuttx/README.txt
          and misc/tools//README.txt.

       b. Execute 'make menuconfig' in nuttx/ in order to start the
          reconfiguration process.

    2. Uses the older, OABI, buildroot toolchain.  But that is easily

       CONFIG_ARMV7M_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT=y : Buildroot toolchain
       CONFIG_ARMV7M_OABI_TOOLCHAIN=y      : Older, OABI toolchain

    3. In this configuration, the SDRAM is not added to heap but is
       dedicated to supporting an LCD frame buffer at address 0xa0010000.