When it was in slow speed mode (by default), the output SDMMC_CK clock rise and
fall times were about 13 ns each, that were very slow and
prevented some SDIO devices from working.
This commit enables the MCAN driver to function with both rev A and rev B
version of the chip. The version of the chip is selected automtically from
SAM_CHIPID_CIDR register so there is no need to predefined it in the
The functonality was tested on rev B version of the chip. The rev A was
not tested since I do not have the functional board but the code remains
the same as in the previous NuttX version so it should not cause any
additional troubles.
The code is co-authored by Miloš Pokorný who wrote the initial transition
to rev B of the chip.
Signed-off-by: Michal Lenc <michallenc@seznam.cz>
Co-authored-by: Miloš Pokorný <milos.pokorny@seznam.cz>
- This commit replaces the critical section with spinlock
- The logic is the same as cxd56_serial.c
- None
- Tested with lc823450-xgevk:bt
Signed-off-by: Masayuki Ishikawa <Masayuki.Ishikawa@jp.sony.com>
2.fix some files to fix compile warning
3.remove blueteeth header files, which are not used in nuttx core.
4.fix configs and add lost files
5.update defconfig, remove useless items
6.fix compile warning for nuttx phyplus
7.delete useless: ble, h4, zblue defconfig files form phyplus configure folder
8.fix file format check error on phyplus source code
9.fix phyplus kconfig param error
10.update configure file for nuttx
The Atmel samv7 implements progmem functionality. However, there is
missing ARCH_HAVE_PROGMEM Kconfig symbol. This add missing symbol.
Signed-off-by: Gerson Fernando Budke <nandojve@gmail.com>
This commit adds DMA and TC support to SAMV7 AFEC driver. The AFEC (ADC)
can now be triggered by Timer/counter at chosen frewuency and samples can
be transfered via DMA with configurable number of samples. Timer/counter
trigger is now set as a default option with the possibility to change it
to software generated trigger.
DMA is inspired by SAMA5 driver and also uses ping pong buffers.
Signed-off-by: Michal Lenc <michallenc@seznam.cz>
Just a minor change fixing some compile warnings and errros, does not have
any impact on functionality.
Signed-off-by: Michal Lenc <michallenc@seznam.cz>
The FAT was not coherent. Resulting in a write failed
with errno:28 No space left on device.
It is unclear how the memory is acesses prior to the DMA
completion. But this restructuring ensures the data
is coherent.
This issue was not detected on the stm32h7
Gregory Nutt has submitted the SGA
Haltian Ltd has submitted the SGA
Uros Platise has submitted the ICLA
as a result we can migrate the licenses to Apache.
Signed-off-by: Alin Jerpelea <alin.jerpelea@sony.com>
When enable DEBUG_TCBINFO config, a global struct will
provide, then debuggers can aware nuttx task infomation.
Signed-off-by: zhuyanlin <zhuyanlin1@xiaomi.com>
This commit adds microcontroller support for Analog Front End driver to
samv7 MCUs. Only software trigger via IOCTL is currently supported,
averaging can be set by configuration option CONFIG_SAMV7_AFECn_RES.
Signed-off-by: Michal Lenc <michallenc@seznam.cz>