arch/arm/src/tiva/hardware: Add CC13xx SMPH and AUX SMPH header files. Still need DDI0 OSC header file for CC13x0 compilation.
arch/arm/src/tiva/cc13xx: A few changes toward getting the launchxl-cc1310/nsh configuration to build
Squashed commit of the following:
confgs/launchxl-cc1310: Add board support for the LaunchXL-CC1310. This is a work in progress and does not yet build error free.
arch/arm/src/tiva/cc13xx: cc13x0_trim.c now compiles; Make xxx_rom.h header files conform a little more closely to the NuttX coding style.
arch/arm/src/tiva/cc13xx: CC13x2 (V1 and V2) rom.c files now build with no errors or warnings. Still have to work through the CC13x0 version.
arch/arm/src/tiva/hardware: Add CC13x0/CC13x2_CC26x2 AON BATMON register definition header file.
arch/arm/src/tiva/cc13xx: A little more progress converting TI DriverLib ROM code to NuttX coding style. Lots of possibilities for breakage here!
arch/arm/src/tiva/cc13xx: Remove functions from cc13x._rom.c that are defined from ROM access in cc13x._rom.h; Add prototypes in cc13x._rom.h for functions in cc13x._rom.c that are not defined in cc13x._rom.h.
arch/arm/src/tiva/cc13xx: Remove some dangling whitespace at the end of lines.
arch/arm/src/tiva/cc13xx: Second (and final) round of name changes to get ROM function-like defines consistent with NuttX coding standard
arch/arm/src/tiva/cc13xx: Fix a few errors in last big name conversion.
arch/arm/src/tiva/cc13xx: First round of name changes to get ROM function-like defines consistent with NuttX coding standard
arch/arm/src/tiva/cc13xx: Remove ROM_ prefix from function-like defines.
arch/arm/src/tiva/hardware: Completes the CC13x2 AUX SYSIF header file.
arch/arm/src/tiva/hardware: Progress on the CC13x2 AUX SYSIF header file. Almost complete.
arch/arm/src/tiva/hardware: Port needs aux_sysif.h header file.
arch/arm/src/tiva/cc13xx/cc13x0_rom.h: Fix a typo
arch/arm/src/tiva/cc13xx: More changes to TI DriverLib ROM header files for NuttX coding standard.
arch/arm/src/tiva/cc13xx: Convert some (but not all) TI DriverLib ROM function names to NuttX coding standard. More to be done.
arm/src/tiva/cc13xx: ROM header files: missed a couple of conversions of sructure field names to lower case (vs CamelCase).
arm/src/tiva/cc13xx: ROM header files: type'ed names must be lower case per coding standard (not upper case); structure field names must be lower case per coding standard (not CamelCase).
arch/arm/src/tiva/cc13xx: Trim logic needs to include matching ROM DriverLib interface header file.
arch/arm/src/tiva/cc13xx: Add ROM DriverLib header files. Do not yet fully conform to the NuttX coding style.
arch/arm/src/tiva/cc13xx: Trim code now kind of looks like NuttX code. But does not yet compile.
arch/arm/src/tiva/cc13xx: The first few, feeble steps toward getting the overall trim files compatible with the requirements of the NuttX coding standard.
arch/arm/src/tiva/cc13xx: Replace last of TI hardware access macros with NuttX hardware access macros.
arch/arm/src/tiva/cc13xx: Change TI HWREGB to NuttX getreg8 or putreg8 in trim logic.
arch/arm/src/tiva/cc13xx: Change TI HWREGBITW to NuttX getreg32/putreg32 sequence in trim logic.
arch/arm/src/tiva/hardware/cc13x2_cc26x2/cc13x2_cc26x2_ddi0_osc.h: Completes the DDIO OSC header file.
cc13x2_cc26x2/cc13x2_cc26x2_ddi0_osc.h: Updated, but still not finished.
arch/arm/src/tiva/hardware/cc13x2_cc26x2/cc13x2_cc26x2_ddi0_osc.h: Add DDI0 OSC header file. Still a work in progress. Does not yet conform to the NuttX coding standard.
Change _M and _S to _MASK and _SHIFT.
Some minor improvements.
Clean up typos in some comments.
Run all new files against tools/
arch/arm/src/tiva/cc13xx: Bring in trim files from SDK. Convert to C-style comments, lowercase hex contants. Remove Windows-style line endings.
I still observe data abort crash if I compile the code with optimization enabled.
The next steps are to investigate the optimization issue and add Watchdog module. Currently, NSH does not run for a long time ;)
arch/arm/src/am335x/am335x_irq.c: Correct interrupt processing routine
configs/beaglebone-black/nsh/defconfig: Enable debug compilation options. Otherwise data abort crash is observed
arch/arm/src/am335x/am335x_lowputc.c and arch/arm/src/am335x/chip/am335x_uart.h: UART-related cosmetic changes
arch/arm/src/am335x/am335x_timerisr.c: Make sure that Timer 1 interrupts are disabled before any access to peripheral registers
stm32f0l0: SPI and GPIO EXTI support
arch/arm/src/stm32f0l0: add support for GPIO EXTI
configs/nucleo-l073rz: support for nrf24l01
configs/b-l072z-lrwan1/include/board.h: add note about onboard Murata CMWX1ZZABZ-09 module and definitions for available peripherals
Approved-by: GregoryN <>
Commit 8b63d0230936bd7d6bd94f4c76b9402946f69b21 was reverted. This related commit must now also be reverted to avoid compilation errors.
This reverts commit e8270defc9b26f7a7199288fa9ba203a96ed63d4.
Masayuki Ishikawa reports that this commit breaks ALL PROTECTED mode builds.
It violates the basic requirements of the use of the MPU in protected mode. Those basic requirements are:
1. The MPU region must be aligned to the base address of the memory region being mapped (it may NEVER extend before the memory region). That is, the following MUST always be zero:
(base & ((1 << l2size) - 1))
2. The MPU region must never extend beyond the end of the memory region. That is, the following must be true:
size >= (1 << l2size)
This reverts commit 8b63d0230936bd7d6bd94f4c76b9402946f69b21.